Dee S.

I was kicked out of this community because of a woman who lived there complained to Amanda the Manager that I "stripped by the pool on my birthday". It was my Birthday July 4th and all my guests witnessed me the entire day in a dress which was never even taken off to enjoy the pool. Unfortunately even though my Family and Friends as well as my neighbors knew that this was made up and slanderous, Amanda the Manager believed her and Amanda made sure my Lease was not renewed. When I got the notice in October, I went to the office to speak to Amanda to see why my lease was not being renewed. Amanda confronted me and said "You had a party by the pool on your Birthday?... You stripped by the pool". I was so shocked. I asked her who said this? I also asked her If I stripped by the pool on July 4th how come no one mentioned it to me until three months later? The entire community would have been talking about it but no one had heard anything. Not one word about it as it came as a shock to everyone who was at the Party as well as all my neighbors and my Family. This woman had told Amanda juicy and absoluty untrue details about lots of neighbors being Russian spies Drug Dealers etc. and had many kicked out as I learned later. Amanda proceeded to say that they had video evidence of me stripping by the pool. I asked Amanda to produce the tape of me stripping and she denied my request. I heard shortly afterwards from the security gaurd that the pool cameras were not even working during the July 4th holiday. So Amanda was gaslighting me. I knew there was no tape of me stripping because I did not even go in the pool much less take my Birthday dress off the entire day. I was busy hosting my party with my Daughter, my Best Friend and sweet neighbors. I was also late on my rent a few times which did not help the situation because I was having issues with my Coinbase account overdrawing my bank account twice. So ultimately they were able to make sure I was unable to rent at Malibu Canyon and said it was because of that instead of the stripping RUMOR. But is was mostly because the woman slandering me and Amanda believed her. My neighbors cried when they saw me go. I was very helpful always the one to give a ride if someone needed one. Always showed up when someone needed help. I had one neighbor who relied on my rides she was disabled. Oh well, the woman who slandered me had told me before July 4th that she works for Aimco the company who owns Malibu Canyon as an "attorney". The woman also has rabbits and doves in her own apartment, running and flying around and in the meanwhile she told Amanda about all the neighbors who had unregistered animals in their apartment. But those people did not lose their place like I did. One woman was a good friend and a sweet lady and the cat was only there for visiting not living with her only when her daughter was there part time. This woman is very bad and she still lives there to this day right and she lives right by the pool. She told me that she gets paid to spy for Aimco and unfor"tunately she makes up LIES to do her job if that is even true. Amanda has since been fired too many complaints from community members who had a bad brush with her fierce side. Not very good at discerning gossip. The floors are also very thin, so if you live upstairs the downstairs neighbors complain about noise and another reason to get kicked out. Very unstable. I deserve an apology from Aimco and Malibu Canyon for how they treated me purely based upon a mentally unstable woman's words. Very sad and I know she had MANY people kicked out of Malibu Canyon over made up lies that Amanda unfortunately believed. Very Sad. Life is too short to have bad neighbors who tell lies about good people. My family was devastated I had to leave, they loved to visit and I loved it there. It was devastating and it took me 2 years to not cry when I talked about it. I have healed and I miss my neighbors they always ask me to come and visit. David Stone is an awesome guy. He voted me "LEAST LIKELY TO STRIP" Sonny is an awesome guy too my Greek Neighbor I miss it there!!! . BEWARE it is worse than Payton's Place with spies who make up lies and ruin good peoples reputations. I hope that woman was lying that she was a paid SPY for Aimco.Really messed up if true. Not a stable place to lease a place from.