Rachel H.

Do not live here. First, when we signed the lease to live here, both my roommate and I signed up for a parking spot. However, they only gave us one parking spot when we moved in and told us they had no explanation for not giving us both. On the first night here, my car was severely keyed on all doors and the hood. The damage was over $4k and I am a law student living off student loans. The office refused to help in any way, there is no security throughout the whole place, and the staff was not kind. Second, after I got my entire car got repainted, my car battery died and my car was stuck in the parking spot. In these two days it was dead, my car door got "dinged" so badly that the paint was entirely taken off, not just a scratch. $400 more to repaint my entire door. We know who it was considering my car was dead and not going anywhere, there was 0% chance it happened somewhere else. The man who parks next to me refused to pay, and the office would not do anything about it again. Now today, he scratched my roommates car door. Once again the office is not helping us at all. The man who keeps hitting our cars claims he "needs" that spot because the spot we have is tight and the office took his side despite the damage and stress he is causing to us, law students with negative money. You lose the right to say you "need" the spot when you are causing severe and expensive damage to others cars and the office has all the power to remove him from the spot. On top of all of this, we still only have one spot for two of us, so one of us has to park on the street every day which the office still did not explain or resolve. Besides the thousands of dollars of car damage, the staff replies to residents unkindly and sassy, it is very unprofessional. They don't work Mondays for some reason. We have had a nasty bug problem. They shut off the power to the whole complex one Saturday afternoon and didn't turn it back on until Sunday morning, giving no notice to majority of residents. Maybe they have a thing for not helping out females, maybe it is because we are young, who knows, but 0/10 recommend living here.