Will S.

PLEASE READ AND DO NOT FALL INTO THE TRAP. Please see photos supporting my review. Where do I begin with this place. When I originally moved in I was quoted 2200 a month, after parking, sewer, pest control, gas, trash, add service fee and insurance it was 2,469. With that being said obviously it was off to a bad start. I had my key fob and wristband stolen from the pool area, which I reported to them immediately and they charged me 200 for the fob and wristband. The unit above me had a leak in the tub causing it to drip into my unit downstairs. It took 2 days for them to repair and the ceiling was brown from the water damage which they never painted. The parking spots are small and I have a large SUV. In September of 2019 when the spot became available next to me which was for larger vehicles, I went to the office and spoke to the receptionist to change to the spot next to me since it was vacant. I was told to speak to be manager Amanda on scene. I wrote 4 separate emails to her asking for the spot with not one single reply. I know it was a good email because we had corresponded with it before. Like most single parents I do not make a lot of money so things are tight. At this location they allow you to pay rent thru a portal online. Sometimes I have been late and pay their late charges which I have no problem with. On the 4th they give you a demand letter to pay or quit and give 3 days to pay your rent. In or on feb 8th around 530AM, I Sent a payment scheduled for that Monday the 11th (because I deposited my check on the night of the 7th to cover the rent) through THEIR system which gave me a confirmation number at the completion of my session for the total amount due. This was before their office was even open for business on that Friday. I assumed with their confirmation number payment was received and all was good On Feb 22nd I received and eviction notice from them saying I had not paid February rent. I immediately contacted Jamie Braswell and addressed my concern. I was informed because it was not paid on the closing day of the 7th the eviction process started on the 8th. When i informed them I had a confirmation number with time stamp saying it was before they opened, their response was it was to late at that point and process had already been started. I said In no way was I trying to defraud them and would like to settle this. Their response was I needed to pay February rent, plus legal fees for their eviction process AND rent for March up front 7 days before it was due. I've never heard of such a thing. Om Feb 25th at 1045 am i informed them I did not have that kind extra money laying around and could not pay that up front. If they were going to bully me into paying up front a week in advance I would have to vacate the premises. Now for an agent who was so sensitive to time and responding they did not get back to me for 3 days later. Since I had not heard from them and they were going to bully me out of the premises I vacated Monday the 25th. After that on today March 1 I received a an email with a 14,588 balance for my lease which is through August. This place is all about money and not about helping the common person who at time may fall on hard times and struggles. Jamie Braswell saw an opportunity to bully me out of my apartment and took advantage of it by demanding money upfront knowing I did not have it. I had already vacated the apartment when I heard what they did was against the lease asking for money up front. If your thinking about this place please look elsewhere, and save yourself the emotional pain and grief. Learn from my experience of how bad this place really is.