Juliet A.

Let me just start by telling you that I have lived in many apartments since my college years and they may not have been as "luxurious" or expensive as Malibu Canyon claims to be, but I received better service, felt more respected and had a better living experience in any of those apartments than I ever did at Malibu Canyon. They try to sell you on the main pool, gym, and tennis courts and claim to be a "smoke free" apartment building. First, for all of the privilege of paying a high rent, you get no cell phone service and your internet will be slow. Not to mention that during my time there, I had many days and nights without electricity. Your rent will also increase every year by a high amount and you will have to pay for parking. I wouldn't have minded this so much if they would have at least remodeled or upgraded the appliances in my apartment but of course, they didn't. I wouldn't even have minded if they would have treated me with respect. For example, I didn't have a working stove for the first 6 months I was there and when I asked for maintenance, I received a person who condescendingly told me how to use a stove. Finally, after three service calls, they finally believed me and said I would be getting a new stove but would have to wait until someone moved out from another apartment as vacant apartments would be remodeled with stainless steel appliances. Excuse me!!! I didn't buy that and demanded a new stove...why should I get a used one if this place is so luxurious???? Also, I never lived with louder, nosier people in my life. I can't tell you how many times I saw the police here over domestic disturbances. Once, I was not even allowed to leave my apartment because the swat team had to come to a neighboring apartment due to a tenant's son who threatened his father and had explosives in his apartment. I am also pretty sure that they missed installing insulation in the apartment floors. I don't mind hearing footsteps, that's normal. But when I can hear the person upstairs open dresser drawers, use the bathroom, flush the toilet, take a shower, have phone calls, hear cell phones ringing and vibrating, pull out chairs in the dining room and make out every one of their moves and know about their personal life when I never talked to them at all is beyond ridiculous. I promise you, I heard EVERYTHING the people above me did and it wasn't pleasant. At times, I felt like I lived under a bowling alley. Also, when you move out they schedule a pre-move out interview and inspection to tell you what to repair and what to expect as deductions from your deposit. I was told I would only be charged a $125 fee for cleaning. They dinged me another $125 for paint. Really? When they gave me the apartment it was filthy and the bathroom looked like a two-year-old cocked the bathtub and toilet. Also, my screen doors to my balcony were broken and dirty. I never complained about the cleaning because I thought I would let it slide. Lastly, and I saved the best for last, the worst part was my neighbor upstairs and their smoking. I complained several times and each time I did, the neighbor upstairs harassed me. In addition, I couldn't even enjoy my balcony because the balcony upstairs kept throwing their cigarette buds and trash on to mine. Do you know how? Through the floor; the upstairs balcony, instead of having a cement floor, had slats of wood as a floor with gaping wide gaps in between. The person upstairs smoked like a chimney and the smell permeated through the vents and my apartment had a terrible smell. Thankfully when I left, I wasn't too far along in my pregnancy so the second hand smoke wouldn't affect my baby. After everything that I paid and the complaints, they never did anything about it. I was miserable in this apartment. Management is terrible and they don't care about the tenants. They never helped me unless I owed them money. Flora had a bad attitude, Cherise never responded to any emails and all the other staff came and went very quickly. I can see why. Save yourself - look away!