Shawn D.

Really wish I would have read all the reviews prior to contacting this place or renting here. Haven't even moved in yet and already having issues with this place. Nobody is on the same page. Already paid several thousand to them. Signed the lease. And they send you this legal doc that when I showed to our attorneys he laughed at it. Basically trying to get you to sign your rights away. Then I was told since I'm relocating for work from Hawaii, that a co-worker could come in and pick up the keys either tomorrow or Thursday. Then I'm told not until they get the hard copy of the court doc that I mentioned above. Then I call Amanda the manager and I'm told NOBODY else can pick up keys for you, no matter what! Well I work in financial and real estate and I can tell you the way they conduct theirselves is unprofessional and borderline illegal. I'm looking now for another place to call home.