Michelle P.

The appliances are outdated, dumpsters are overfilled, the workers fly around on their golf carts and make you, the resident, have to step in the mud so they can keep driving their stupid golf carts to "clean up" and "fix stuff" at the pool. It's funny that the only time I see them doing that though is when their is a 19 year old college girl tanning. Then they will stay at the pool for hours while they "fix stuff". The "adults" around here are always just walking around drunk and getting in domestic fights, you'll always see the cops here. The city has a car that will come through twice a week and right tickets for any kind of BS parking violation they can find, so make sure to warn guest when they come cause they will probably get ticketed. The people at the front desk are clueless, I know they are just going to respond with some dumb automated "We're sorry to hear about this blah blah" I recommend the Avalon apartments which are very close by.