Alex A.

I moved out of here three months ago, and having resettled finally, I am still very upset. PRO: The gym and pool are nice. CONS: MANAGEMENT: They will take weeks to respond to your e-mails and phone calls, they will issue eviction notices before they issue violation notices that are the basis for the eviction, and they are incredibly rude as soon as you've finished signing the lease. They tell you they have no time to deal with your issues because they're too busy--obviously forgetting that their job is to deal with your issues. I know many people who have lived here, and I do not know a single person who has got back more than $50 of their security deposit. They double charge you for cleaning when you move in and when you move out. And when I moved in, it wasn't even clean (yeah it was empty, but it was dusty and the floors turned my feet black). REPAIRS: Repair requests will be neglected for months unless they are "emergency" status--then they will only be neglected for weeks. I endured a week without hot water in winter and had to shower at the pool. ATMOSPHERE: The cops are here once every two weeks because some drunkard is causing a scene. And every time this has happened during my tenure here, it was not some drunk college student. Twice, it was a drunk and violent adult. Obviously this is not the fault of the complex, but it something to worry about when you park your car outside and walk back to your apt late at night. People are constantly sneaking into the pool/gym that don't live there. They throw parties and make a mess.