Just to recap... The first 1.5 months living in the community were horrible! We had terrible neighbors below us that continually harassed us. I.e banging up on our floors with practically Every step we took, Smoked cigarettes and other types of drugs. They loudly played video games, shouted through many domestics (at all hours) and liked to use their BBQ. With every issue addressed we were told by staff to await a resolve. And we did. However through our tried patience we decided that our lease length would be unbearable. It wasn't in our best or safest interest to remain. The company after MUCH negotiating 'let' us take a 30 day notice of intent to vacate. However before the date we noticed this couple moving. Obviously evicted and hoped all the issues were resolved. So we (my husband, 2 young girls and I) went to speak with Tamara about perhaps continuing our leasing agreement. We wrote her our intent and figured a happily ever after.... Until the very next day! It's now 20:00. Our girls just settled into bed, (a 15 month old and a 4 yr old- If you have children you understand how important and difficult maintaining a routine can be.) When suddenly we all hear this loud bumping and scraping from below!? Service people? Come to clean and paint at this hour!!? We were so angered as this session (and my girls) went on past 22:00! Early the next day work resumed in the downstairs apartment. Assuming another painter as a strong odor filled our apartment. Though this smell was different and more powerful than paint. Within the first hour I was feeling ill and lightheaded. we remained thinkng it would soon pass and opened all our windows, doors and turned the ceiling fan to ventilate. As the second hour passed I was awed at just how heavy this vapor was, and called my husband at work to explain. our apartment became completely unbearable, and had no choice but to leave. Returning a few hours later to this still present odor. Even along the walkways outside you could smell this! Now of course we totally understand the apt would be in need of a reno. We expected some noise and sorting but this situation was beyond a nuisance. The next morning I called Flora Bialo of this issue. I was understanding of the needed reno. She informed me that they had reglazed the bathtub. It then became apparent that we had not endured just paint fumes, but more hazardous and dangerous chemicals! She assured me that they used no harming materials?! (Mind you all reglazing materials are hazardous! people have DIED from exposure) and asked if there was any odor still present. I replied that there was tho not as overpowering as the previous day. She then said she would contact maintenance about this issue, and if there was nothing more she had another call coming in! My husband asked for the msds from Aiesha Williams. It took her a week later to get this to us!! With the msds now available, we're completely shocked that there is not a required notice or signs present during 'reglazing'. Meanwhile we have not been well. Those first days we had headaches. loss of appetites and were extremely irritated. We've since had itchy throats and dry coughs. We have a doctor that will verify the severity of these complications. There definitely is NO consideration to tenants on these kinds of matters. With the presence of small children you'd think they'd be more courteous! We have been harmed and misled. And we're sorry this situation hadn't occurred sooner, as we would have continued our intent to vacate. Resident relations have STILL not responded!