George M.

I feel so lucky that, after 30 days of hassle with management, I was able to avoid moving in to this dump, and get almost my entire deposit back. If one were to Google the title "Santa Susana Field Laboratory", he/she would learn that this complex lies upon the banks of a watershed less than 10 miles downhill of an experimental lab. According to Wikipedia, this site is among the most challenging cleanup jobs, if not the most challenging, in the country. Everything from Radioactive Isotopes to Toxic Rocket Fuel. Right up Bell Canyon, the occasional rainshower, or quite possibly a strong wind here or there may bring you an undisclosed, possibly classified shipment of chemicals, Radioactive particles and waste. Some say this is the reason why Management here has such a crappy and unpredictable disposition. At any rate, I'm thankful I didn't end up signing a lease downhill from a site that has been tied up in legislation since a near nuclear meltdown, and several similar accidents has left it an environmental disaster. I just watched the evening news, there are cancer victims going after the government on this one.