Nina D.

We lived here for 2 years. If you believe in energy, you may want to consider not living here. It really was like living in N. Hollywood with only a little more nature. Between the constant policing of the area, cockroaches in the kitchen almost every week ( I am a super clean person ) not being able to put plants on your balcony without a fine, hearing coyotes howl every night ( every night ) no joke... Even heard a few small dogs get eaten alive on the mountain over the years... The property owners are super cheap and if you are 1 day late on your rent (1) you will be publically humiliated with a notice on your door with your name facing out so everyone knows your name, ( talk about no regard for your privacy and dangerous ). God forbid if you have a maintenance issue, it takes them days to get to you and while your waiting don't be surprised if your 1982 dishwasher and garbage disposal break down too. It's an overpriced nightmare. Don't be fooled by the exotic pool, it's filled with nothing but crying babies and teenagers drinking alcohol in cups while swearing. I think it may be built on an old indian cemetery, that's how bad it is. Proceed with caution and look at your rental Bill closely, they charge you for things that they don't tell you they charge you for. Super shady and offensively gross