Lily A.

Oh my god, is the staff like mentally retarded at this place. I live here and I can't believe how unprofessional and unknowledgable the staff is. Don't get me wrong the amenities and the location at this place is great, but if you have the heart and patience to deal with such a staff that operates at a snails pace and have no clue or information about their management company,'s up to you. My FOB did not work for one year, I think I've asked everyone in their office to fix it for me and when it did, the amenities were being renovated and I had to wait another six months to work my key. No one no what the hell they are talking about but they sure as hell know when your rent isn't on time!! Their lease states that we the tenants will be charged a late fee on the 4th day of the month if our rent is not turned in. Can we the tenant charge the management company (staff) for late fees when they don't fix our FOB keys after a year or charge them a late fee when no one in their office can give you a balance of what you owe? Not fair! Don't rent here, save yourself the trouble and headache of having to deal with the staff.