
Showing 1 - 100 of 194
It is obvious that this large corporation based in Denver has a vested interest in trying to keep their ratings high...anyone giving this place a high review works there. Honestly, this place looks nice from the outside but the service is awful. Takes 2 days to get a light bulb (that you can't buy at any normal store) replaced. My refrigerator filter was never replaced after 6 or 7 requests...they were out. Took 6 months to have microwave replaced after there were cracks in the handle & door. Management are complete bullies, especially Flora. The leasing agents answering the phones are completely useless in helping current residents. It is difficult to get a live mgmt. person. The pluses are they will take some with bad credit and section 8. Sometimes loud...cops called often. Will raise rent $150 / year. Has lots of unknown miscellaneous charges per month that are not explained...service fee, pest control fee, parking fee...oh yes, and if you have a pet, welcome to an additional $65 / month.
I lived here for two years about a year ago and I had a thought to comeback because if their cheaper rates. But as soon as I heard that Flora (management desk) was still there I gave up all hope! As you take a tour you see all the wonderful pools. But that's about all that is positive to say! The apt are ok with washer/dryer in unit and if your able to be on the street or in the way back, it's pretty quiet. But College students galore!!! That was are main issue is our bedroom neighbor played music till 4am and had his own kreepy security sys with cameras all over (which is a violation) but mgmt didn't do a damn thing about it. Almost like it was their own children renting it. They would rather have a student then a clean couple. So it's out of my hands if mgmt is so terrible they can't protect their own property. What a shame! Good luck!
From the apartments, to the management. What a horrible overall experience. I have never dealt with such unprofessional, rude, and all around disputable staff. They are not willing to help you with any concerns, and treat you as if you are a dog upon leaving their community. Absolutely appalled by how I was treated. I do not recommend this community for anyone, if you care about your sanity. This has been the most horrific living experience I have ever dealt with. I don't say this lightly.
Do NOT rent here. They steal your money. Horrible customer service. Everyone in the leasing office is clueless and has no idea what's going on. This place is horribly run.
Hi This is Ali again and we are listening loud music again !
This place is perfect for you and your family if.............. * You like hearing your upstairs neighbors pissing into the toilet, walking around at 3am, talking, having parties even turning light switches on and off. (I am almost certain they took short cuts and did not put any insulation under the wood flooring.) * You like living next to drug dealers who, leave their cigarette butts in front of your door, leave bags of trash in front of their door for days and scream during the night that they are going to kill someone. * You go on vacation only to come back to find your car gone and find out the complex moved it half a mile up the street so that they could re-surface your parking lot but don't tell you anything about it. (I almost reported it stolen) * You like having $250 withheld from your deposit for a 'Full repainting fee' just because you left 6 or 7 screw holes in the wall. Not to mention you spend half a day cleaning all marks off of the walls. * You like hearing obnoxious people talking extra loud in the hot tub until early hours of the morning even though the pool areas is meant to be closed by 10:00pm. (Security not doing their job). * You like walking into your house with an un-announced stranger inside doing an inspection. We honestly tried our hardest to keep the Apartment in the best condition that we could and they had the audacity to charge a full painting fee for a few screw holes in the walls, I was going to write a decent review on here because I try to see the best in things but this one just drew the last straw. Just beware that if you move in to this place, it's almost certain that they will charge you for a repaint fee no matter what condition you left the place. You may as well graffiti the walls before you move out, get the most out of your $250 that they will keep.
PLEASE READ AND DO NOT FALL INTO THE TRAP. Please see photos supporting my review. Where do I begin with this place. When I originally moved in I was quoted 2200 a month, after parking, sewer, pest control, gas, trash, add service fee and insurance it was 2,469. With that being said obviously it was off to a bad start. I had my key fob and wristband stolen from the pool area, which I reported to them immediately and they charged me 200 for the fob and wristband. The unit above me had a leak in the tub causing it to drip into my unit downstairs. It took 2 days for them to repair and the ceiling was brown from the water damage which they never painted. The parking spots are small and I have a large SUV. In September of 2019 when the spot became available next to me which was for larger vehicles, I went to the office and spoke to the receptionist to change to the spot next to me since it was vacant. I was told to speak to be manager Amanda on scene. I wrote 4 separate emails to her asking for the spot with not one single reply. I know it was a good email because we had corresponded with it before. Like most single parents I do not make a lot of money so things are tight. At this location they allow you to pay rent thru a portal online. Sometimes I have been late and pay their late charges which I have no problem with. On the 4th they give you a demand letter to pay or quit and give 3 days to pay your rent. In or on feb 8th around 530AM, I Sent a payment scheduled for that Monday the 11th (because I deposited my check on the night of the 7th to cover the rent) through THEIR system which gave me a confirmation number at the completion of my session for the total amount due. This was before their office was even open for business on that Friday. I assumed with their confirmation number payment was received and all was good On Feb 22nd I received and eviction notice from them saying I had not paid February rent. I immediately contacted Jamie Braswell and addressed my concern. I was informed because it was not paid on the closing day of the 7th the eviction process started on the 8th. When i informed them I had a confirmation number with time stamp saying it was before they opened, their response was it was to late at that point and process had already been started. I said In no way was I trying to defraud them and would like to settle this. Their response was I needed to pay February rent, plus legal fees for their eviction process AND rent for March up front 7 days before it was due. I've never heard of such a thing. Om Feb 25th at 1045 am i informed them I did not have that kind extra money laying around and could not pay that up front. If they were going to bully me into paying up front a week in advance I would have to vacate the premises. Now for an agent who was so sensitive to time and responding they did not get back to me for 3 days later. Since I had not heard from them and they were going to bully me out of the premises I vacated Monday the 25th. After that on today March 1 I received a an email with a 14,588 balance for my lease which is through August. This place is all about money and not about helping the common person who at time may fall on hard times and struggles. Jamie Braswell saw an opportunity to bully me out of my apartment and took advantage of it by demanding money upfront knowing I did not have it. I had already vacated the apartment when I heard what they did was against the lease asking for money up front. If your thinking about this place please look elsewhere, and save yourself the emotional pain and grief. Learn from my experience of how bad this place really is.
Incompetence or jerks? Please consider this warning. I had a continuous issues while Iived at these apartments. While I lived here, the management would ignore our requests (it got so bad, we were being billed charges like pet fees that did not apply to our unit). I moved out a year ago AND HAVE YET TO RECEIVE MY RENT DEPOSIT BACK. Management has confirmed that I would get. I have confirmed the amounts and everything with their corporate office but the actual people are so incompetent I have not received it. They I am stunned. I wish we never lived here as a year later I am trying to get my deposit.
Don't let the amenities blind you. They love to nickel and dime you for everything. You think are getting a gym, pools, tennis courts all for free. But nothing is ever free. They have three prices for parking. Otherwise you park on the street. You are forced to pay for water and sewage as a group with all other residents, regardless of how much or how little you use. Have a pet? Gotta pay extra deposit and monthly rent. Want storage? Gotta pay for that too. And the paperwork they make you sign is ridiculous. It's like you are buying a house with the amount of paperwork they require. It's for them to cover themselves. It's not for your benefit. They don't tell you about the extra utilities they force you to pay until after you are in and it's too late to back out. They also make it appear that they don't have many units available, so if you want one coming up you have to put down a $1000 non refundable deposit to hold a unit. We never were even allowed to see the place until move in day. The area is surrounded by hills, so no cell phone reception. At least not with Verizon. And lastly, they are super nice to you up until you sign that last document. Then they will forget who you even are and don't lift a finger if you encounter any problems with your unit. After our 14 month lease is up, and their required two month notice, which is way more than what's normally required, we are out.
*****PLEASE - PLEASE - PLEASE*** Do "NOT" rent from Malibu Canyon Apartments or any property from Aimco Co. You will be sorry if you do. These people lie right to your face and it will cost you lots of cash at the end when you move out in extra "Bogus" fees... Please Do "NOT" rent here; do yourself a huge favor...! Don't be fooled by Elisabeth D's positive review. You will live in Hell and deal with the DEVIL if you do business with these Despicable - Lying people. You will not get your deposit back and you will own more in "made up" fees...
Attention!!!! Before you decide to move in.. Look at all the bad reviews and see how many people find those particular reviews "Useful". Its always a large number! Don't let the good reviews trick you, the place sucks and they are not honest with you. The people giving good reviews probably just moved in, its only a matter of time before they start bashing it!
The community manager, Charise, did reach out but it was the standard email. Definitely could tell it was just copied and pasted. My friends got it, and they sent it to me twice. Instead of asking what they could do to help or anything, they literally just gave me instructions on what to do when I move out. It was very cold and inconsiderate. They could literally care less and that is what everyone keeps telling me. Were those instructions going to solve my problem here? OBVIOUSLY NOT
Unless you sleep like the dead or have a second floor apartment don't expect to sleep at night. I hear every little thing my neighbors do. It's absolutely ridiculous. But what's worst is the floors creek so loudly it literally sounds like the roof is going to collapse in on me. And when I complained about it they wouldn't get back to me. It wasn't until I told them I was a law student at Pepperdine and that I would be telling everyone to not move here that they actually came out and inspect the apartment. Unfortunately they still won't do anything. Honestly don't be fooled by the pictures online or the model apartments. My apartment looks no where near those, none of my cabinets are hung correctly and the windows rattle and shake anytime someone opens the front door. You are getting ripped off living here. Plus, the pool stuff never works, I don't think I have seen the cabanas actually working once since I moved in. The only good thing I can say is the maintenance staff is very responsive and attentive. I can't wait to move out! I would have broken my lease if it wouldn't have cost me a fortune to do so.
Do NOT rent here. Front office took our money and never called us to confirm out move in date. When we DID get ahold of someone they tries to raise our rent because they had the wrong move in dates for us. We never got out refund back. Even after going through the BBB. Aweful experience. Don't let the amenities fool u. They are there for a reason!
Don't let the main pool, and initial kindness of management fool you. This is one of the most horrendous communities I have ever lived in. After you leave this community, you're treated terribly by the management. They really need to send these people to a customer service training session, or get new management. Would never recommend this community, if you're looking for a headache, and more than half your deposit stolen from you by these crooked people. The positive reviews are from incentives for 500 dollar gift cards. I promise they will quickly turn to one star reviews. Never live in this overpriced garbage community.
Read the negative reviews. Living here, if you could actually call it that; is really awful. Some compare it to a trailer park. That is an insult to trailer parks.
After living at Malibu Canyon Apartments for three years, I had to move for medical reasons. In that time; my apartment had one major leak from unit above, dishwasher replaced twice, three sink leaks, one refinishing of the tub in the master bath, drywall replacements where the nails from the walls were popping out and major cracks whenever there was an earthquake. 50 documented service repairs. Overall the office staff is helpful, the maintenance staff is excellent. Upon my move out, I really did not think I would get back my deposit because they tried to charge me $500 to remove my BF's name from the lease when he moved last year DURING THE PANDEMIC. During the pandemic I paid my rent EARLY every month!!! To receive a BILL of $995 of which $1,196 was a "notice fee" shows that the management company (not even local) will try to get when they can whenever they can. I am an extremely clean person and always take care of my home. There's a charge for $180 DRYWALL repair, $130 for cleaning AND $180 to remove trash (one potted plant). Also, in response to the mail theft in the reviews, it has been going on for years. They don't care. There is a Facebook group that documents this with photos. They also have a car break in problem so if you cannot pay for a parking spot and park in the street be forewarned that your car will be broken into. There is one security detail for the 950 units and he is off by midnight.
Where to begin. The only maintenance team is excellent and friendly. The property manager is horrible. Managers:Management is extremely greedy you will not get your deposit back no matter how clean you leave your apartment. California law requires units to be painted in between each tenant and to avoid paying out of their own pocket they will use your deposit. After speaking with my neighbors I learned they all shared similar experiences. One of my neighbors described her experience during a confrontation from the aggressive on site manager who attempted to charger her twice the amount of a security deposit citing some fabricated reason. I've come back from work numerous times to find the local property manager snooping around my unit it felt very invasive. Smart rent: each unit comes with a smart rent system as the person who gives you the tour explains. That's all I was told is that I get one. Towards the end of my lease I got a call from SmartRent customer service asking how my experience was. They told me I had been paying hundreds every month for all of these features I was never told about and that my UNIT WAS NEVER ACTIVATED. The agent told me I he would create a formal document showing that my smart rent unit had never been turned on throughout my lease so I could try and get a refund for the thousands I had spent. I sent the proof of documentation and the smart rent agents contact information to the local property manager and he stated they would not be refunding me. The most concerning this about this whole situation was that my door code was the vacant unit code. Meaning any maintenance personnel or the property manager could enter at any moment. This was troublesome because I got a super off putting vibe from the manager to begin with and knowing he had access the entire time was terrifying. Pests and noise: my unit was infested with various bugs before and during my stay from roaches to ants and mites. These units are ANCIENT and many of my neighbors had leaks. Expect to always hear your neighbors if you live in a lower unit and the endless screaming of random children until about 10pm every night. Mail room: see photo a thief's dream. I would plead with anyone considering this as an option to LOOK ELSEWHERE. I just moved into essence apartments in Thousand Oaks and I love it. There are plenty of better options with better management and nicer units/facilities all while being affordable. You owe it to yourself to do more research before your come trapped in a lease.
Possibly the worst staff that I have ever known. They are very rude to you whether a resident or a guest and act as if the apartments are the new Garden of Eden. They are not. After 2 years they have ruined this place for me. One is even my neighbor and she may be the rudest of all.
HORRIFYING EXPERIENCE MOVING IN AND AFTER YOU MOVE!! DO NOT MOVE IN HERE!!!!! I needed a temporary place to live and had very little time and then found Malibu Canyon Apartments. The way this organization does business is unacceptable! When I moved in the floors were NOT CLEAN at all. In fact, they were black with filth... the paint was coats and coats on top of each other.. with hair and dirt stuck under the paint. When I mentioned it they said someone would come clean and never did...same thing at neighbors, a few months before I moved out ( When my new neighbors moved in they were perturbed by the same paint job on their remodeled unit as well as the black filthy floors when they moved in. Just like with me, the company said they'd come clean and never followed up?!?...) In addition, I had to call to have several items fixed as did my neighbors . This could have been avoided with a simple walk through prior to the tenants moving in. I felt like a property manager living there and calling to have everything repaired from the broken window, the blinds to the screens to the slider to the dishwasher to the oven to them not changing broken light covers outside until a year of me asking consistently...They had no security guards for months and let the landscaping die. Not to mention, they let the broken sprinklers flow onto the street for weeks wasting water all over the street and sidewalks. It was a muddy mess for weeks from the lack of maintenance and dirt on the sidewalk. The Malibu Canyon Apartment company / staff let a smoke alarm go off in the community for more than 24 hours!!!!!!! When my neighbors and I called the leasing office. They wanted US to find out which apartment it was coming from and dial 911... Prior to this,The SWAT team was there with guns drawn in August of 2016 for a wanted man that lived below me. This should have absolutely been disclosed way back then. I have a young boy and am a single woman.. I had to learn about if from neighbors months later who were terrified by the situation and experience. I payed full pop for an unsafe, disgusting apartment with an insouciant staff! IN ADDITION, Their website for rental payments had a glitch on January 1 2017 and they charged me $100.00 extra anyway. My rent was never late!!!!!!!! If that's not enough, when you move out they want you to move on the 3rd of the month instead of the 1st to milk you a little more!!! This Company will cut corners when you are living there and when you move out EVEN MORE, like you cannot believe. It seems to always be their word against yours in ANY CASE!!!! ... They will not accept a personal house cleaner for the move out cleaning, paid for by me even with a receipt.. I had to pay my lady and then pay them $130.00. Even though right after I moved out, they completely remodeled with new cabinets appliances and paint and of course dusted the entire unit and my old neighbors after I vacated. The remodel makes a mess and leaves it until they are finished too by the way!!! Oh but it gets better! I mean WORSE By law, in the state of California. Once a Tenant has vacated, the landlord has 21 days to give an explanation as to why nothing will be returned or to return the deposit money with an explanation for deductions WITHIN 21 DAYS OF VACATING...!! They stated that they will only give me $870.00 of my 1,000.00 deposit ( subtracting the $130.00 for the supposed cleaning). I moved out September 3, 2017 and it is now October 10,2017. Still no check has come in the mail, just an email saying that I will not be reimbursed for the cleaning lady I hired and asking for a receipt which I sent right away and got no reply.. I called this morning to ask about my check and now they want me to sign an affidavit saying that the check was lost. I am going to make an example of this company. If I have to take my valuable time take them to small claims court. I WILL. I heard nightmare stories the whole time I lived there... and from people that lived there in the past. I wanted to share on YELP so that people know what type of company this is and that there are other properties to live in. You just have to look with a realtor who cares about your best interest. The Landlord pays for any commission owed on any listed property rental. If you find something without a realtor, if it's a good realtor they will look over the lease for you even if they make no money. Malibu Canyon does not take care of their staff or clients.... What A JOKE!!!!
DO NOT RENT HERE. I paid for an extra day and paid 200.00 $$ to have it cleaned thoroughly and they claimed they would not return my security deposit because I ruined the wall with my flat screen TV. I did not have a flat screen. These people are vultures and will NEVER unless sued will give you back a security deposit.
Rats in the walls (and nesting in my patio), rattle snakes, leaking ceiling, dog poop everywhere, major noise and crowds outside our apartment ... this is just a summary of the major issues we experienced while at MCA. We lived there for 2.5 years and overall I have nothing but distain for the management at this apartment. Let me just give you a bullet list: CONS: - VERY LOUD/BUSY towards the dead end where the trails are. I remember Flora saying "You'll love living down here its so quiet." She literally lied. The crowds of mountain bikers and hikers is insane especially on the weekends (you will never sleep in again) and they start at 6 am. - Weird and illegal activity at the dead end - so many instances of people doing drugs, homeless, people going off into the bushes at night - just weird stuff went down at the dead end. I didn't feel safe there. And the cops know it and often patrol the area. - Rattlesnakes at our patio and front door. Yes I understand this is a natural area, but beware if you have small kids or pets. Dogs were bitten and died due to snakes. - Dog poop EVERYWHERE! No one picks up their dog poop. And the dog poop stations are frequently full and on a hot day you get a strong waft of hot dog poop into your apartment. - Our upstairs neighbor had a leaky AC unit that leaked through our ceiling and onto our living room. What a mess! - RATS IN THE WALLS AND CEILING! I complained and put in maintenance requests at least 3 times and the rats were never resolved. We also had nesting rodents on our patio and rodent feces all over our patio. - LITERALLY THE WORST MANAGEMENT AND COMPANY! The management at the leasing office is terrible. The ladies are fake nice to your face but they are seriously so rude. The company, AIMCO, only cares about your money, they don't care about you as a person. When COVID hit my husband lost his hours at work. We had just re-newed our lease and once COVID started AIMCO refused to re-negotiate our rental rate even though our rental rate did not reflect the market rate. Our rent was regularly raised $85-$115 a month with each renewal, which makes no sense. We had a 625 sq ft apartment, 1 bedroom. Starting rent was $2025. Final rent at move out was $2223. Really? You think market rate changed that much over 2 years? And don't forget the extra $85 charge per month for utilities (water, pest control, garbage, sewer), on top of the $70 for Spectrum (thats the only internet in the area), $40 PGE and $30 SoCal Gas!!!!!! - If you have Verizon there is no cell phone service in the area. Good luck with that! - NASTYGRAMS - They will send you nasty letters, emails, phone calls, and physically come to your apartment to let you know the laundry list of things you have done wrong. Whether its other neighbors complaining about you or things they have caught you doing wrong. You learn to ignore them but they are infuriating. Don't you DARE come to my home, knock on my door during COVID, and complain to me about the things I've done wrong!!!!! These items can include: having plants in certain areas, decorating your front entrance, having hanging items in your patio, brushing your dog outside, washing your car, parking in the wrong parking spot, being noisy. UGH!!!! PROS: - The amenities are nice (pools, dog park, gym) but during COVID they shut it all down and wouldn't give us a rental credit! They said rent did not include the amenities! Um, OK ... WHY DO YOU THINK I PICKED TO LIVE HERE???????? stupid! DO NOT RENT AN APARTMENT HERE!
Do you like listening to your neighbor's through your walls, ceilings, and floors? Do you enjoy paying to live somewhere that should be paying you? Do you like being misled, lied to, and taken advantage of? Do you want to live at the end of a road surrounded by mountains, which has a landfill on the other side. Then come live at Malibu canyon apartments!! Just sign the simple 50+ page lease agreement that gives you full responsibility for all of their many problems! *** Energy conservation fee, parking, package, pest control, sewer, storm drainage, trash, pet, water, and service fee for the aforementioned fees are not included in the rent and are additional. *** Reviews with more than one star are most likely people who have very little life experience and have never lived anywhere else in California.
I moved out of here three months ago, and having resettled finally, I am still very upset. PRO: The gym and pool are nice. CONS: MANAGEMENT: They will take weeks to respond to your e-mails and phone calls, they will issue eviction notices before they issue violation notices that are the basis for the eviction, and they are incredibly rude as soon as you've finished signing the lease. They tell you they have no time to deal with your issues because they're too busy--obviously forgetting that their job is to deal with your issues. I know many people who have lived here, and I do not know a single person who has got back more than $50 of their security deposit. They double charge you for cleaning when you move in and when you move out. And when I moved in, it wasn't even clean (yeah it was empty, but it was dusty and the floors turned my feet black). REPAIRS: Repair requests will be neglected for months unless they are "emergency" status--then they will only be neglected for weeks. I endured a week without hot water in winter and had to shower at the pool. ATMOSPHERE: The cops are here once every two weeks because some drunkard is causing a scene. And every time this has happened during my tenure here, it was not some drunk college student. Twice, it was a drunk and violent adult. Obviously this is not the fault of the complex, but it something to worry about when you park your car outside and walk back to your apt late at night. People are constantly sneaking into the pool/gym that don't live there. They throw parties and make a mess.
I lived in this complex for about a year and my feelings have definitely changed for the worse over this course of time. There are coyotes everywhere, the trash is constantly overflowing and not regularly emptied, and the move out process was full of hidden charges. I had my apartment inspected prior to move out and they said I would only be charged for any damage to my walls that was larger than the size of a quarter. Well, now after move out I have been charged $248 for a scuff to the wall and a screw hole. What a cheap complex to nickle and dime you for normal wear and tear, and let me tell you I left this place spotless upon leaving. I truly hate when large complexes treat their residents like this because so many pass through. I think its poor policy and sneaky ways to keep more of your deposit than they should. I also spoke to their move out customer care department and all they would say is that this is outlined in the lease and that they were sorry. Overall, choose somewhere else.
So sad to see the condition of Malibu Canyon Apt. It use to have great amenities & set in a beautiful setting. Now human waist flows freely out of 1 of the pools restrooms, directly next to those restrooms there are 3 huge beautiful trees, now they are orange and dying.... Coincidence I think not. The BBQs are always broken and for quite a while tables, chairs & umbrellas where removed and not replaced. We have been told for almost a year they are on back order... Please these are not custom order, a friend ordered custom 3 color panels with printing umbrellas and they were delivered in 4 weeks. After multiple request most tenants have given up and are waiting for their leases to end.
we moved here 2 months ago This place is very poorly mange , the parking area is sucks, around the trash can is always dirty, inside the apartment is awful , dish washer and washer dryer not working well, air conditioning was damage and they fixed itvafter 10 days, we requested several time for the problems several time , still same ......!!!!!! ee found black widow in the bed room also , i hate this place cant wait to move out !!!!
RUN FAR AWAY! THEY ARE THEIFS!! My husband and I gave noticed we would be moving out on 1/28/22. They require a 60 day notice. We sent an email but got no response. A week went by and we hadn't heard from the office so we went down there. They hadn't seen our email and said they would back date our notice to 1/28. THEY NEVER DID. We did our final walk through and were told we would only be charged $250 for a cleaning fee and it would be deducted from our deposits. We got a check in the mail a few weeks later for a quarter of our original deposit. The paperwork showed a move out day of April 8th. We moved out March 28 (60 days from our notice). They charged us for rent, parking, and all utilities beyond March 28. We emailed them to let them know there was a discrepancy on our final invoice. We sent them all necessary documentation to prove the office messed up on our move out date. They told us they would fix it and send us a new check. We didn't hear back for weeks. When we did hear back it was excuse after excuse on why the check hasn't been sent out. It is now August and we still haven't received a check. We have sent several emails with no response. Moral of the story. They are withholding over $1,200 of my money because of an error on their staffs side. I have been beyond patient with them. This has left me with no choice but to take legal action.
Do not live here. My wife and I were very excited to move to the complex because its a beautiful place and looked like our daughter was going to have fun there. After our lease was up we decided to renew the lease. Two days after we signed the lease my wife was given 1-2 months to live because of brain cancer. When we asked if they could please let us out of the lease they told us no. We left anyways and now, they have sent me to collections. They do not care about their residents. All they care about is getting paid. I understand that we signed a lease but you would think these people would have a heart. Don't be fooled by the great pool area and clean facilities. This place is horrible! There are plenty of places to live in Calabasas.
Despite the fact that they call themselves a smoke-free complex, they do not take any action if your neighbor smokes. My apartment is filled with smoke every day, coming through ventilation and cracks in the walls and ceiling. The leasing office completely ignores all calls and letters.
I hate this place , the dumpster is always dirty and smells bad and always looks embarrassing in front of my guests There is no security at nights and it's not safe at all , if I have a problem with my apartment no one is responsible at the office and they don't care , i would love to move out earlier, I don't recommend it to anyone
Let me just start by telling you that I have lived in many apartments since my college years and they may not have been as "luxurious" or expensive as Malibu Canyon claims to be, but I received better service, felt more respected and had a better living experience in any of those apartments than I ever did at Malibu Canyon. They try to sell you on the main pool, gym, and tennis courts and claim to be a "smoke free" apartment building. First, for all of the privilege of paying a high rent, you get no cell phone service and your internet will be slow. Not to mention that during my time there, I had many days and nights without electricity. Your rent will also increase every year by a high amount and you will have to pay for parking. I wouldn't have minded this so much if they would have at least remodeled or upgraded the appliances in my apartment but of course, they didn't. I wouldn't even have minded if they would have treated me with respect. For example, I didn't have a working stove for the first 6 months I was there and when I asked for maintenance, I received a person who condescendingly told me how to use a stove. Finally, after three service calls, they finally believed me and said I would be getting a new stove but would have to wait until someone moved out from another apartment as vacant apartments would be remodeled with stainless steel appliances. Excuse me!!! I didn't buy that and demanded a new stove...why should I get a used one if this place is so luxurious???? Also, I never lived with louder, nosier people in my life. I can't tell you how many times I saw the police here over domestic disturbances. Once, I was not even allowed to leave my apartment because the swat team had to come to a neighboring apartment due to a tenant's son who threatened his father and had explosives in his apartment. I am also pretty sure that they missed installing insulation in the apartment floors. I don't mind hearing footsteps, that's normal. But when I can hear the person upstairs open dresser drawers, use the bathroom, flush the toilet, take a shower, have phone calls, hear cell phones ringing and vibrating, pull out chairs in the dining room and make out every one of their moves and know about their personal life when I never talked to them at all is beyond ridiculous. I promise you, I heard EVERYTHING the people above me did and it wasn't pleasant. At times, I felt like I lived under a bowling alley. Also, when you move out they schedule a pre-move out interview and inspection to tell you what to repair and what to expect as deductions from your deposit. I was told I would only be charged a $125 fee for cleaning. They dinged me another $125 for paint. Really? When they gave me the apartment it was filthy and the bathroom looked like a two-year-old cocked the bathtub and toilet. Also, my screen doors to my balcony were broken and dirty. I never complained about the cleaning because I thought I would let it slide. Lastly, and I saved the best for last, the worst part was my neighbor upstairs and their smoking. I complained several times and each time I did, the neighbor upstairs harassed me. In addition, I couldn't even enjoy my balcony because the balcony upstairs kept throwing their cigarette buds and trash on to mine. Do you know how? Through the floor; the upstairs balcony, instead of having a cement floor, had slats of wood as a floor with gaping wide gaps in between. The person upstairs smoked like a chimney and the smell permeated through the vents and my apartment had a terrible smell. Thankfully when I left, I wasn't too far along in my pregnancy so the second hand smoke wouldn't affect my baby. After everything that I paid and the complaints, they never did anything about it. I was miserable in this apartment. Management is terrible and they don't care about the tenants. They never helped me unless I owed them money. Flora had a bad attitude, Cherise never responded to any emails and all the other staff came and went very quickly. I can see why. Save yourself - look away!
Yelp this place! You will read the horror stories they have going on at MCA! You're welcome! ...
The apartments and community itself are nice, but be ware- the regional manager is unprofessional and degrading to women. As a doctoral student, I received a notice about 6 months before my lease was up telling me I needed to decide to renew or not. I called to say I would likely renew but needed more time to decide. I then received another notification saying the same thing, which I called to respond to again. Then I received a notice on my door saying since I did not renew it would be available to new students. So I called again to tell them I am likely renewing and would like until closer to my end of lease to decide (as I'm allowed under california state law). Today I received ANOTHER notification that my apartment would go to new students, so I called the office and spoke to regional manager (not Amanda, but the regional guy). He did not apologize and say lets try to fix this, instead he spoke to me like a stupid little girl, as if this were my fault. I let him know what I thought of the way he runs his business, and then he said that I am not allowed to renew my lease or live here anymore because he doesn't want residents who would harass their neighbors. I have had zero complaints against me, I love my neighbors, I've paid rent every month, I am a single girl living alone supporting myself. This is unacceptable.
The management are complete idiots. Paperwork not signed correctly( their fault only) given wrong information several times about move out date. 3 people in management completely clueless. Never taking blame for their mistakes. Make sure you get everything in writing because their word means nothing and won't admit their mistakes. Over charged for everything on move out !!! Take pictures! Airconditioning never worked Cheap kitchen Do not rent there My son rented there. You know who I am, I called several times, you have my number. You gave him the wrong paperwork, then held him accountable, but you however claim no fault. Different standards.
I feel so lucky that, after 30 days of hassle with management, I was able to avoid moving in to this dump, and get almost my entire deposit back. If one were to Google the title "Santa Susana Field Laboratory", he/she would learn that this complex lies upon the banks of a watershed less than 10 miles downhill of an experimental lab. According to Wikipedia, this site is among the most challenging cleanup jobs, if not the most challenging, in the country. Everything from Radioactive Isotopes to Toxic Rocket Fuel. Right up Bell Canyon, the occasional rainshower, or quite possibly a strong wind here or there may bring you an undisclosed, possibly classified shipment of chemicals, Radioactive particles and waste. Some say this is the reason why Management here has such a crappy and unpredictable disposition. At any rate, I'm thankful I didn't end up signing a lease downhill from a site that has been tied up in legislation since a near nuclear meltdown, and several similar accidents has left it an environmental disaster. I just watched the evening news, there are cancer victims going after the government on this one.
Wow, I honestly cannot believe I pay $2000 a month for this place. I have put in now 3 service request for GIANT ROACHES in my apartment. I've found them coming out of my refrigerator, my air conditioning vents and even my bathroom. I have a cleaning lady come to my apartment every other week, I clean my apartment like crazy and spray pesticides so keep them away which I hate because I have a three year old. Apparently they have told multiple people that are having this problem that "it gets worse before it gets better" said by the office manager. TERRIBLE, do not rent from here!! There are apartment down the street that are way cleaner!!
We had an absolutely terrible time here. You'll hear this time and again from people who live's beautiful, the pool is great, but the management and service is absolutely dreadful. We had problems with our lease from the get-go, and the front office demonstrated that they were absolutely incompetent to do anything about it. They consistently overcharged us for our monthly parking permit which they made us get, and despite acknowledging the fact that we were being overcharged, the women I spoke with at the front office had no idea how to get it removed from the monthly bill. Move-out was equally dreadful, as their policies are convoluted and unfair. My advice is to STAY AWAY. They lure you in with the beautiful pool and the nice model apartments, but you'll be buried in fees and debt by the time you leave. Don't put yourself through hell...find a better place to live.
Really wish I would have read all the reviews prior to contacting this place or renting here. Haven't even moved in yet and already having issues with this place. Nobody is on the same page. Already paid several thousand to them. Signed the lease. And they send you this legal doc that when I showed to our attorneys he laughed at it. Basically trying to get you to sign your rights away. Then I was told since I'm relocating for work from Hawaii, that a co-worker could come in and pick up the keys either tomorrow or Thursday. Then I'm told not until they get the hard copy of the court doc that I mentioned above. Then I call Amanda the manager and I'm told NOBODY else can pick up keys for you, no matter what! Well I work in financial and real estate and I can tell you the way they conduct theirselves is unprofessional and borderline illegal. I'm looking now for another place to call home.
The leasing office bumped up my rent by 15% without doing any renovations or upgrades in my apartment. I had a 15 months lease and the least expensive option to renew cost me $3240 a year. The worst part was dealing with the office. The staff is not responsive and treat you without any respect. They tell you they will follow up - and never do, they talk down to you and make you feel that they do not value you as a tenant. They dragged the process out and I was left with no time to look for an alternate option. Charise doesn't follow-up, but says she will every time. When a tenant doesn't deliver on their promise, the management is on them without any delay, but when the management doesn't deliver - the tenant is stuck. Currently my bedroom is not livable because there is a water leak and there is water sitting in my closet which also causes a terrible stench. So far addressing this issue has been nothing but frustrating as no one has even come in to acknowledge the issue after they promised multiple times that it would be addressed. I will update you on the resolution, but I am highly disappointed so far.
Avoid this place, they go out of their way to keep your deposit. Passive aggressive staff will promise a hassle free departure just to get you in the door, then Shazam they don't give a damn! Don't be fooled by the showcase pool, the other 3 pools and hot tubs are filthy. The rent is high for an old property and Malibu will nickel and dime you. Package delivery is a pain and free parking is on the street, no spaces for guests. The maintenance guys do a good job, but they probably won't get a share of my deposit! Don't be fooled, these people are greedy and deceptive.
One of the worst experiences I've ever had to deal with, when it comes to property management. STAY AWAY FROM THIS COMMUNITY. Their management alone, is enough to tank this place. They are unprofessional, rude, and overall created a very unpleasant experience. DO NOT MOVE INTO THIS COMMUNITY. They are truly crooks, and some of the most unethical people I've dealt with.
Absolutely terrible. what makes it worst is the mangement and fees. much less... barely any service
How hard is it to just give a price? Just keep flipping around the rent price. All I wanted to know was how much a 2 bedroom apartment would be with a 1 year lease, move in immediately. Not sure why no one can give me a number. Ridiculous.
Do not live here. First, when we signed the lease to live here, both my roommate and I signed up for a parking spot. However, they only gave us one parking spot when we moved in and told us they had no explanation for not giving us both. On the first night here, my car was severely keyed on all doors and the hood. The damage was over $4k and I am a law student living off student loans. The office refused to help in any way, there is no security throughout the whole place, and the staff was not kind. Second, after I got my entire car got repainted, my car battery died and my car was stuck in the parking spot. In these two days it was dead, my car door got "dinged" so badly that the paint was entirely taken off, not just a scratch. $400 more to repaint my entire door. We know who it was considering my car was dead and not going anywhere, there was 0% chance it happened somewhere else. The man who parks next to me refused to pay, and the office would not do anything about it again. Now today, he scratched my roommates car door. Once again the office is not helping us at all. The man who keeps hitting our cars claims he "needs" that spot because the spot we have is tight and the office took his side despite the damage and stress he is causing to us, law students with negative money. You lose the right to say you "need" the spot when you are causing severe and expensive damage to others cars and the office has all the power to remove him from the spot. On top of all of this, we still only have one spot for two of us, so one of us has to park on the street every day which the office still did not explain or resolve. Besides the thousands of dollars of car damage, the staff replies to residents unkindly and sassy, it is very unprofessional. They don't work Mondays for some reason. We have had a nasty bug problem. They shut off the power to the whole complex one Saturday afternoon and didn't turn it back on until Sunday morning, giving no notice to majority of residents. Maybe they have a thing for not helping out females, maybe it is because we are young, who knows, but 0/10 recommend living here.
TL;DR - rent too high, staff doesn't care, residents are white trash, deadly insects inside are the norm. These apartments are awful. I've left many service requests over the years asking for various things to be fixed and not only do they not come when you had specifically set a date for them they do not call to tell you they won't be coming. Our clothes washer broke and I gave them 2 days notice that it was broken and to fix it, didn't hear a single word from them for a week. I made another appointment and 3 days after they then decide they want to show up and fix it. I was told that a maintenance worker had a family emergency and they were short staffed. I believed it at the time, but this is obviously not the case because it's happened every time since then as well. The front door doesn't fit inside the frame very well and you can clearly see the outside as well as a gigantic crack in the bottom that the weather stripping is too short to cover. Of course many days after I set an appointment they decide to show up and "fix" it. All he did was move the weather stripping to the side that needed to be covered. That did absolutely nothing as it just moved back. He tried fixing the front door and all he did was move the handle this way or that a little and now if its unlocked you don't even have to turn the handle for the door to open. My cat can open this thing no problem. A few weeks ago I had made an appointment for them to fix our dishwasher. The bottom never drains of the disgusting water and leaves food and a horrible stink backed up in there. Naturally 4-5 days after the initial appointment date someone shows up and all he does is fix a filter. This did nothing for the gross water back up because this place is cheap and they refuse to give you new things, assuming you're the problem all your appliances are falling apart. The appliances are likely from the early 90s and were falling apart even when they bought them. This place is black widow central. I've had 4 massive black widows within 2 feet of my front or back door over the past few months. Of course they can easily get in with that gaping hole in the bottom of my front door or the gap between the A/C unit and the wall that I can clearly see through to the outside. The kids that live here are horribly misbehaved. They would throw trash on my patio on a daily basis. I called the front office telling them some kids were leaving trash near my house. They have a guy come over and he asks the kids if they were throwing trash, naturally a child being a child they lied and said no and that was the end of that. Still trash on my patio everyday for the next few weeks. It escalates to food being thrown at my door, sauce packets being stomped on at my front door and gum being wrapped around my door handle. I have pictures to prove all of these things. I've never once interacted with the children around here so they have no reason to be harassing me. The Waste Management people seem to come once a week if that. Garbage piles up in my house because the dumpsters are CONSTANTLY and literally overflowing. People throw out their closet doors which have floor to ceiling mirrors leaving glass all over the area in the process and completely blocking the entrance to the dumpsters. People that live here are trashy and leave furniture and things like that outside of the dumpsters. I guess no one in California has heard of paying it forward or being a decent person and donating these things? No one is going to pick up your nasty couch after it's been sitting in front of a dumpster. You've taken a perfectly good piece of furniture and have thrown it to the wolves. Use your brain. They pride themselves on being smoke free, what a farce. People smoke and drink here all the time leaving beer bottles on people's steps and in their parking spots. Paper thin walls. I can hear the people above me peeing believe it or not. It's pretty disgusting. I've lived in much cheaper places that are far nicer and whose staff actually cared. So not worth the money they charge.
I have finally moved out of this apartment and couldn't be happier. Their new rent rates went from $2000 to $2400. I moved in there nearly 3 years ago and rent started in the low $1900s. We had a noisy tenant below us who would play music and have people over till 2am and malibu canyon did not make any effort to have them comply to the good neighbor agreement. This was an ongoing issue for a year that made my stay unbearable. It was almost like it was an inconvenience to them when I would report it as I could hear it in the tone of their voice. I wouldn't recommend this place to anyone. It's a rip off and they will jack up your rates over 15% each lease renewal.
I don't know what is more frustrating, having cockroaches crawling through my shower drain and kitchen ceiling light and washer/dryer unit, or the way the staff handles the situation. For three months now we have had a cockroach infestation and after being "treated" three times, they continue to return. I have told numerous people that they are more than likely coming into the unit as a result of the one next door being remodeled, but they refuse to spray next door or look into the issue further. Two weeks ago I asked for a plan to be devised, but heard nothing back. I go to the leasing office to get help and the lady working tells me she can't help me but hopes the problem is solved because "they will still have to rent our unit" when we move out. Goes to show how little they care about residents and how much they care about getting their money. Ignore the fake posts about the "emaculate" grounds. leasing staff will feed you lies about how great the apartment is and rush you to sign, and as soon as you do it will be next to impossible to ever get ahold of them again.
I gave at least one month prior notice to the leading office staff and under their request I even paid one month rent 2100$ to them even though I didn't live in there at all. So I waited to move out as they requested again because I did a big favor for the lady Adria told me she found a next tenant to move in on Jan 2. I did and I expected they return me deposit 630(minus 120$ cleaning fee) you know what happened: for the past two months instead of returning me my deposit , they kept bothering me by mail which requests me to pay the move out notice fee 1622.94$ . Service here sucks and I feel totally unsatisfied about being ripped off. You guys didn't keep your promises and it sucks !
Oh my god, is the staff like mentally retarded at this place. I live here and I can't believe how unprofessional and unknowledgable the staff is. Don't get me wrong the amenities and the location at this place is great, but if you have the heart and patience to deal with such a staff that operates at a snails pace and have no clue or information about their management company,'s up to you. My FOB did not work for one year, I think I've asked everyone in their office to fix it for me and when it did, the amenities were being renovated and I had to wait another six months to work my key. No one no what the hell they are talking about but they sure as hell know when your rent isn't on time!! Their lease states that we the tenants will be charged a late fee on the 4th day of the month if our rent is not turned in. Can we the tenant charge the management company (staff) for late fees when they don't fix our FOB keys after a year or charge them a late fee when no one in their office can give you a balance of what you owe? Not fair! Don't rent here, save yourself the trouble and headache of having to deal with the staff.
This place is perfect for you and your family if.............. * You like hearing your upstairs neighbors pissing into the toilet, walking around at 3am, talking, having parties even turning light switches on and off. (I am almost certain they took short cuts and did not put any insulation under the wood flooring.) * You like living next to drug dealers who, leave their cigarette butts in front of your door, leave bags of trash in front of their door for days and scream during the night that they are going to kill someone. * You go on vacation only to come back to find your car gone and find out the complex moved it half a mile up the street so that they could re-surface your parking lot but don't tell you anything about it. (I almost reported it stolen) * You like having $250 withheld from your deposit for a 'Full repainting fee' just because you left 6 or 7 screw holes in the wall. Not to mention you spend half a day cleaning all marks off of the walls. * You like hearing obnoxious people talking extra loud in the hot tub until early hours of the morning even though the pool areas is meant to be closed by 10:00pm. (Security not doing their job). * You like walking into your house with an un-announced stranger inside doing an inspection. We honestly tried our hardest to keep the Apartment in the best condition that we could and they had the audacity to charge a full painting fee for a few screw holes in the walls, I was going to write a decent review on here because I try to see the best in things but this one just drew the last straw. Just beware that if you move in to this place, it's almost certain that they will charge you for a repaint fee no matter what condition you left the place. You may as well graffiti the walls before you move out, get the most out of your $250 that they will keep.
DO NOT LIVE HERE. Your rent will go up every time you renew. The parking spaces are not wide enough for wide vehicles. They can squeeze in and just bang the next car to it, I guess that is okay.??:( There is a major guest parking problem. People double park on the dirt side of the Las Virgenes Rd. because too many tenants have cars. Gym is great if equipment are working properly. There are mutt mitts but dog owners do not use them so walk around and you will smell dog doos. Trash bins are always overflowing. Supposedly non-smoking complex but who will patrol that? People still smokes, you cannot open your sliding door sometimes because the smell of smoke or sometimes weed/pot smell???? Pool set-up is great, but big deal. Moving out.
I can't wait until my lease ends. I took a chance. I went through an absolute nightmare from day one moving in. All the reviews below about staff and management are correct. They are not and never will be, on your side. They are not and never will be, on your side.I know it's hard to find a place to live but you will have nothing and no money as they continue to add fees without your consent. Constant. It's a money sucker and they will fight you on a random fee for an additional $100 on a $2900 tiny apartment. Don't do it. if only the amount of people hurt here could rise up and sue Malibu Canyon Apartments, they'd be shut down. Rightfully so.
Just to recap... The first 1.5 months living in the community were horrible! We had terrible neighbors below us that continually harassed us. I.e banging up on our floors with practically Every step we took, Smoked cigarettes and other types of drugs. They loudly played video games, shouted through many domestics (at all hours) and liked to use their BBQ. With every issue addressed we were told by staff to await a resolve. And we did. However through our tried patience we decided that our lease length would be unbearable. It wasn't in our best or safest interest to remain. The company after MUCH negotiating 'let' us take a 30 day notice of intent to vacate. However before the date we noticed this couple moving. Obviously evicted and hoped all the issues were resolved. So we (my husband, 2 young girls and I) went to speak with Tamara about perhaps continuing our leasing agreement. We wrote her our intent and figured a happily ever after.... Until the very next day! It's now 20:00. Our girls just settled into bed, (a 15 month old and a 4 yr old- If you have children you understand how important and difficult maintaining a routine can be.) When suddenly we all hear this loud bumping and scraping from below!? Service people? Come to clean and paint at this hour!!? We were so angered as this session (and my girls) went on past 22:00! Early the next day work resumed in the downstairs apartment. Assuming another painter as a strong odor filled our apartment. Though this smell was different and more powerful than paint. Within the first hour I was feeling ill and lightheaded. we remained thinkng it would soon pass and opened all our windows, doors and turned the ceiling fan to ventilate. As the second hour passed I was awed at just how heavy this vapor was, and called my husband at work to explain. our apartment became completely unbearable, and had no choice but to leave. Returning a few hours later to this still present odor. Even along the walkways outside you could smell this! Now of course we totally understand the apt would be in need of a reno. We expected some noise and sorting but this situation was beyond a nuisance. The next morning I called Flora Bialo of this issue. I was understanding of the needed reno. She informed me that they had reglazed the bathtub. It then became apparent that we had not endured just paint fumes, but more hazardous and dangerous chemicals! She assured me that they used no harming materials?! (Mind you all reglazing materials are hazardous! people have DIED from exposure) and asked if there was any odor still present. I replied that there was tho not as overpowering as the previous day. She then said she would contact maintenance about this issue, and if there was nothing more she had another call coming in! My husband asked for the msds from Aiesha Williams. It took her a week later to get this to us!! With the msds now available, we're completely shocked that there is not a required notice or signs present during 'reglazing'. Meanwhile we have not been well. Those first days we had headaches. loss of appetites and were extremely irritated. We've since had itchy throats and dry coughs. We have a doctor that will verify the severity of these complications. There definitely is NO consideration to tenants on these kinds of matters. With the presence of small children you'd think they'd be more courteous! We have been harmed and misled. And we're sorry this situation hadn't occurred sooner, as we would have continued our intent to vacate. Resident relations have STILL not responded!
I rented an apartment here in the mid-1990's during my days in law school. I then rented a 2 bedroom 1 bath apartment about 2 years ago. About 8 months into my lease, I asked to, and was approved for, a larger unit with 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. I fully completed my lease term and asked if I could sign up for a 1 bedroom apartment for a new lease. They termed it a "transfer" and "denied" my request for a transfer, instead telling me that I either had to renew my lease on the 2 bedroom, 2 bath that I no longer need or be stuck with a higher rented rate, month to month. I've never been treated with less regard for my business and am now exploring other communities in the area so that I can move into a 1 bedroom as that is all I need at present. Bottom line, they'll "let" you upgrade but won't "let" you downgrade. Matt B.
After 9 nine month of living in Malibu canyon apartment I have to say if you are going to rent 1 of this apartment you ruin your peace, first of all it's smoke free community it's a cigar lounge 2 I complaining every night about a load music and no body cares ! So I gonna right a review every night that they wake me up here!
Waste of Our time. Misinformed. Expected to see a 2 bdrm / was shown a 1 bdrm not to mention the agent that assisted us barely wanted to show us a unit and had been gossiping with other agents about units to show us.. you know that inside bullshit... not to mention when we walked in we stood in the lobby of all agents view for about 15 seconds before being greeted.. and staff was late returning back from lunch in which hit into our appointment time.. we're good!!
After 9 nine month of living in Malibu canyon apartment I have to say if you are going to rent 1 of this apartment you ruin your peace, first of all it's not a smoke free community it's a cigar lounge 2 I complaining every night about a load music and no body cares ! So I gonna right a review every night that they wake me up here!
I have been at Malibu canyons apt for a year now .. It is pet friendly, nice amenities, and great location. I truly enjoy living here except for a major ongoing issue I am having with this complex. First management is impossible to get a hold of I always have to go in person to speak to any one. My issue is maintenance. They are flaky, ineffective and enter my place whenever they want even when i put in writing not to enter when I am not present. They do not tell you they have been inside either I only know because all my stuff has been moved and riffled though. bottom line if you have any issues do not expect management to do anything and be ok with random men going into your apt and moving all your stuff around whenever they want.
Malibu Canyon Apartments are a beautiful façade. They do a great job of selling you on the pool/cabanas/BBQs but once you move in you will find out that the jacuzzi is broken for extended periods of time, the cabana lights do not work, and the BBQs are constantly out of order. Once you commit to the lease, they are unwilling to communicate with you because they already have your money. The management is way below par. They are rude and inefficient. However, the maintenance guys are great and extremely helpful. The walls are extremely thin. On the bottom floor, I am kept up at night from my upstairs neighbors' shower dripping. If this place improved the efficiency and attitude of their management, in addition to fixing the recurring problems that are clearly listed numerous times in these Yelp reviews, they would have a whole lot more positivity. But until then, I highly recommend spending your money elsewhere.
DO NOT MOVE HERE. Worst management I have ever dealt with. AIMCO is terrible with communicating and will charge you for everything. Ridiculous service fees make rent at least $150-200 more each month. Consider this when you hear the fee you will be paying for rent. During this pandemic, all 4 pools and the gym were closed for months and management said that rent only covers your apartment and does not cover amenities so no one gets reimbursed whatsoever. Funny because when they show you the complex, the pool is the first place they bring you.... they literally sell you on the amenities and then say that they are just a perk when it comes down to it. Our rent was raised 13% in 2 years of living there, and was raised another $100 in the middle of the first COVID-19 shutdown while we (and most everyone) were unemployed. We moved out (thankfully) and just got our final account statement showing what we got refunded from the deposit, and we were even charged a "final move out service fee" of $20. While $20 is nothing comparatively, this is the silliest thing I have ever heard. We have given thousands of dollars to this company already.... but sure let's pay you to move out as well. READ THE REVIEWS AND BELIEVE THEM. Move elsewhere and get much more for your money!
I was kicked out of this community because of a woman who lived there complained to Amanda the Manager that I "stripped by the pool on my birthday". It was my Birthday July 4th and all my guests witnessed me the entire day in a dress which was never even taken off to enjoy the pool. Unfortunately even though my Family and Friends as well as my neighbors knew that this was made up and slanderous, Amanda the Manager believed her and Amanda made sure my Lease was not renewed. When I got the notice in October, I went to the office to speak to Amanda to see why my lease was not being renewed. Amanda confronted me and said "You had a party by the pool on your Birthday?... You stripped by the pool". I was so shocked. I asked her who said this? I also asked her If I stripped by the pool on July 4th how come no one mentioned it to me until three months later? The entire community would have been talking about it but no one had heard anything. Not one word about it as it came as a shock to everyone who was at the Party as well as all my neighbors and my Family. This woman had told Amanda juicy and absoluty untrue details about lots of neighbors being Russian spies Drug Dealers etc. and had many kicked out as I learned later. Amanda proceeded to say that they had video evidence of me stripping by the pool. I asked Amanda to produce the tape of me stripping and she denied my request. I heard shortly afterwards from the security gaurd that the pool cameras were not even working during the July 4th holiday. So Amanda was gaslighting me. I knew there was no tape of me stripping because I did not even go in the pool much less take my Birthday dress off the entire day. I was busy hosting my party with my Daughter, my Best Friend and sweet neighbors. I was also late on my rent a few times which did not help the situation because I was having issues with my Coinbase account overdrawing my bank account twice. So ultimately they were able to make sure I was unable to rent at Malibu Canyon and said it was because of that instead of the stripping RUMOR. But is was mostly because the woman slandering me and Amanda believed her. My neighbors cried when they saw me go. I was very helpful always the one to give a ride if someone needed one. Always showed up when someone needed help. I had one neighbor who relied on my rides she was disabled. Oh well, the woman who slandered me had told me before July 4th that she works for Aimco the company who owns Malibu Canyon as an "attorney". The woman also has rabbits and doves in her own apartment, running and flying around and in the meanwhile she told Amanda about all the neighbors who had unregistered animals in their apartment. But those people did not lose their place like I did. One woman was a good friend and a sweet lady and the cat was only there for visiting not living with her only when her daughter was there part time. This woman is very bad and she still lives there to this day right and she lives right by the pool. She told me that she gets paid to spy for Aimco and unfor"tunately she makes up LIES to do her job if that is even true. Amanda has since been fired too many complaints from community members who had a bad brush with her fierce side. Not very good at discerning gossip. The floors are also very thin, so if you live upstairs the downstairs neighbors complain about noise and another reason to get kicked out. Very unstable. I deserve an apology from Aimco and Malibu Canyon for how they treated me purely based upon a mentally unstable woman's words. Very sad and I know she had MANY people kicked out of Malibu Canyon over made up lies that Amanda unfortunately believed. Very Sad. Life is too short to have bad neighbors who tell lies about good people. My family was devastated I had to leave, they loved to visit and I loved it there. It was devastating and it took me 2 years to not cry when I talked about it. I have healed and I miss my neighbors they always ask me to come and visit. David Stone is an awesome guy. He voted me "LEAST LIKELY TO STRIP" Sonny is an awesome guy too my Greek Neighbor I miss it there!!! . BEWARE it is worse than Payton's Place with spies who make up lies and ruin good peoples reputations. I hope that woman was lying that she was a paid SPY for Aimco.Really messed up if true. Not a stable place to lease a place from.
Have to keep updating because so many things keep happening nonstop with no accountability. If you live by main pool you will be kept up until 12 am most nights from parties and screaming kids. 1st May 5th complaint today still happens nightly. 10 pm is the law and what you sign in the lease. 2nd more mold. No central heat and air so the bedroom has no fan either. Have to keep window open at night and you can't because of the noise. This ahVAC is probably original to this apartment I'm guessing 30+ years old. Anytime we turn it on because of the 100 degree days, we both are congested, non stop sneezing, headache . I'm just trying to save anyone else from moving here.
DO NOT RENT! These units are so poorly built and maintained. The noise from upstairs units is unbearable. They are infested with cockroaches and should be shut down. The pest control company that Air Communities/Aimco use is the lowest corporate bid so the units are not properly treated. Additionally I had a leak that ruined my personal belongings due to the incredibly horrible build quality and insurance has been a nightmare. There is no accountability taken by the on-site staff/ "management". The staff are very competent at being duplicitous liars, yet incompetent with everything else. Once again, there is no accountability. My only option in order to leave this abomination of an apartment community was to terminate my lease early, spending a considerable amount of money to do so. Please take my advice and avoid signing with this community, they are despicable and disgusting. The staff and corporation should be ashamed of this community. There is a reason why there are so many negative reviews on yelp. AVOID!
UPDATE: I paid $3,150 as a deposit last year when i signed the lease. After charging me an extra $837 last month, they returned to me only $143.9. $4,000 altogether and i got less than less than 4% of the deposit back. Don't try to argue with them cauz they would promise you something and forget about it in one second.
By far the worst place I have ever lived! So loud and noisy, a bunch of Pepperdine students they cater toward with no care of families. They let some people get away with murder while harping on average families trying to live their lives. Yelp has way more bad reviews. They have wrist bands for the pool that you have to use and if you lose costs 200 dollars. You have to pay to park in your own community and if you want ups packages expect to pay for a locker. This place is so money hungry. And with 900 units it wont be quiet, especially with the paper thin walls and fake hardwood floors top and bottom expect to hear your neighbors ALL THE TIME! I cant believe how happy I am that I moved from there! The maintenance is great but the management is far from good and play favorites. If noise and getting takin advantage of is your thing then you found your place. But I will advise against it. Cant stand that I put up with it for as long as I did! Not to mention the cops down there every other week, with 900 units and mostly college kids, what do you expect I guess. Wish i was warned, went to look at the place on a Saturday when it was quiet. Guess they were all hungover. Dont expect A-Man-Duh (Amanda) to do anything for you but shrug her tall man shoulders and say they can rent your place to someone else
Update only: despite the message on Yelp saying they would pass along my message and have an employee reach out to me months ago, no contact has been received. Let me again reiterate the disappointing experiences I have had with every single interaction with the company.
The appliances are outdated, dumpsters are overfilled, the workers fly around on their golf carts and make you, the resident, have to step in the mud so they can keep driving their stupid golf carts to "clean up" and "fix stuff" at the pool. It's funny that the only time I see them doing that though is when their is a 19 year old college girl tanning. Then they will stay at the pool for hours while they "fix stuff". The "adults" around here are always just walking around drunk and getting in domestic fights, you'll always see the cops here. The city has a car that will come through twice a week and right tickets for any kind of BS parking violation they can find, so make sure to warn guest when they come cause they will probably get ticketed. The people at the front desk are clueless, I know they are just going to respond with some dumb automated "We're sorry to hear about this blah blah" I recommend the Avalon apartments which are very close by.
I originally left a 5 star review on there website after a few months of living here with relative ease. Only to now have our rent raised during a global pandemic and economic disaster. Terrible renewal offers and literally the worst response times I have ever seen. Complex demands two months notice but takes 2 weeks or longer to get back to me when I have questions about my lease. The amenities have been extremely limited, closed or downgraded even before quarantine (Turns a spa into a barbecue grill area???). Much better and more affordable options, go somewhere where you're treated like a person instead of a cash cow.
When we first got our tour of the place we loved it, the women helping us was great answered all of our questions at the time we had. Visually is a great apartment which is why we chose to live here. Sadly every single review about the service is true. It really sucks to say that because of how pretty the area is and how nice they are when you try to move in you'd expect them to respond to emails and help out in any way but no. After only living here for 2 months we have experience more annoyances in things going wrong than right. Shower didn't work when we moved in, after it getting fixed the first time it broke again. One of our cars was parked on the street and a tree fell on our car when it was really windy one day and instead of them taking the tree off of our car they decided to cut up the tree and move all of the branches around it and leaving it all on the car, once I went to the leasing office after taking the tree off of the car I wanted to see if they would help out in any way, especially since they just left the tree on the car. The women said oh yeah we knew about that and have the tree trimmers coming to deal with it, AFTER THEY CUT IT UP ALREADY AND LEFT IT ON MY CAR TO FIND ALOT OF DAMAGER. She wasn't helpful in any bit and made the situation worse since she proceeded to say I don't know what you want me to do since it's already happened. You'd expect then to move the tree off of your car and clean up the area. If this ever happens to anyone else in this are don't expect them to help at all. They never gave us our mail keys until we had to go back and ask for them, It takes multiple service requests for anyone to come by and fix whats wrong. Currently our hot water has been going out, it's been reset twice but still hasn't been fixed. We then realized water coming up from the floor and a nasty mold smell coming from the bathroom after 2 times of sending in service requests they finally came in to fix it, we'll see how this goes. Crossing our fingers it's actually getting fixed. If you're going to live on the first floor you better hope no one lives above you and has anything on their patio. There is no covering on there wood slats, all there dirt and water come right down to you patio and makes it look messy unless you put something to cover it. Lastly (for right now) the smart app is a cool idea to have for unlocking and locking the door and turning the ac on, the problem with it is is that it will lock you out of doing anything with the door randomly so it's practically useless and the module on the door when it's running out of battery which is already happening to ours after 2 months of living there won't let you unlock the door and since the app barely works you're locked out until it decides to work for you. I really hope they can fix their management here, if so everyone would live here.
I have lived here for a year and the apartments and area is very nice. We moved in last November for a fairly good rate. However for our renewal they increased the rent over $100, which is nearly a 7% increase. We viewed available apartments on the site and we found openings for apartments less than what we were paying for today. We talked to the leasing office and corporate and they refused to match the prices that were listed on their site. They made up excuses saying the price we got is very good, but that is hard to believe when every unit available for the same model apartment we have is more than $50 less than their renewal rate. I am very disappointed in the renewal process and would not recommend living here to others.
We lived here for 2 years. If you believe in energy, you may want to consider not living here. It really was like living in N. Hollywood with only a little more nature. Between the constant policing of the area, cockroaches in the kitchen almost every week ( I am a super clean person ) not being able to put plants on your balcony without a fine, hearing coyotes howl every night ( every night ) no joke... Even heard a few small dogs get eaten alive on the mountain over the years... The property owners are super cheap and if you are 1 day late on your rent (1) you will be publically humiliated with a notice on your door with your name facing out so everyone knows your name, ( talk about no regard for your privacy and dangerous ). God forbid if you have a maintenance issue, it takes them days to get to you and while your waiting don't be surprised if your 1982 dishwasher and garbage disposal break down too. It's an overpriced nightmare. Don't be fooled by the exotic pool, it's filled with nothing but crying babies and teenagers drinking alcohol in cups while swearing. I think it may be built on an old indian cemetery, that's how bad it is. Proceed with caution and look at your rental Bill closely, they charge you for things that they don't tell you they charge you for. Super shady and offensively gross
Monthly power outages lasting over 12 hours. Not the management's fault, but still a fact of life here in this location. Expensive, noisy, embarrassingly terrible landscaping. The maintenance crew are the only decent thing here.
Summary: Long review, but worth the read! Leasing office lied to us/left out multiple things to get us to lease the property. You will be nickel and dimed here for hundreds more on top of your rent if you choose to lease here - be warned! Originally signed a lease here after seeing that the complex was advertising electric vehicle charging stations. The complex quoted $60 a month for a spot (which went up to $80 when we signed the lease?), but conveniently left out an ADDITIONAL $20 hidden fee through ChargePoint, who said this was charged by the apartments. Also, the energy cost at the chargers is about 50% more than what you'd pay on your Edison bill. The company already gets tax benefits for installing the chargers, why charge more for electricity? After emailing the corporate office multiple times I got a reply from someone who basically said to just deal with it, and that "the leasing office didn't INTENTIONALLY mislead you." Okay, so they unintentionally mislead us - bottom line, they mislead us, lol. Would it be so hard to just adjust the pricing to what was promised? Apparently so. In addition, management ignores emails, you have to pay to pick up packages from the package locker (add this onto the list of growing things that were not communicated to us during the leasing process), parking spots are exorbitantly expensive and to top it all off, there's no cell service anywhere. But hey, at least there's 4 pools! Edit: don't be fooled by the canned response from management to this review. I've emailed that same email multiple times - they just say that they've forwarded my concern to my leasing office, who I've mentioned before, don't respond. Edit #2 - update after living here for 2 months - my electric car charger has broken down 2 weeks ago - I emailed the leasing office to get it fixed, or to even try a simple breaker restart, but there has been no update for days. Imagine not being able to pump gas at your local gas station for weeks at a time.
If you like to live in kindergarten, Malibu Canyon apartment is the best place
If I could give this apartment complex 0 stars I would! Absolutely TERRIBLE. The staff is a bunch of assholes who don't care about you, and when you try to renew they bump your rent up like crazy! DO NOT LIVE HERE. Also, the gym is always PACKED and really really HOT with limited working Treadmills. Touchscreen work on maybe one of them. WAYYYY too many KIDS. I didn't want to live in a daycare, I wanted to live in an adult apartment. Tried leaving early because this place was terrible but they threatened to charge us and penalize us for leaving early so now we are stuck paying TWO extremely EXPENSIVE rents. Thanks for nothing, Malibu Canyon. I will recommend ALL of my friends to stay FAR FAR away from here. :)
They will not return any of your security deposit when you move out. We kept our place spotless and they charged us our whole deposit
Most of the recent reviews say it all. I lived here for over 3 years and had multiple issues with leaks, appliances needing repairs, and mailroom issues. The maintenance team is great, but the management is terrible. Like many have said, don't expect to get any of your deposit back, no matter how well you clean.
Terrible management. There is no management. Slow maintenance and rude management. They have no time for us they only take the money but no service no customer service! Avalon is way better
I have just had a conversation with Amanda (the site manager) regarding her termination of our 3 years long lease! The reason for termination is that her "interaction with me was unpleasant". I am happy that we interacted only once (when we had very expensive package lost in their new mail box system). It's hard to imagine what she does with people she interacts on multiple occasions. Despite another year we have to be in this school district, it's nice to leave this place.
Where do I start? I noticed another reviewer complained about an idiot and bad English. They took the words out of my mouth. Not everyone there is ridiculous, just one person in particular. MANUELA! She is all about her commission and trying to sell you what you don't want. She doesn't listen very well and is completely unorganized. I ended up walking out of there with my application . I had been going back and fourth four times talking to four different people, Every time I needed something else. I put a hold on an apartment which they never actually held. I asked her directly to work with someone else and she sat and debated it with me. If she doesn't talk super slow like your an infant you can't understand a word. She just smiles and nods and frustrates the fricken hell out of you. I was quoted by three people the same price for a two bedroom; she was the only one who had a higher price. I wanted her to show me apartments that will be available so I could choose and get a lower rent, instead she kept showing me things for rent for the next day wich are pricer. I wanted to know the about storage and apartments and most closet space etc. She was no help. She just stared at you asked why or looked blank. Then to top it off when I asked to work with someone else, she said, "I have worked here for many years longer then him and for three management companies." maybe that is a hint its not the management companies its the people working there. Another person walked out when I did as well. Then she said, "god bless you, you'll need it." I talked to the manager about not working with her so I don't know why I still was working with her. She said because I was hers. WTF is that suppose to mean.......anything for a buck I guess. She seemed like a good person but definitely should be fired!
We've had 3 different apartments now. The shower handles do not work. You can't open 3 of the doors because they are designed to be too close to the fridge. They are now charging $85 per month to have a mail box with them.... I thought that was illegal to hold someone elses mail guess not. Just a beautiful way for them to make more money. It takes 9.5 minutes for the water to get hot in the shower. The apartments are way too small for the price. Your can get a 2 bedroom home with a garage for the same price. Please do your research if you are considering moving here.
UNTRUSTWORTHY - DO NOT RENT Making a corporate move or moving without seeing the place? DO NOT RENT HERE. Poor management and untrustworthy. I made a $750 payment to hold an apartment, and I was told (I worked with Flora) the apartment would be new and redone. The apartment is dirty, with a patchwork paint job, and numerous other problems. Two weeks into living here and this is the short list of issues: - Fours days without hot water. - No electricity to outlets on one entire wall. - Smudges on walls and patchwork paint job cracking off the wall. The leasing agent said they will paint yet that hasn't happened. Not to mention, they are going to paint while I live in the place and sleep with fumes. - Bugs in the light fixtures. - I paid $270 to clean and sanitize the apartment so I could move in. My cleaning service even found clothing from the previous tenant. - Laminate wood floor is torn from previous tenant. - Screen on the window and slider is broken and has holes. - The blinds on the slider are broken and need replaced. - Closet doors are rusted and fall off the track. - Bathtub faucets do not match and are missing parts. Oh, yes, in the master bath, for cold water turn the knob to hot and for hot water turn the knob to cold. Malibu Canyon is a maintenance nightmare.
Probably the worst place I've ever lived.. the ground staff is not friendly the security guard is MIA esp at nite when kids are jumping the fence to go to the pool in the middle of the night.. some have actually spent the night there.. they break the gate every year right before summer. management told me I could not have a party for my granddaughter (family only) when every weekend we cannot get a cabana or a barbecue pit because there's several parties with 50 or more people (even this weekend) and I've lived here for years and can't have a few family members who are visiting from out of town.. they replaced my microwave with one I'm assuming they found in the garbage from somebody else moving out and it does not work.. they say no dogs in the pool area but there's a white lab that walks through there everyday several times a day and people bring their small dogs in everyday.. so what is the rule dogs are no dogs? The price is way too high for what you get here.. the noise is ridiculous from the pool and it doesn't close at 10m.. very difficult to relax and enjoy it. The parties are out of control with people who don't live here and are always coming off the street or parking lot and stand at the gate to have someone let them in or jump it.. they also Park in assigned parking spots and there's no security guard to get them out.. so if you live here and if someone parks in the spot that you pay for you can't do anything about it.. find somewhere else to live you can get more for your money.. somewhere that's more tenant friendly with good security.. a good bit of criminal activity happens here as well
I love the inside of my apartment and the area (except for the bad reception) but a lot of the reviews are sadly right when it comes to the leasing office and their service. I felt an immediate switch from when we got accepted to the apartments. Before they would respond to me in a timely manner and seemed so helpful and right after we had moved it switched. They never respond to any emails no matter how important they are. The best way to get a hold of them is to go into the leasing office and speak with them which is hard when you work the same hours the leasing office is open. Just kinda threw me off as I had chosen this place for their service when we took the tour. Our shower valve was broken when we moved in which should of been looked at before and we had no service to make a service request so we went to make one physically at the leasing office. I left my phone and everything and the girl kept telling me to make it online and I told her we have no service and I left my phone at home and that I have no hot water in my shower and if she can make one. Finally she did but it just seemed like she didn't want to really help me as she just told me to do it online. But nice area and great apartments, service is another story.. We have had some bad luck so other that we wouldn't have had to see the leasing office as much and notice that. update 12/7/20- still have heard no update from them, they "responded" to me about circling back to me with a response. I as well now have no hot water and a water leak. So many of these reviews are true.
Amanda should not be in a management position. She does not know how to deal with tenants in emergency situation and is beyond rude and seems uneducated in consumer relations. When our car was stolen Sunday night from our parking spot she was more concerned with "managements reputation" then taking action to prevent this horrible type of thing from happening again. Wrong approach! Maybe someone in Aimco will decided to put up cameras here at LEAST at the EXITS and ENTRY of drive way- so you know what's going on. This is a dark canyon at night. And this happening is SCARY!!! To the Community, I am putting this out there so that this doesn't happen again. Be advice and on the alert if you see anyone in the parking lot going from car to car at night call the police.
Been living here for 2 years now! Leaks started around the holidays & is still going on! They tried to fix it once but it just got worse... just living with puddles around the apartment! Leak in the bathroom, kitchen and in the closet. The worse was when a pipe burst and the water from upstairs went through the ceiling! This is what ur going to be paying for!!!!! They won't send u to a hotel or anything while they work on fixing stuff. U just gotta go figure out wer to go until they finish construction!
This place is an absolute nightmare. They require free reign over your bank account and any indiscretion they perceive they will take out of your account with no question or chance of recourse. They have charged us for damages that their own maintenance people have made. It's infested with rats, raccoons, and coyotes. The sprinkler system makes the entire premises smell rotten and floods the sidewalk making it impossible to go to and from your apartment to your car without stepping in the disgusting water. Management is completely unresponsive. They are just shy from being complete slumlords. UPDATE: IF YOU DONT SIGN UP FOR AUTOPAY (READ ABOVE: THEY CAN CHARGE YOU FOR WHATEVER THEY LIKE) YOU ARE CHARGED $100 A MONTH OR $1200 A YEAR. THIS PLACE HAS BEEN AN ABSOLUTE NIGHTMARE
Probably the worst place I have ever lived. For paying over $3800 a month, we have had nothing but issues and a lack of attention from management. It is disgusting to have roaches falling from your vents and coming up your shower and stepping on them, yet when we brought it to management's attention, the issue went around in circles and was never solved. When pest control finally came, we were moving out and had been dealing with the issue for over two months. In addition, we were charged $400 for a painting damage, yet we didn't have anything on our walls, other than small thumbtacks, and were told it was an upkeep charge... so we're paying for the apartment upkeep? $3800 isn't enough for that? Seems as though the other reviewers have had similar experiences. For such a steep price, you'd expect better service. Having to fight with management over roaches was truly a low for us - I expected to at least live in a pest free apartment (are we asking for too much?) Just the most disgusting experience ever (not just talking about roaches), I tell everyone I know to avoid this complex at all costs.
Lived here for just under a year. Already I have filed two insurance claims both for water damage from the apartment above. Management does absolutely nothing to help. The insurance company was very helpful but they even said that the management company is terrible at responding to claims and very slow. After each incident I was forced to pay out of pocket to stay at a hotel and to replace my damaged belongings. Not once was there any attempt to check for mold even though the water had sat in the walls for weeks. Additionally, the complex was cheaply built. The walls are paper thin and if you are unfortunate enough to get a unit on the first floor then you will hear every sneeze and step from the unit above. I made several complains about the upstairs unit and never once was anything done about it. Management basically told me "too bad". For the price and location of the units you would think the experience and quality would be much better. Save yourself the stress and DO NOT RENT HERE. THIS PLACE IS THE WORST.
This place is run and inhabited by organized crime/drug traffickers and I'm genuinely shocked the federal government hasn't stepped in to protect the average American Citizen from what is going on here. It's a very scary situation.
They do a great job of luring people in with their model apartments and pool area. They are extremely persistent until they lock you in. My experience with everything after that has been terrible. The buildings are poorly built, so you can hear everything if you are on the bottom floor, even a simple faucet dripping. They were extremely vague when you sign the lease, and went over it very quickly, so you did not have time to read every minute detail in the lease agreement. Thus, they verbally mentioned things (which I believed to be true), but only found out that those were a complete lie when I moved out and got hit with huge "moving out fees" and got charged a short notice fee because they require 60-days notice when they verbally said 30. Their biggest selling point is the pool/BBQ area, which oddly enough, was broken for several months. You're lucky if you can get a BBQ to turn on, or sit in a cabana that actually has working lights, or go in the jacuzzi when it is actually working (it was broken for a good 3-4 months). They also advertise this apartment as a luxury apartment, but it is far from that. The maintenance staff is great. The management staff is horrible. Choosing this apartment was a horrible mistake.
This place is HORRIBLE. We are moving. It looks nice and that is the trap. Everything the other reviewers said is true. The staff have never returned emails about issues we've had. (We only had two smallish issues) They comb for negative reviews and type some stock response about caring about tenants experience and to call them to discuss. Wish they cared when you contact them day to day. They only thing they care about is spinning/damage control on that site. In reality, they do NOTHING. Their business model is to just collect rents and ignore complaints or issues that can be easily resolved. Unfortunately, the staff live on site and often cause the problems. One night some girl and a guy were being super loud after hours in the pool when it is supposed to be closed. Found out the next day it was one of the managers that lives right by the pool. Try and lodge that complaint. The rent hikes are true. Ours is going up more than $200 for no reason! They charge for everything. My favorite is the $10/mo for parking space maintenance. I've never seen anyone cleaning my space. If they mean the leafblowers that are here EVERY DAY then that is ridiculous. They do not follow their own lease rules unless it costs them money. There are many power breed dogs here (even though they are listed as not allowed) many run off leash. They claim they never see any. All you have to do is walk around the complex once to see Pitbulls and Pit mixes. Maintenance people are disgruntled, older, men who cast dirty looks at everyone. And, yes, they do run people off the sidewalk in their golf carts with their scowled faces as they drive by. I see and hear the agents taking around prospective new tenants and cringe at their fake tones. I cringe because I remember them talking to us that way and making very nice-y nice. Once they've got you, those same people don't even smile or say Hi when they pass you after you've been there. RUN!! Beware of the smiles and is not real. Wish I had read reviews before saying yes to them.
Where do you start a 15 month whirlpool journey that you watch slowly spin out of your control? I've been reading through quite a few comments that mirror everything a new potential client should be aware of and avoid this property at all cost. Don't be drawn in by the superficial looks of the main office with its clubhouse and resort looking pool. It's all a facade. Be aware of this "Aimco" run property with its false promises and management team that will attempt to lure you in, and then disrespect and disregard your privacy and self respect. My journey started here years ago when the property was just a few years old. It was a great place for young adults to enjoy all the amazing amenities and great outdoors surrounding this community nestled near the beaches and away from the influences of LA. Now that I returned to restart a new journey with the visions of the years past, I only found disappointment starting with the lure of a free month rent. Guess again. Read the fine print only given to you after you sign. At that, read everything. Nothing is like it seems. There are signs posted all over. I was in an auto accident and while using a temporary walker I was ran off the walking path to our apartment by a pack of skateboarders and scooters. I was told that I should have taken a photo of the incident by management, but there's nothing they could do. Security is nonexistent but you pay for it, however, if it nears 10 pm you could see somebody at the Main Pool ( pool #2 or clubhouse)... As for cleanliness in the area we rented for 15 months- 1. Pool #1 was always filthy, furniture including bbq old and mostly broken. And dead honey bees always present and in large numbers 2. The landscaping, general grounds, and areas surrounding buildings 14,15, and 16 were unkept and pretty much dead. Dog feces can be found everywhere even on the walking paths. 3. The downstairs apartments are like living in a auditorium where sounds can be heard day and night and trash and liquid can be found on your balcony and furniture after each performance upstairs. And what they call landscapers use the balconies to blow their grass and debris into. 4. If they do anything in the way of renovating other apartments, expect extreme noise early morning until late at night from all activity and trash everywhere that is not always cleaned up. Note - The trash cans used by residents are exclusively used by all maintenance Lastly, don't expect the front office to answer the phone or resolve problems. This includes all management. Remember you will be treated as if it's aways your problem or your fault that anything happens. Nobody else is complaining, or it could cost too much to fix right now. Or we're working on that and it should start sometime soon we'll let you know. Much more one could say...... Enjoy your stay if this is your choice