Brigitte Yanez

This is the most incompetent unprofessional group of people who I have ever tried to talk to at any type of business in my entire life. We ended our lease early here as we had to move out of state, and had been ready to pay our early termination fee, but were not given any instruction on how to do so even though we sat down with the leasing office twice. Once when we put our two month notice in, again when we turned in our keys. All payments were done through their online tenant portal, so we kept close eye to see when the fee was there to pay. We received a statement two days after our move out date that said we had a zero balace due, and that we were actually getting a refund from our deposit. A week after that they sent us another statement that said we owed over $14,000! We called to get it squared away with the leasing office, but they didn't want to work with us, and said that the termination fee is the only fee that doesn't get put on the tenant portal and we were responsible for making the payment even though they sent us a zero balance statement! They never called, never sent anything in the mail, nothing. Now they refuse to let us pay the fee. I regret ever moving into this place. These people need a course on how to communicate with the people who pay them every single month! Go elsewhere... they will find a way to screw you over!