Lexi N.

TRUST THE REVIEWS! And do not trust the website pictures this place is a SHITHOLE and they will do nothing to make it better. They will continue to charge RIDICULOUSLY HIGH RENT and ignore the concerns of their tenants. Buckle up bc this will be a LONG list of cons. CONS: Let's start with the reasons I moved in: Dog Park: My dog is my baby so I was SO EXCITED to hear they had a dog park she could go play in off leash and make new doggy friends. Well, by "dog park" what they actually mean is a sand pit full of fleas and feral cat feces. No grass.. just dirt.. sand.. that's it.. and a bunch of clumps of unknown animal fur matted all in the middle. GROSS.. I would NEVER bring my dog in there. If you're going to claim being animal friendly.. then BE FRIENDLY TO THE ANIMALS and maintain the park! (See pictures) Security Gate: being a single female moving into a place by myself, security was a huge deal for me so the fact they had security gates was a HUGE plus. Well, those security gates do a GREAT job (sarcastic tone) of keeping people out when they never change the code and everyone and their 5th cousins in San Diego know the gate code. I specifically asked how often the codes were changed and I was told every few months. What a lie. I have been here for three years and the code is still the same. They are also often broken or just left open 24 hours a day (as i write this review the gates have been left open for about 5 days) WELCOME EVERYONE!! so that the lovely homeless population of San Diego can come in and rummage through the dumpsters at all hours. Super great when my carport is right next to a dumpster and I come out in the morning to toothless hooligans literally swimming through the dumpster and pulling out trash. Disgusting and uncomfortable and so unsafe. Gym: now at first glance the gym looks to be absolutely top notch as far as apartment complex gyms go. However none of the cardio equipment works and the office will just tell you that a work order has been put in but they are not sure when they will be fixed. Well I was told this two years ago and guess what? They are still not fixed. One out of four treadmills Work (so good luck with that) and 1 out of 4 elliptical machines work. Not to mention all of the residents who use it do not wipe down machines after they have flung sweat everywhere. EEWWWW so because their gym does not work I have to go pay an extra $40 a month to drive to use another gym. Pools and spas: there are two pools and two jacuzzis. Pools are fine, no real complaints there but the hot tubs are another story. The jacuzzi at the main pool works, but MAYBE fits two full size adults. And the huge jacuzzi at the smaller pool is so disgusting. Not to mention that the jets don't work and haven't for about a year and a half. and the whole thing needs to be resurfaced (so don't wear anything but old crappy swimwear in there) And you're lucky if it's hotter than bath water. This place looks nice on the surface, but that is because that is the only thing they care for. I have had four neighbors since I've lived here and every time someone moves out all they do is repaint the front balcony. LOL look at the picture below to see what I'm talking about. There are probably 1000 coats of paint all over all of the buildings here instead of repairing what needs to be repaired. This place is full of cockroaches termites rotting wood and just seems super unsafe. The apartment next to me and the one below that caught on fire about eight months ago. They just now have started working on it. And to add to that note I happened to be out of town at the time of the fire and no one from the leasing office contacted me to let me know that my apartment could possibly burn down. Thankfully one of my neighbors informed me and kept me up-to-date on the damage. I have requested several times that my balcony be redone because it is completely rotted and things are falling apart. They have refused me. This place likes to spend the absolute least amount of money while pulling the absolute most amount of money out of our wallets to rent an apartment. I still have a month and a half left in my lease and I cannot wait to get the hell out of here. there are a few maintenance guys who are very friendly and helpful and for the most part maintenance is incredibly prompt when you put a service call in. But everyone else on the staff has a sourpuss and mean look on their face at all times. No one seems friendly. If you have made it this far I congratulate you. I urge you to look at other places before calling Mariners Cove your home. It may look nice on the surface but as you begin to peel back the thousand layers of paint you will see what crappy place this actually is. Trust the reviews.