Erica D.

One star is one too many for this wretched place. THANK GOD FOR THE MILITARY CLAUSE. When we first moved here everything looked so great and for such a good price. But it's all just to lure you in. The beautiful "heated" pools are all freezing cold and dirty as hell. The hot tubs are rarely working, if they are there's bugs and crap floating in them. The beautiful trees are only in the front. The rest of the trees one has to wonder why anyone would ever plant near someone's home. Specifically the ones that drop spiked balls EVERYWHERE. I've damn near rolled my ankle at least a dozen times tripping over them. The parking situation is awful. You would think that you would at least be able to get a spot near your apartment. Just a few weeks ago they started to charge an extra monthly fee just to park in the covered areas. Now everyone who refuses, or just can't afford to buy a spot has to park on the side of the road, where there aren't enough spaces. Most of the complex is covered parking. There isn't enough uncovered to go around. Lately I've been having to park several blocks away from my apartment where the sidewalks are lined with bushes, making it extremely difficult to get my 14 month old son out of his carseat. And I can just forget about carrying groceries in. Since I have to park so far away I can't leave my son upstairs while I carry stuff inside in a decent amount of time. I have to carry as much as I can in one hand, back and forth with a kicking toddler. Awesome. Every time I call for maintenance to come fix something it usually takes about 2-3 weeks and several phone calls to get anything done. I had to sit in my apartment for 2 weeks with MICE because no one would come fix the hole in the back of my cupboard. The laundry rooms look like a war zone and on at least 2 occasions people have tried to steal my clothes. The cops are always here because of some domestic disturbance or drug deals. Idk they're always somewhere around the complex for some reason or another. Some drunk asshole is always breaking the gate. I don't know why we even have these gates, since one is always open 24/7 letting any random car drive through. I can never take my son to the park. There are either creepy adults hanging out on the benches or teenage kids taking up the whole area with their foul language and obnoxious behavior. I'm thanking my lucky stars for the military clause allowing me out of my current lease without having to pay these assholes another dime. Avoid this place like the plauge.