Lauren K.

Do not move here, especially if you are a college student. They do not care about you and that will become very apparent the minute you move out. All you are is a dollar sign to them. They'll make the place sound dreamy to live in when you're looking, but moving out is a nightmare and it is not worth it. They'll charge you a heinous amount of money that comes out of your deposit for cleaning and paint damages that don't exist (normal wear and tear). This has not only been my personal experience, but the experience of others that I know that have lived there. It doesn't matter if you leave the place in mint condition, they'll charge you as if you trashed the place. The management also becomes unfriendly and unwelcoming as soon as you move in and they don't have to put on the show for you anymore. They also charge a lot just to park your car and always have some large section of parking blocked due to whatever maintenance is going on that day. Seriously, go live anywhere else.