Kelli T.

DO NOT LIVE HERE!!!!!!!! This is the worst company I have EVER run across! they are sleazy, take advantage of the tenants and refuse to handle any issues so that they can "claim" that there have been no complaints. They sell this place advertising that it has all these ongoing services (bug control, hot water, trash etc.) not telling you that you will receive a EXTRA bill for these services. really with the over $2000 a month that you charge times however many hundred places you couldn't include the water and trash in the rent???? what a fucking joke! and then you charge for all parking and god forbid you want to know you have a spot when you come home, then you get to pay 4 times as much and they will park in your spot get upset at you for wanting to park in the spot that you pay for and then cover your car with the hardest water spots, that require 3 car washes to remove! Then because they are cheap they will change the carpet upstairs to hard wood floors so they do not have to replace the carpets, so now you can hear EVERY STEP and SOUND from upstairs! and I specifically asked about that prior to move in and was ASSURED that I was NOT GOING TO HEAR THE UPSTAIRS NEIGHBORS!!!!!!! yet, I could hear EVERYTHING! The leasing office is the worse, SO FAKE AND CONDESCENDING!!!! Anytime you need something they are RUDE! Apparently they just got some new office staff that have ZERO training in their jobs, because anyone with a brain would know that they way they are speaking to people is ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE!!!! Again, you can pay to have the creepy maintenance workers uniforms washed and delivered, but you cannot hire a manager that actually has experience and some education in the job???? The maintenance workers stare at you as they go by, NOT a smile or wave or even just ignoring me would be better than the creepy stares. Now they are trying to fix up the decaying buildings, so they are taking all the money that they scammed from the people who they tricked into living there and use the parking spots that they pay for workers! really the hired help needs to park in the complex! I have never met a company that put the hired help over the tenants! They also sell it as a clean air facility, but it is absolutely not! As long as the person is moving while smoking nothing is said, and hired workers are also allowed to smoke on the premises, because they don't live there???? like take makes it better!!! And don't expect to actually be able to walk on the sidewalks, dogs will shit there and it will be there until it rains hard enough to remove it, which means it will be there for at least a year and no one will take care of it!!! They will also use blowers to blow trash and dust into your patio on constant schedule a minimum of every other day. Then on top of that they will send threatening letters claiming that they will evict you if they do not agree with what you have chosen to have on your patio! really if you have more that 2 plants then you can be given 3 days to vacate the premises. Then to just solidify all the shady crap they pull, I cannot turn in my keys until the absolute last day on my lease so that they can send me a bill for water, and trash and bug maintenance when I had already vacated the property!!!!! Because that few extra dollars is that important!!!! they already have rent for a vacant apartment they need 8 days of water also!!!!! And they would rather have the apartments changed every year than actually try to keep tenants! for renewing all you get is your fees raised! rent will be a minimum of $100 more and parking will increase as well! So when you see the range in prices it is not because you are getting anything more or better, the longer you live there the more they charge you! and don't forget the fees on top of that! I would NEVER recommend this place to anyone, not even my worse enemy! That is how awful this place is!