Nando M.

As much as Gail may say the place is improving, it's not. They've recently added parking as something else they can charge for ( doing this without any tenant input? NICE!). They devised a plan to give everyone the same parking sticker so the covered parking which was once a green plastic decal you hung on your mirror and the yellow decal for uncovered spots made it easily identifiable who could park where. Now I pay money to NOT have a parking spot. Way to go lame management. Be prepared to shell out for everything, water, trash, utilities on top of regular utilities, mandated renters insurance, did I mention parking? The gates work sometimes, remotes hardly do, if you're lucky to get one. Kids are still running around aimlessly, the pedestrian gates lack the locks so anyone can walk right into the complex, hence not really gated. Transients are always digging through the trash and they try to sucker you into signing another contract by offering a free carpet cleaning. It's no wonder the vacancy rate is so high. BEWARE OF THIS PLACE. I've been here for a few years now and I've finally had enough.