Dave M.

The staff here showed me a new level of being dumb. Let me tell you, if you have to lease here, DO NOT GO TO SARA, the girl is very unprofessional and definitely not the sharpest, I am not sure how she was hired, I know 5 year old children who are much brighter than her. You should see the email correspondence between us, it is unreal, she cant even put a complete sentence together. If you then have a problem, which you will, she will refer you to her bosses Melinda or Maybel or who knows (some other useless bodies in their leasing office). These people love wasting time and running you through circles. If you are looking to rent in the area go to Loma Palisades, or another complex in the area, these people at Mariners Cove/Aimco arent worth your time and stress.