Malgosia W.

I doubt this will stay up very long. BUT WARNING TO ANYONE WHO IS THINKING ABOUT MOVING INTO MARINERS COVE. I'm still stuck here and its still awful. A couple of months ago, a KNOWN (Mariners Cove)neighborhood drug dealer took too much of the dope he was selling and freaked out. Scaring myself and the surrounding neighbors. The police were called, and management was on scene. Who do I see the very next week walking around talking on his cell phone in a suspicious manner... THE SAME guy who got freaked out on his own drugs! The management did not say one word to myself or other tenants that were around about what they were going to do about this, or even just reassure us that they would do whatever was in their power, so that something like this wouldn't happen again. Imagine if this guy had a gun, or what if their were children around. I'm not saying that Mariners Cove can stop people from doing drugs, I'm saying that this is most certainly NOT the first time that the police have been called about this same person...and he still lives here. Everyday I see more and more empty apartments, I can't wait to be the next to go!