Scott J.

THIS PLACE IS HORRIBLE. I'm military and I lived there for @ 2 1/2 years. the first year are so was fine but the last year was horrible. I was sucked in the cove b/c it was close to base, has a gate and look nice from the outside. You have kids that jump the gates daily, sell drugs and hand around the pools. Management does subsides housing which means ppl pay by what they make, which means a bunch of low life's and there kids get to become your neighbor. I was paying 1,500 a month for a 2 bedroom and they told me i had to make 4,500 to be eligible to move in. I get there and low life thugs are my neighbors. LOL /new management comes in and trys to clean up but makes it worse. They come out with a new decal every few months and tow the cars that don't have the new one. Out of 30 months living there my wife drop of the check 2 days late and the hit us with a late fee. I have seen ppl get there cars stolen and kids nearly raped. If you have 1,500 bucks for rent don't live here. Move to a nice place with a higher class of ppl. The turnover rate is high amongst neighbors but the low life's stay bc they have too. I moved out as soon as my lease ended. DON'T BE FOOLED BY MANAGEMENT POSTING NICE REVIEWS TO GET YOU TO MOVE IN. BE SMART AND SAFE.