Connor Sabine

What an experience.. At first I loved living in Gunbarrel and the apartment at Meadow Creek, but as time went on issues started to become more and more prevalent. The first week we were there someone on the property was having a mental health crisis and damaged several units windows, it easily took 2 months for all of those windows to be fixed around the community. Expect near constant construction noises and maintenance visits due to their antiquated property. Additionally, 24 hour notice of entry was rarely provided unless you tell them its legally required... in which case they'll make you feel bad for declining them immediate entry. In the last two months of our stay, they decided to begin the process to renovate every newly vacated unit on my floor, which made it next to impossible to focus on work (work from home) as they would be yelling, drilling, banging, blaring music, and otherwise creating major noise pollution in my unit. Additionally, they recently assigned parking spots to all residents, meaning that its up to you to call a towing company and have the car in your spot removed lest you face the same fate for parking in the next available spot. "Premium Parking Spots" are available with a higher parking pass payment... LOL At the end of our stay we were told that we either HAVE to hire a professional cleaning crew with our own money, or $170 would come out of the deposit for their preferred cleaning company. We were not allowed to clean the place on our own accord to receive our full deposit so we left the place messy, but patched all the nail holes and other cosmetic issues typical to moving out. This is why I was surprised when my entire security deposit was kept in its entirety and then 2 months later I was told that I actually owed another $28 in outstanding balance.... Must have been those sneaky fees like the Luxor mail system, paid parking passes (lol), and costs of utility for the workout room that nobody uses except for when they need to use the bathroom and the water is shut off... which should be expected every two weeks. We loved Boulder, but the apartment treats its residents like they are in a budget community when they pay close to $2,000 every month for a glorified studio apartment and amenities that feel like they're on their last leg.