Emily S.

DO NOT LIVE HERE!! Not only are the buildings falling apart, but expect to have at LEAST one flood if you are on a ground floor unit! We have been displaced for a grand total of 10 days on three separate occasions, out of our apartment due to cracking foundation and leaking copper pipes. Just spoke with management and they have informed us they will be filling in the hot tub (with concrete) after it being out of service for a year with no attempt to repair. *NO HOT TUB HERE IT IS A LIE* Parking was recently re-assigned at random, and not with consideration of the location of your apartment. Although we were promised the first come first serve access at signing, which occasionally displaced my vehicle to an inaccessible area, not PERMANENTLY assigned 300 yards away from the unit. YOU WILL BE WALKING ON GRASS/SNOW/ICE TO ACCESS YOUR APARTMENT. Despite having accessibility requests when signing the lease, the new management has thrown all respect out the window and is unwilling to reasonably accommodate these requirements, without forcing us to jump through procedural bullshit hoops. Ever heard of.... Humanity? Every Tuesday the 'grounds crew' spends the entire day milking the clock with their leaf blowers, and you are unable to go outside for the entire day. Their attempt to mow the rocks in front of our unit (due to absolute neglect of the grassy areas the other 7 months of the year) cracked the window THREE MONTHS ago now and we have not had it repaired, just a massive hole and expanding crack in the outer pane of our window. This place is garbage. Would have genuinely enjoyed living here for a long time, but every day management finds a new thing to fuck up here.