Brian C.

I've been renting for 10 years in multiple cities and this has to be the worst which is really unfortunate considering there's a 300% lease breakage fee. After be woken up for the third night in a row due to a loud neighbor I moved my bed into my living room where I've been sleeping for four months now. Bedroom, living room, office - all occupying one room now. When I asked the neighbor if she could be more respectful considering it was 3am she responded with "I cAn dO whAtever I wAnt in mY apArtment". So now my entire living space is cramped into one room and between the hours of 11pm and 5am it sounds like Godzilla is learning to rollerblade next door. The walls shake. The floors shake. I've contacted management multiple times and they could not be any less helpful or empathetic. "Will you break my lease because of the noise" - "We won't do that" "Will you tell my neighbor to shut up" - "We can't make them" "Will you let me change apartments" - "We could but we're not going to" "Will you let me sublet it" - "No" That said, I'm going to ride out my lease here, never recommend it to anybody, and actively tell potential residents to steer clear. I hope this place can't find any tenants and they go bankrupt.