Mason B.

Meadowcreek failed to turn over my unit in working condition. In a short period after taking over the unit: 1) the dishwasher flooded the kitchen because a drain hose was improperly installed; 2) the shower head leaked, spraying water on the bathroom ceiling and onto the floor; 3) the toilet had a large leak under the valve too obvious to miss, and the aging hardware in the tank required constant attention, often between individual flushes; and 4) the water supply to the washer was improperly installed so that only scalding hot water was available, regardless of the setting. Later, I also discovered a leaking pipe in a hall closet that posed a mold risk. I've never seen such mediocre execution. The first stretch was spent submitting service requests, which were required on a regular basis for the first few months. One day someone barged into the unit without knocking and startled me when I was in the bathroom. I worried that it was a break-in, and ran into the living room wrapped in a towel. It was a contractor that management dispatched to install a new refrigerator/dishwasher. I've never seen a landlord anywhere in the world enter a unit/dispatch repairperson without giving the tenant at least a 24-48-hour notice, precisely because any decent landlord (read: decent person) would like to extend the courtesy of not barging in on someone using the bathroom, undressed, etc. Once the appliance installation was underway, the contractors had to be reminded multiple times to wear a mask. Boulder was under a mask mandate at the time (still is as of this writing), and I interpreted their insouciance as not just garden-variety irresponsibility, but also a representation of how little respect Meadowcreek/AIMCO has for their tenants. I've called the front office multiple times and filled out multiple quality surveys pertaining to Meadowcreek's poor performance regarding the apartment handover, sloppy maintenance performance, and impolite/irresponsible violations of the mask mandate inside my unit. I received one week-late email from the community manager, Luis, in response to an email about the unit handover debacle (which was pointless by the time he replied), but no other response of any kind or any effort to show good faith that they were at least trying to fulfill their responsibilities in a diligent manner. Pure contempt for tenants. After more episodes of maintenance personnel refusing to wear masks while fixing the endless water leaks in my unit, I reported Meadowcreek to the Boulder County Health Department. Another obnoxious thing that Meadowcreek does is allowing towing companies to prowl the premises at night. I've seen my neighbors get towing warnings on their car for expired tags--the nerve of it! Meadowcreek doesn't bother to handover apartments in an adequate state of repair, and they certainly don't seem to care if one of their maintenance personnel/contractors give you Covid-19, but they want to enforce vehicle registration compliance for the State of Colorado? Bad company, bad values. Until AIMCO can run this place competently and show respect for their customers, I'd highly advise newcomers to the Boulder area to steer clear.