Addison B.

Meadow Creek Apartments is the worst place to live in the Boulder area. As others have covered the paper thin walls, lack of heat and air conditioning until it's too hot or cold to bare, and shared over priced utilities, I will focus on a couple issues we had, and how they relate to the apartment complex as a whole. 1: Poor Property Management. From the moment of moving in the apartment had been riddled with issues with the plumbing. Within every 3 week period we would put in a service request regarding our kitchen sink plumbing. After the repeated flooding of our sink, all personal property as well as surfaces such as drawers and countertops were water damaged and ruined, while the main office refused to repair or replace them. The main office always remained ignorant of our problems and refused to send anyone other than a basic handyman to attempt to fix our issues (and mark them fixed despite the problem remaining, just to mark the issue as "resolved"). Eventually it was discovered that a pipe had burst underground below our bathtub. Dirt, cigarette butts from our upstairs neighbors, and hot sewage shot out of our sink like a geyser. However, we were told the solution to this problem was to simply "stop using your kitchen sink." An easy enough task. We became accustomed to washing dishes in the shower, as that was the best solution Meadow Creek's management could come up with. Flash forward to two weeks later. The time is now 2:00pm on a Friday: I get a call telling me the issue would be fixed, the solution is to replace the broken pipe. Thank the powers of Google for helping them solve that issue. After that call I received no point of contact in regards to what was happening. At 6pm I was informed we would not be able to return home and that we needed a hotel for the night. We were never consulted on this project and whether we approved of it. That act alone borders on illegal. Throughout that weekend we went through hell trying to understand what was going on. We would spend every morning trying to determine if we would be ok to check out of the room or if we would need another night. Calling the office was useless because no one was aware of the project. A project that was slated to take one day ended up taking a full week. When I asked to be reimbursed for the hotel stay, nobody in the office had any idea what I was talking about, and gave me the run-around, never giving me a straight answer and usually lying to my face about when I would be reimbursed. Furthermore, I would later find out that the hired worker was not approved an approved contractor, and there is no record of the work being done or who did it. It was simply someone the maintenance head found that could dig a hole. No one was aware this man had access to our belongings, and our keys. After we left Meadow Creek, any calls to the front office were ignored, and only picked up when I called using a different phone. The community manager would not take my calls, and would only speak with me through the leasing agent. I was only reimbursed two months later after speaking personally with the AIMCO district manager. Tip for prospective residents: Ikea sells wall mounted bars that you can hang dish racks on as well as shower caddies. 2: Lack of Community Respect From the moment we moved in we dealt with the most horrible neighbors we have ever lived near. We kept in repeated contact with the front office in regards to their problems and were brushed off every time. They would simply email the unit to ask them to behave, and it would only serve to instigate them. After repeated attempts to contact our neighbors, the front office requested that we call the police to file a noise complaint whenever the got out of control, as that is the only way they could take further action. One Wednesday night at around 2am, after blasting music and stomping around for six hours straight at a volume loud enough to shake our light fixtures and prevent any sleep, I had the audacity to knock on the ceiling with a broom handle, the universal sign of "please be quiet." Immediately, their front door slammed, and minutes later, we had the lady living upstairs pounding on our front door and bedroom windows, screaing at us to come out and fight her instead of calling the police, because she didn't want another ticket. That fight did not occur that evening, nor did any action from the office when asked to deal with the incident. The front office told us there's nothing they could do about tenants on their property, and asked us to take matters into our own hands. Even with the threat of violence. Their "community contract" thing they present for you to sign when you sign the lease is apparently non-binding, or doesn't apply to the whole community. Another tip for prospective residents: Because Meadow Creek is in Boulder County, you need to call the Boulder County police department, not the City of Boulder police.