Geena R.

If I could give negative stars I would. Absolutely the worst living situation I have ever had. careless rude staff that will ignore you every chance they can as a way to keep their jobs easy. Any shed of hope was lost when the community manager quit and the new one Dianne came in. Shes incredibly rude, heartless, and has no zero ability to properly do her job. She would purposefully avoid your calls and pawn you off to lesser employees who didn't know how to help you. After holding out $800 hostage for 5 months, we had to go above her head to a district manager to finally get it in motion. Flat out: she should be fired. Beyond the horrible management, the apartments were survivable. They are okay, but nothing special. The floors are prone to getting gross and sticky due to the bad finish. The counters are cheap and prone to warping. If you do move in, expect your appliances to break and your pipes to burst. Your neighbors will most likely put cigarette butts and trash down their food disposal in the sink and thus clog your piping as well. While some of our neighbors were good a majority were rude, loud, and disrespectful people. They had no sense of time and no respect for a sleep schedule. Walls are thin so expect quite a few nights with parties into the early AM. If you live in the pool courtyard you can expect the occasional pool party that gets out of hand as well. This place isn't cheap either. It would be one thing if I was saving big bucks to live in a crummy apartment. But to be paying that much and have such a horrible experience is a scam. Seriously, spend the same amount and live in Boulder proper. You can find just as many amenities for the same cost in town.