Liliana L.

Renters beware, these apartments are a scam. When I moved in 4 months ago I received a dirty apartment, with a garbage disposal that didn't work (granted they fixed it the same day), the shower head was leaking water everywhere, the garage door wasn't working either, the washer connection was leaking as well, the toilet was disgusting and running all day; all of these were my first day at the apartment. Later in December I ended up without heat for 12 days; the garage door was broken again "they fixed it", and it got broken 7 days later (it took 2 days to get it fixed that time). If you like privacy you can forget about it, you will hear every single noise coming from your neighbors apartments because the paper thin walls. It took two days to take care of a broken branch and the manager actually had to come to see it because he didn't believe it was a risk to have a hanging branch right outside my apartment. You have to give 60 days notice if you intent to vacate the apartment (no matter what), and if you break the contract they charge you 3 months penalty (this is how they make money I guess). The shower will go from scalding hot to freezing cold within seconds; It doesn't matter at what time of the day you shower. Also I just got my bathroom flooded because it started leaking from the ceiling (upstairs neighbor flooded his bathroom, isn't it great?)