Sonia M.

The Aimco company is the worse to deal with. I don't know what's worse to call them "Hitler's followers" or "Trump's"? They have such a poor communication skills. They have been bouncing my emails and phone calls as if I was a tennis ball. They have no sympathy for anybody. In fact, I find them very rude, insensitive, and unfair. I broke my lease after living there for 10 days only. I understood I had to pay 2 months of rent plus the equivalent of 1 month as a termination fee. I had paid the two months, and their bestiality of charging me for utilities that I haven't use or consumed (because remember I didn't live there for the last two months they wanted me to pay, I returned the key and did an apartment inspection). I argued with them about those utilities charges, and they were heartless and didn't care. So, fine, I paid. Then my last bill which is the termination fee equivalent for a month rent. And this time, they had told me this last payment wasn't going to include any other fees, that it was going to be a solid $970 (which was the monthly rent). Well, they decided to throw in there an additional of $160 just in ridiculous feeds that do not even make any sense. I emailed about 10 people from that company due that nobody cares to respond. They are hiding because I have a screen shot that shows the prove that there shouldn't be any additional none sense fees. So they are not responding. I placed a complain with the BBB, and they have tried contacting them, but they won't care to call me to follow up or hear me out. They are evil people. I hope this company one day looses all their business because they are nothing but inhumane, evil creatures.