Jonathan G.

DO NOT RENT HERE. First things first, rent is overpriced for what you're getting. Lucy, is a very disrespectful person. Luis, the property manager, has no idea what he's doing. Apartment looks very nice to begin with, but plumbing and appliances will start falling apart a week after you move in. The new speed bumps will kills your car and they won't do anything about it. They will charge you for every little thing. Even things that are they fault to begin with. Insects take over the apartments during the summer. Heating and cooling is shut off not matter how cold or hot it gets. Parking is a nightmare. Before we moved out, we cleaned the place spotless. We even hired multiple people so that we wouldn't get charged and they still did. We got blamed for dangers that they had done previously. Please read your contract like a hawk before signing. This company will swindle you out of every penny they can.