When I first toured this place, I thought it was a good deal. The three bedroom apartments offered good space with lots of closets and a decent price in Boulder. I have learned the hard way, however, that you get what you pay for. There have been a list of issues that caused us to move out. 1. The apartments are always moist/humid and offer a particular scent. While touring, we thought the scent was due to an air freshener that was in the unit. After removing this air freshener, we realized that it was there to cover the strange odor that was all over the apartments. We tried everything, including candles, other air fresheners, cleaning and opening the windows, but the scent never went away. After moving out, I can still smell it lingering on some of our stuff. 2. The hallways smell too. If you rent an apartment that enters through a shared hallway, you will also everything that goes on it the other apartments that enter through this hallway. This includes cooking, marijuana smoking and anything else that people do in their apartments. I got very tired of walking through a cloud of marijuana smoke just to get to my apartment every day. 3. The heat and a/c run on a boiler system. What this means is that it is either set to heat or cool, and you can't use the other. So for instance, in the summer, it is set to cool . This means that you can't use your heat until they switch it over to heat which usually takes a few days. This is really inconvenient in the spring and fall. It is also inconvenient because they mow the lawns at like 7am. So, in the spring when we had our windows open prior to the boiler being set to cool, the yard work would wake me up every Monday morning. 4. Maintenance doesn't really fix anything, they just cover it up. We had a door that didn't work too well when we moved in. We put in a maintenance request. The response was, "we adjusted it as much as we could and find that if you lift up on it, it's much easier to open." They didn't actually fix it, they just did the best they could and we were supposed to be okay with that. Similarly, the first time I took a shower, the bottom of the tub peeled and stuck to the bottom of my foot. To fix it, they would need everybody (including out cat) out of the apartment for 12 hours because the process causes toxic chemicals. It should have been properly repaired prior to us moving in. 5. The apartment was dirty. I spent a few hours cleaning out small hairs, some of them blonde and others black around all the sinks. I cleaned crayons out of the rails where the doors slide. I also cleaned built up dirt out of the corners in the bathroom of the apartment we rented. 6. They over water the grass. This causes puddles everywhere and attracts a ton of mosquitoes. Also, on more than one occasion, I arrived at the door to the outside only to find that the sprinklers were spraying the path. The only way out was walking through it and getting wet. 7. They have unreasonable charges. There was a $400 non-refundable pet deposit (this is higher than any other place we lived). In all the different apartments I lived in, I have never not gotten the refundable portion of our pet deposit back. We clean up and care for our pet. Also, they have $125 administrative fee that is not refundable, and an application fee that is not refundable. There will be an extra $10 tacked on to the monthly rent they charge for a parking pass. Keep in mind that it's open parking, so i am not certain why a pass is even necessary. 8. They look for ways to keep your security deposit and charge you on move out. We left the apartment in better condition and cleaner than when we moved in, and they can still find things they want to charge us for. I have been renting since 2001, in Ohio, Colorado, and Oklahoma and lived in 7 different apartments. In only 2 cases have I ever lost portions of my security deposit, and those were both cases where I ran out of time to complete the required cleaning. In all of those cases, I was only charged for what I did not have time for, and was told that the cleaning I did do was more than adequate. I did fully complete all the required cleaning, and yet they are still trying to charge us. My advice to people who may want to move here... It is a reasonable cost for Boulder, but get an apartment that does not enter through a shared hallway. Also, take photos of everything on your walk through and be prepared to fight for your security deposit. Expect lots of things to break down and not work right, and for them to not really be fixed. Save money because they will look for a way to keep your money when you move out. I would recommend looking for somewhere else...