Caitlyn K.

I am highly disappointed in the responses from this apartment maintenance personnel to the problems I have been having in my apartment, I have complained 3 different times regarding the same issue of the dripping water from the ceiling problems. Because of a condensation in the closet. The solution: I was told to turn off my AC to resolve this issue during the middle of summer. The not so impressive solution. I have had a bucket in my closet since August 15th what is they left in my closet and forgot. The maintenance person told me he would return on Monday (August 18th) but he has not returned. The bucket is still there. Water was still dripping from the ceiling until couple day ago. Not only am I concerned of the damage to my wardrobe.... I am also concerned of the humidity, mold and smell... it is causing in my closet. I was very offended by the maintenance man's comment: "you are not the only one in this apartment with this problem." I am a responsible tenant. I pay my rent on time every month. I should not have to hesitate to ask for maintenance and repair. When a tenant needs to ask for maintenance the response should be: 1. Find out what the fundamental problem is. 2. Fix the problem. A real fix. Not a palliative. 3. Come back to check that the problem has been solved. I am very upset and unhappy with this situation.