
Showing 1 - 100 of 117
One star just because its not the grossest looking place (on the inside) to live. However, service requests take forever and usually need to be addressed multiple times with multiple emails, some even to corporate office. We all just got emails saying plants, bird feeders, decorations, etc. hurt the integrity of the building, but what they clearly do not realize is that the apartments that are decorated are what attract people to live here. The undecorated apartments look like a prison and not homey at all. I hope there will be new management in the future who know how to run an apartment complex... Corporate office is always helpful, but Luis and Lucy are just awful; unhelpful, rude, and they hurt the integrity of this place. All the good reviews on the site must be from management because I know a ton of residents who share all of my beliefs about this place. If you just need a place to sleep at night, then yeah this place is fine, but if you want to make it a home for a couple years as a stepping stone, look elsewhere.
IT IS A SCAM! If I could give less than one star I would! The rent is expensive for a super run down place that is dirty when you move in. The only good thing about this apartment complex is the maintenance team.
I lived here for a year. Beware!!! They will try to charge you for every little inconvenient charge they can come up with. For example, they require you to have a parking sticker to park on the grounds as a tenant. What they don't tell you is that they charge you $25 dollars if you don't return the sticker a year later because you could give the sticker to someone else. Also, if you don't give them a 60 day notice, you will get charged! I gave them 30+ days and was charged $630.00 because it wasn't a 60 day notice. It is an alright community if that is what you can afford, just beware of your contract and make sure you understand all of it because there are some charges slipped in there that you may not be aware of.
Worst maintenance and service ever! They run this place like a joke. And don't get me started with receiving packages. I bought an item and it shows it's been delivered here and yet there are no packages for me to pick up? It's been a month and no one can figure out where it went. This place is run so unprofessionally, no one knows how to handle situations right.
This place sucks. Spend the extra money and go somewhere else. I lived here for 15 months TOO LONG. Moved out last week, saw my 'final' statement. Don't plan on getting any of your deposit back, and expect to pay almost another months rent in fees when you move out. The staff doesn't know what they're doing 3/4 of the time, and the entire complex (while billed as smoke free community), smells like marijuana. You pay for everyone else's utilities, while I froze in the winter and was hot during the summer in fear of having a high bill, everyone else carried on and i was forced to pay whatever. Also, they make you have a ridiculously high bill allowance and you have to automatically have your money taken out of your bank account (without knowing what they will charge). WORST PLACE EVER! No compassion, or help. Save yourself the headache and don't move in.
Worst apartments and worst management...they will charge extra amount while moving out. There is no damage while we handed over the apartment don`t know what they are charging for...while i`m calling to the manager louie he is not responding to my calls...All the best for new resident who will be staying here
If you plan to live here, consider getting an apartment with washer and dryer because they HARDLY are working on every single building. And they can't do a thing because a private company takes care of its maintance. I'm just waiting for my rental to end so I can move out, I'm sick of not being able to do my laundry here.
I would like to give them no stars to be honest, this place been one nightmare after the next, && my neighbors are far from a problem!! Management sucks here, && try solving a problem u get the run around, no call back, or lame excuses from none shalunt staff!! Let's also add the last 3-4months my place go days without hot water or heat, yes I'm serious, in the winter!! 1 of those times my whole household was sick, && no hot water, plus maintenance was rude about it, customer service hung up on my daughter, && then me!! If I'm 1second late on utilities/rent though, they sure as hell charging me per sec, min, day!! I'm very unhappy, I told Dianne who only called me back after 3bad reviews, who gonna give me money for all the times my utilities are out when I've paid for it, NOTHING!! Just the same lame excuses!! Save yourself the stress && don't even apply!! When I get home I'm calling a lawyer, done with this place, && cannot wait till my lease is up!!
The only reason I give this place 1 stars is for their service/maintenance guys were great super nice and quick. The building it's self didn't have A/C and the heat was in and out. But other than that the building it's self was fine. The management who ran the complex were a joke, didn't return phone calls, were impossible to meet with. When it came to leave because they increased rent prices, they charged us for painting the walls which we never found out why they had to "re-paint" because like I said they had terrible communication skills, and a $100 cleaning fee which I spent two days busting my A$$ cleaning and prepping, there was nothing left to clean they are frauds and I would never recommend this place to anyone.
The apartments are old and seem to be perpetually under repair. The hot water was consistently out and in the middle of winter the heater went out because management did not take preventive measures to replace old pipes. The last few weeks of living there we were told that we could not use one of our restrooms because the floor of it was falling into the apartment below. They put a dead bolt on the door and never returned or told us that it could be used again. The "amenities" were lack luster as well. The hot tub rarely ever worked and the pool was generally filthy when it was open. In all it was an overpriced roof. On top of that after moving out and cleaning the entire unit, we were told that "we did not follow proper procedures and would incur fees". The place sucked.
It's very loud. The walls are so thin, noise transfers through the walls very easily. I had to wear bluetooth to bed, even if I didn't want it, just to surpass the noise of either fighting or other means of recreation going on in apartments next to, or above.
Worst experience ever. Beside the infestation of spiders this place has horribe service no one ever answers the phone, and it'sextremely over priced You can find a nicer and cheaper spot downtown boulder. Nobody likes living here.besides that I ha e gotten stuff Taken from my car multiple times no a good location for families. And on top of it all the pool is green the hot tub is as well. if any wrote a good review about this place it was probably the owner or anyone that's hasn't been here, I've personally myself have been here for 8 months and I feel like I'm in the projects of new have ct again
DO NOT LIVE HERE If I could give a 0 star review I would. There are so many things wrong with this community. The management is unresponsive, I had a concern about my lease and didn't get any response for months. I had left voicemails and made many calls to which I never got a response. The apartments are overpriced for the quality of living. The pool is closed until the summer along with the hot tub. There is a community utility charge so no matter how little power you use in your apartment you still get charged the average use of your building. There are an endless list of things wrong with this community and I strongly warn anyone looking at these apartments.
DO NOT RENT HERE DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY! DO NOT PARK HERE YOUR CAR WILL GET BEAT UP. my boyfriend and best friend first moved in the summer of 2016 and left April 2017. I would Come up almost everyday to see them. This place is complete garbage and I will tell you why: 1. The building we stayed in 5117 has been having Moldy water leaks from the laundry room into the entranceway making the whole apartment complex reek of mold (which is very very bad for your health) and dirty stained ceilings because of it. One of the weeks that this was going on they also had to quarantine one of the apartment rooms because of mold. WE SHOULD have gotten a discount on our rent or something. 2. The PARKING LOT: make sure you have your parking permit sticker on your car or else they will put a gnarly sticker that won't come off your car without "goo-off" and will tow. ALSO: huge incident... I woke up one morning and went to my car like always and I came across my left side car mirror had been yanked off. So, someone from the apartment complex whether a tenant or someone else at night elbow thrashed the mirror right off my car. I don't know anyone in this complex I don't have any issues with anyone in this complex so I have no idea how this happened and who did this but basically the moral of this is that this parking lot is not safe for your car or maybe even yourself who knows who's lurking in watching you as you park and walk to your apartment. So my mirror is completely totaled and the parking lot is very cramped so it's hard to get out of parking spots and the parking spots are really close together. 3. THE MAINTENANCE WORK: they stay waking people up before 11 AM doing concrete work, roofing, pool work, basically anything with a really loud power tools they're doing at least twice every two weeks. So don't be surprised if you're rudely woken up by power tools and maintenance men. 4. THE WALLS ARE THIN: I can hear my neighbors through walls and my roommates. I can hear the neighbor on the bottom floor on the phone or when they are outside on their patio. 5. The DOORS: are cheap. Again just like the walls the doors are really thin and are very cheaply assembled as are the cabinets the counters and the floors. 6. SHOWERS: The water temperature in the showers does not say constant. It's very hot and cold hot and cold and there's been numerous times where there hasn't been any cold water and we either take cold showers or didn't take showers at all. There have been three times in the past year where there has been no water...the toilet would not flush, I could not do dishes or shower. The water gets cut off at least twice a month without ANY warning. SO frustrating when you had two men who need to shower because of their jobs. 7. THE POOL: (people from the complex across the street would bring their dogs in the pool, we heard and saw some people having intercourse in the hot tub) The pool in the summer when it first opens is really nice but as the summer goes on the pool starts getting dirtier and dirtier and it literally looks like no one cleans it it's disgusting there's bugs in it everywhere and by the time summer ended last year the water was almost green. Disgusting. The hot tub is fine no problems. 8. It is very easy for people to steal your packages as they are left in front of your door. But that goes for every apartment complex. 9. The AC: over the summer the whole complex had it in air-conditioning problem and unfortunately for my boyfriend and I the AC system is located above our closet. When the issues are happening in our closet ceiling would leak tons of water which resulted in all of our clothes getting drenched and everything in the closet drenched. 10. Maintenance will come in whenever they want if you have an issue so be ready. So, all in all this place is a complete waste of money and they overcharge you. The price you pay for the amenities are not worth it. The price you pay for the quality of the room you have is garbage. Being woken up before my alarm in the morning because of maintenance is garbage.
If I could I would give 0 stars. Heres a list of just a few things that have happened in the year of living there. 1) arrived on move in with my apartment DISGUSTING. Nothing was clean and it took over 5 moping sessions. 2) in 1 year of living there there were 3 different managers and every time a new one came we had to resign and redo all the documents. 3) the hours the entire time I was there was only 3 hours in the middle of the day Tuesday-Friday. I work a normal 8-5 which means that anytime I had an issue I was not able to talk to them. 4) the way utilities are paid and divided are unreasonable. They take the entirety of the complex and divide the utilities up to everyone. So if I didn't use any water for the month, but another person did I would be paying for their water. 5) Maintenance requests were put in and I wouldn't hear anything or get them fixed for MONTHS. 6) water was shut off many times randomly for "leaks". The shut off would last for days.
This place is THE WORST PLACE EVER. They are trying to charge us for applying...even though they said that we didn't apply. THEN they tried to get us to "re-apply", but with a completely different unit and a completely different rent price. We decided to pass, thinking, well, we didn't apply anyways and they sounded sketchy. THEN, they attempted to take out money from our account (we gave them our checking account info like idiots). They took our money for the application fee AND a security deposit. You can't have it both ways. If we had applied, and then decided we didn't want the place, this would not even be an issue. The fact that we thought we applied, they said we didn't, and then upped the price for rent and give us a different unit. That's a bait and switch. That's what I call fraud. Anyways, we're going to pay this terrible business what they think we owe them, but, what they are doing is wrong. If we were getting charged more money, we'd take this up legally. Like another reviewer said, I am only giving them 1 star because you have to on Yelp. DO NOT RENT FROM THIS PLACE, THEY ARE SKETCHY WITH YOUR MONEY.
The shitty excuse for management charged me 100 dolars for forgetting to pick up something in the moving process. They also destoyed the garden I made. Fuck this place.
DO NOT LIVE HERE!! Not only are the buildings falling apart, but expect to have at LEAST one flood if you are on a ground floor unit! We have been displaced for a grand total of 10 days on three separate occasions, out of our apartment due to cracking foundation and leaking copper pipes. Just spoke with management and they have informed us they will be filling in the hot tub (with concrete) after it being out of service for a year with no attempt to repair. *NO HOT TUB HERE IT IS A LIE* Parking was recently re-assigned at random, and not with consideration of the location of your apartment. Although we were promised the first come first serve access at signing, which occasionally displaced my vehicle to an inaccessible area, not PERMANENTLY assigned 300 yards away from the unit. YOU WILL BE WALKING ON GRASS/SNOW/ICE TO ACCESS YOUR APARTMENT. Despite having accessibility requests when signing the lease, the new management has thrown all respect out the window and is unwilling to reasonably accommodate these requirements, without forcing us to jump through procedural bullshit hoops. Ever heard of.... Humanity? Every Tuesday the 'grounds crew' spends the entire day milking the clock with their leaf blowers, and you are unable to go outside for the entire day. Their attempt to mow the rocks in front of our unit (due to absolute neglect of the grassy areas the other 7 months of the year) cracked the window THREE MONTHS ago now and we have not had it repaired, just a massive hole and expanding crack in the outer pane of our window. This place is garbage. Would have genuinely enjoyed living here for a long time, but every day management finds a new thing to fuck up here.
DO NOT RENT HERE. First things first, rent is overpriced for what you're getting. Lucy, is a very disrespectful person. Luis, the property manager, has no idea what he's doing. Apartment looks very nice to begin with, but plumbing and appliances will start falling apart a week after you move in. The new speed bumps will kills your car and they won't do anything about it. They will charge you for every little thing. Even things that are they fault to begin with. Insects take over the apartments during the summer. Heating and cooling is shut off not matter how cold or hot it gets. Parking is a nightmare. Before we moved out, we cleaned the place spotless. We even hired multiple people so that we wouldn't get charged and they still did. We got blamed for dangers that they had done previously. Please read your contract like a hawk before signing. This company will swindle you out of every penny they can.
Renters beware. This is a corporate run --- money grubbing outfit. The units are below market rate in terms of living experience AND base rents are very high. There are numerous fees over and above the base rent (trash, water, sewer, electric, gas, billing fee, pest control, parking, pet rent). Watch out for financial penalties for breaking the rules. They're in the lease's fine print. You should have a lawyer review the lease agreements in order to know what's written into your legal and binding contract. They welcome pets, but you will pay a fortune in pet rent ---- $70/mo and up per pet. The rent increases exponentially every time you re-new the lease; utilities + fees increase in expense annually; and the living experience is very mediocre! Did I mention that the walls are thin - you can hear your neighbors whisper. The water has been turned off numerous times. Hot water has been out on many occasions. Raw Sewage has backed up into the bathroom. Meadow Creek Apartments is considerably below "market rate" in terms of living experience, yet rent has increased regularly just because other rents in the area (Gunbarrel center - NEW units) have increased. Front line staff are largely uninformed and not readily available. The glowing reviews on Meadow Creek Apartments home page are about the "service" company and not the living experience. As mentioned: It is corporate run ---- the only concern is how much money they can make off the tenant. The reason for this review: accountability. The apartment units are well below average and the corporation that runs the place spins the community as if it is competitive with downtown Boulder apartment living. Rents/fees are charged accordingly. It's a corporate mirage not worth getting caught up in. Somebody has to tell the truth!
This is the worst place I've ever lived. They will try to rip you off every chance they get. The apartments are outdated, with paper thin walls, and appliances breaking down constantly. At one point the temperature control in our oven stopped working and it took months of making maintenance requests to have it fixed. There is no air conditioning, just a swap cooler that does absolutely nothing on hot days. At one point over the summer, the pool was unusable because it was green for at least a week. The gym on premises is small and usually filled with children. The bathrooms in the apartment have no ventilation. The inside hallways on the top floor constantly smell like what your neighbors are cooking. It's gross. The staff is completely inept. At one point I was renting a garage from them, and due to a staff error, my garage was given away to somebody else and all my stuff was taken out of it. Needless to say, I was outraged. It took several days for them to even locate my things and reassign the garage to me. Read the lease like a hawk. As soon as you violate one thing on there, they will be ready to jump down your throat for it. Seriously, stay as far away from this community and this rental company as possible. Would give many negative stars if I could. I have no positive things to say about this place, this company, or the employees.
It pains me to even give 1 star. They added additional charges that would automatically be taken out of our security deposit - these were not mentioned in our lease or at move-in. Lease says tenant is responsible for cleaning at move-out but then they tell us we MUST pay $90 for them to do it or pay a third party professional service. This explicitly goes against the lease they had us sign. Also told us we'd have to pay $90 for repainting because they do it every other year and we happen to move out the wrong year. I complained about that and they seem to have listened. Pretty much hated everything about living here and dealing with these people. All the thumbs down.
I've been renting for 10 years in multiple cities and this has to be the worst which is really unfortunate considering there's a 300% lease breakage fee. After be woken up for the third night in a row due to a loud neighbor I moved my bed into my living room where I've been sleeping for four months now. Bedroom, living room, office - all occupying one room now. When I asked the neighbor if she could be more respectful considering it was 3am she responded with "I cAn dO whAtever I wAnt in mY apArtment". So now my entire living space is cramped into one room and between the hours of 11pm and 5am it sounds like Godzilla is learning to rollerblade next door. The walls shake. The floors shake. I've contacted management multiple times and they could not be any less helpful or empathetic. "Will you break my lease because of the noise" - "We won't do that" "Will you tell my neighbor to shut up" - "We can't make them" "Will you let me change apartments" - "We could but we're not going to" "Will you let me sublet it" - "No" That said, I'm going to ride out my lease here, never recommend it to anybody, and actively tell potential residents to steer clear. I hope this place can't find any tenants and they go bankrupt.
This place should probably get sued for how they take your money. Don't get any packages delivered because they will keep it hostage unless you pay $50 for the year. I got charged $10 for a package that wasn't even mine regardless that I picked it up in time. And don't even think about getting your $400 deposit back because that gets automatically charged by the previous months utilities, which are absurdly pricey. Plus there's a $70 cleaning fee so feel free to leave your place a mess. Do yourself a favor and live somewhere where you don't have to pay for getting a package or have connected utilities. You're scamming yourself by choosing to live here.
This place had cockroaches and seemed super seedy when I went on my tour, grounds were very trashy with overfilled dumpsters and dirty with dog poop everywhere. I was also appalled at the snooty staff who acts like they are above everyone. The only thing that is nice about it is that is is near Boulder but is actually in Gunbarrel which is in the boonies about 10 miles outside of Boulder towards Longmont so they are misleading in their location. I wonder what else they mislead people about.
Meadow Creek apartments has two asbestos mitigation projects in progress as of January 2018 (see page 23 of I didn't learn about the asbestos in the walls until after I signed my contract. Before I signed my contract, they told me the motorized vehicle gates were being maintained and would soon be operable. After I signed they admitted the gates have not worked for three years. A real-estate attorney told me that's fraud in the inducement. I suggest you find an asbestos-free apartment complex whose management demonstrates more enlightened self-interest in their attitudes towards prospective and actual tenants' welfare.
seriously this is such a terrible place to live. this is now the 4th time our air has stopped working and my apartment is 85 degrees. you can constantly ask the office for fans or help and they could care less so my house has been unbearable to live in for a total of 5 weeks while i've lived here. the prices make you think it will be great but i've had to buy multiple fans because they chose to not fix their air systems and let all of their customers live in their house sweating. it's disgusting and i would never recommend anyone to live here.
Terrible terrible place to live. This place should honestly be sued as it has breached its warranty of habitability multiple times. I moved in late because my apartment wasn't ready by the time my lease was supposed to begin. I had signed my lease months prior and they still somehow didn't finish the apartment in time. Once I moved in I noticed we had mold in one of the closets from a leak! I contacted management and it took them almost 3 weeks to do anything about it!! Every time since then that we have had something break or not work and put in a maintenance request they never come!! It is actually ridiculous. We also have had an ant and bug problem here and I had to pay for pest control out of my own pocket. In addition to this, you can literally hear your neighbors conversations through the walls like they are in your apartment. Also they turned the AC off in October when it was still in the 80s outside. I would give 0 stars if I could and I hope no one moves here in the future.
One star just because its not the grossest looking place (on the inside) to live. However, service requests take forever and usually need to be addressed multiple times with multiple emails, some even to corporate office. We all just got emails saying plants, bird feeders, decorations, etc. hurt the integrity of the building, but what they clearly do not realize is that the apartments that are decorated are what attract people to live here. The undecorated apartments look like a prison and not homey at all. I hope there will be new management in the future who know how to run an apartment complex... Corporate office is always helpful, but Luis and Lucy are just awful; unhelpful, rude, and they hurt the integrity of this place. All the good reviews on the site must be from management because I know a ton of residents who share all of my beliefs about this place. If you just need a place to sleep at night, then yeah this place is fine, but if you want to make it a home for a couple years as a stepping stone, look elsewhere.
Don't let the fancy name and buttered up amenities fool you, this is a terrible place to live. The complex is old, over priced and over run with spiders and insects. It is a corporate run (aimco) complex so good luck every talk to anyone over the phone. Unless you literally burst through the door at the complex office, you might as well get comfortable with whatever problems your having or how much money they are screwing you out of. They charge you for every little thing they can possibly come up with. This last month I was charged over $200 dollars because a Confirmed Rent payment had to be re-processed on the 2nd of the month, the notice they left on my front door only cost $20 to deliver....... DO NOT MOVE HERE YOU WILL REGRET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the worst apartment complex i have ever lived at. worst customer service. wont care if they fail to provide heat or water. wont compensate for days without service.
Good maintenance. But, the dog waste is everywhere and looks nasty. Management really doesn't care about it. Noises through thin walls are always disturbing
We got a quote for a 3 bedroom apartment. When we first met with a leasing agent, they said that utilities were included as a flat rate in the monthly rent. When we moved forward to sign the lease, the lease did not include utilities in the amount quoted for rent. It was going to be an additional $200 per month on top of what they said. I had the quote in writing saying utilities were included and they still refused to reflect the agreement in the lease. Horrible customer service. Do not trust them.
Kinda wish I didn't have to give a star. Be prepared to be nickel and dimed and treated like an inconvenience, rather than a rent paying resident.
HORRIBLE!! Do not live in this apartment! Horrible service, representatives from this community are just plain rude! Overpriced and they charge you for hidden fees and try to make an excuse.
Bad experiemce with lease ending. Management are not very understanding.
I wouldn't recommend this place to anyone. Everything here is gross and broken. The hot tub has been broken since I moved in (maybe someone will see this review and fix it). The pool water is greener than the grass outside- probably toxic. They have done nothing about this for weeks. The volleyball court is a literal gravel pit. Residents still have to pay amenity fees even though the property shows no sign of getting these amenities fixed. The leasing office employees are friendly but non-responsive at best to any type of emails/phone calls/texts/etc. This place had so much potential to be great, but I have been disappointed every step of the way. Definitely not worth the money.
I moved in in August and have since regretted my decision to move here.
Do not rent here. We ignored the bad reviews when moving in and regret it. This apartment complex is not what they say it is. It is not worth the money. The Leasing office staff is not easy to work with. They will try to overcharge you for everything, even if you shouldn't be charged for it. The only good thing is the Service workers are very nice. Other than that, do not trust the pretty picture they try to paint for you, it is truly ugly.
Unfortunately a current resident: Atrocious plumbing, peeling spackle on the ceiling, paid parking several buildings away. I had to remind them of my lease terms. And today (day 2) they had my countertops re-surfaced (which is only supposed to be done in an unoccupied space per health codes). Can't use kitchen for 24 hours, heavy toxic fumes with very little ventilation, my kid's window is PAINTED SHUT!?? The place is unlivable. Do yourselves a favor: DO NOT RENT HERE!! I have already made the big mistake of signing a lease. Don't be like me. Be smart.
I can't even give this place a one-star rating, the entirety of trying to live here was absolutely exhaustingly horrendous. The communication was horrible and the community is trashed. The grass is so dead the grim reaper is embarrassed. You'd think at how poorly the place was managed that they'd be nice but they have no self respect. I've never went out of my way to leave any place a review but this place was so bad I had to login and leave a review to warn you all. Lnl
We've been living here for the past two years, and we're so glad to finally be leaving. The apartment complex is from the 60s and you can definitely tell. Amenities were good 60 year ago but now are dated and the only "updated" things are the stove and microwave. The amount of issues we've faced is insurmountable, but here's a few: Your car will be towed. Our cars were towed on three separate occasions, wrongfully. It costs about $350 each time to get it out if you don't get them to pay for it. Got bit by a rouge, unleashed dog on my way to my car, to which the leasing agent Luis, said it's been a problem (on multiple occasions) and there still wasn't anything done about the dog or the owner. A lady threw a softball sized rock through out glass front door, and it took 9 days to be replaced, and even then the people who replaced it left the plywood that was covering our door right by the replaced door. It's a community with the capabilities to be gated but they never ever close the gates so the lady who didn't even live here had free reign of the entire property. Pipes leak in the closets and no one does anything about it. Paint droppings are all over the apartment, they didn't even try to avoid it when it was being repainted. The apartment we were supposed to move into was changed last minute and we were given a dirty one. They email you 6 days before you move out and say "don't worry about cleaning the apartment, we'll hire professional cleaners ($150-$250) and just use the money from your security deposit towards it." No where in the leasing agreement does it say that they are going to use your security deposit towards professional cleaners and I asked Luis, (again) if there was any way to opt out of it to which he said "the only way to opt out of it is if you hire your own cleaning company and provide us with a receipt, we expect the apartment in the same condition as when you move out" but won't prove they had it professionally cleaned with their own receipt before you move in. We had to buy our own shower head attachment because of how sad their excuse of a shower head was. The pool is out of commission for weeks during the summer. The hot tub is rarely working, they often put way too much bleach in it. They ran out of parking passes. (how, I don't know) They email you approximately once a week saying that something is wrong & that they're trying to fix it with no idea of a timeline. They over water the grass EVERY night and it's a mudslide in the morning. Packages are almost impossible to receive here without it going lost. They don't answer their phones or emails. Overall, the "leasing agents" are a joke and so is this entire apartment complex. Good luck if you live here and hopefully your experience is better than ours.
WORST PLACE I HAVE EVER LIVED! Location and price are horrible. Ants everywhere, including coming out the bottom of the toilet even after they sprayed and pest control is something paid for as part of rent. There is not cold water coming out of the faucets because of a design flaw, the hot and cold pipes are right next to each other. The dishwasher doesn't get the dishes clean, the dryer takes 3 full cycles before clothes are completely dry even after maintenance fixed it twice. You have to buy new drip pans no matter what, even if you clean them perfect, as part of your lease. I have to walk 2 blocks to take the trash out. Gated community, but the gates are always open. Some gates are only one way so even if you live right next to one, you might have to drive all the way around to get out. The pools are the smallest I have ever seen underground. There is a volleyball court but the sand is rock hard and barely present. Sprinklers are placed so they spray all over the patio. Lawn crew comes every Tuesday at 8am (super loud) including a leaf blower who blows leaves all over the patio. There is a gym but the equipment is old and it is tiny. There is a free tanning bed but it is also old, requires 20 minutes and it is never cleaned. Make sure you give a written 60 day notice, not just verbal or you will be charged another month at the end of your lease with a $400 increase.
Do not rent here. At first everything was honestly great minus the freezing cold showers. But they try to charge you for everything! They did not tell me that I had to put in a 60 notice of leaving my apt even though my lease was up. I assumed when my lease was up, my lease was up. Good thing I went in to ask otherwise I would have to pay for another 60 days (thousands of more dollars). They also make you show a receipt that you had their place professionally cleaned for move out or they will deduct $90 out of your deposit. They enter your apartment without any notice! They entered while I was at work. Which I don't believe is cool at all. I can't believe the General manager allows his staff to come in with out permission. Tenants have privacy rights too. I recently got a dog after I put my move out notice in (which was my mistake and I take responsibility for that). They want to make me pay $500+ for him even though I am moving in two months. They don't get that he's all that I have. I live by myself. I simply can't afford another $500 on top of paying $1200 a month plus $100 for utilities. So now I have to say goodbye to my new best friend . I hate this place. It isn't worth the stress this place puts on you. No wonder they always have vacant apts and "leasing specials".
The apartments did not look the same as they did online. They seemed run down and were way overpriced. The housing agent, Lucy, was extremely disrespectful. If you're a young female hoping to rent here you better bring an older white male so he can translate the difficult apartment speak for your dumb woman ears as far as Lucy is concerned. Her unprofessionalism was highlighted as she grilled us on our private information only to pass harsh judgement. Also it was extremely cold outside. On a positive note, theres a tiny closet outside your front door to put your skis in!
Do not rent here. At first everything was honestly great minus the freezing cold showers. But they try to charge you for everything! They did not tell me that I had to put in a 60 notice of leaving my apt even though my lease was up. I assumed when my lease was up, my lease was up. Good thing I went in to ask otherwise I would have to pay for another 60 days (thousands of more dollars). They also make you show a receipt that you had their place professionally cleaned for move out or they will deduct $90 out of your deposit. They enter your apartment without any notice! They entered while I was at work. Which I don't believe is cool at all. I know they don't need permission since they "own the place" but have some respect. I recently got a dog after I put my move out notice in (which was my mistake and I take responsibility for that). They want to make me pay $500+ for him even though I am moving in two months. They don't get that he's all that I have. I live by myself. I simply can't afford another $500 on top of paying $1200 a month plus $100 for utilities. So now I have to say goodbye to my new best friend . I hate this place. It isn't worth the stress this place puts on you. No wonder they always have vacant apts and "leasing specials". Update: they responded publicly to this review (as they have with every review) stating they will have the property manager reach out to me. No one has reached out to me.
Worst management...i can say these guys are thieves they have taken my whole security deposit for cleaning and paint..i have kept apartment my very clean and charged damage for stove an extra 300$ which was a lie..feeling sorry for new residents because u guys think its cheap but no..they charge u a lot Beware
Disgusting customer service. Will make you pay $400 "deposit" to secure your rental and if you decide to go another direction they will conveniently remember to let you know that you only had 24 hours to change your mind. Update: them responding to these negative reviews is only for show. I have received no answer to my email and no help for my problem.
Worst customer service I have experienced. First they give you off to some automated texting service, that tells you places are available when they are not. Then when you go in for a viewing they hand you off to an incompetent agent who doesn't know what he is talking about. Best of all the pictures of their apartments are completely inaccurate, and you share a heating/ electricity bill with all your lovely neighbors. Good luck if you went with this place.
WARNING: THIS PROPERTY WILL RIP YOU OFF. I had a few friends who lived here telling me to beware of Meadow Creek (they take all the money they can get from you and the management/maintenance service is terrible), but their prices were some of the cheapest in Boulder with all the amenities so I decided to get a quote and go through the application process. There is a $50 application fee plus a $400 "holding deposit". They told me I had 72 hours to change my mind and get my "holding deposit" refunded. Within 24 hours of going through the online application process, I found another place and cancelled my application with them. They told me my "holding deposit" would be refunded. It has only been a little over 48 hours since originally applying, and the "holding deposit" has been taken out of my account. I called management and no one would help me. They told me they would get back to me shortly. I also emailed them with no reply. I was warned about this so I am not completely surprised this is happening, and I will get it taken care of eventually even if I have to go to the office and demand someone speak to me. I just wanted future applicants to be warned about the complete lack of professionalism of this place. Side Note: When I was inquiring about living there they would get back to me within 10 minutes.
Biggest tip I can give is to look through your contract like a hawk before you sign it. Definitely over priced for what you get and they'll keep charging you for the smallest things over the time. Management is ridiculously terrible. Luis had absolutely no idea what he's doing. During the summer, the apartments will overrun your apartments. Heating and cooling is cut off at a certain time of year no matter how hot or cold it still is. Appliances constantly break down. Plumbing goes south after a week of living there. The new speed bumps will tear apart at your car no matter how slow you're going. We had a really bad experience and our neighbors were complaining about the same things. Definitely would not recommend to anyone. They'll try to swindle you for more money. Please, try your hardest to stay away from this place.
I'll start off with the quality of the Apartments. The walls are paper thin allowing you to be very close with your neighbors and also doors just fall off the hinge. Expect to have maintenance in your apartment about once or twice a month. Had them in our apartment til after 1AM due to a main line back up. They left always leave a mess and never clean up after themselves. Maintenance once removed the whole ceiling in our master shower forgot about it, until 3 weeks later when I had to reach out and remind them since they had forgotten. Rent is overpriced. You pay for amenities but then can't use them because in the summer the pool is always over crowded with non residents smoking and drinking on a "smoke free property". This previous year the pool unfortunately was drained early for the season due to broken glass on the bottom. Another negative is the parking situation. My car was towed multiple times ($100each time) because of expired license plates even though I paid a monthly fee and had the proper parking pass displayed.. When confronting management there response was that it was a 3rd party towing company and they could do nothing about it. The company in general has problems with proper customer service and resolution to easy problems. Would not recommend this company to anyone.
This is an update from a different review, but this rental company does not return your security deposit. it has been over 8 months and nothing has come back. When you try to call or email them about it they either don't answer calls or don't respond to emails
Terrible complex to live in that is only matched by the terrible and ever changing/unreachable management. I have lived here for four years and have seen no quality of life change whatsoever, but am constantly paying a higher rate of rent; having to attempt to deal with their ever changing policies. -Upon moving in the apartment carpet was covered in vomit in the living room and the master bedroom, but was told that they would send someone to clean them before we received our furniture. -The unit we did move into was nothing like the unit we were shown. Also we were told the complex has heating and air all year round. This is completely false. You have some form of air in the summer after two weeks of letting the boilers cool and they randomize when the heat turns on, but you have another two weeks of no active AC or heat while the boilers heat themselves. -We have registered multiple cars with the complex, but have had one towed;(They did reimburse us for the fees) another two cars that had stickers placed upon that windshields that can't seem to be removed unless taken to a professional without damaging the glass. -A housing gate system that does not work properly and is such an inconvenience to other residents that everyone constantly breaks the motors so the gates remain open. -Placement of hardwood floors into many units as well as a full remodeling of the units unless already living there. At this point you can complain as many people have and be moved into another unit while they renovate your particular unit, but the effort the reach management or figure out who the current manager is being near impossible. (Still actually living in a unit that is carpeted and has many broken appliances. Waiting to hear back from manager for a year and a half.) - The complex claims to have an work office and tanning bed(Which they had some semblance of upon first moving in) but have neither at the moment, but still advertise such. -The list goes on and on and contains even more agregious complaints, but I feel as though I have written a decent amount so far. To sum it all up. The apartment would be rated a zero if possible. Good luck reaching any form of management after moving in and having to deal with the young temporary office workers that have no clue on how to run a complex.
Renters beware, these apartments are a scam. When I moved in 4 months ago I received a dirty apartment, with a garbage disposal that didn't work (granted they fixed it the same day), the shower head was leaking water everywhere, the garage door wasn't working either; all of these were my first day at the aprtment. Later in December I ended up without heat for 12 days; the garage door was broken again they fixed it, and got broken 7 days later (it took 2 days to got it fixed that time). If you like privacy you can forget about it you will hear every single noise coming from your neighbors apartments because the paper walls. It took two days to take care of a broken branch and the manager actually had to come to see it because he didn't believe it was a risk to have a hanging branch right outside my apartment. You have to give 60 days notice if you intent to vacate the apartment (no matter what), and if you break the contract they charge you 3 months penalty (this is how they make money I guess). The shower will go from scalding hot to freezing cold within seconds. It doesn't matter at what time of the day you shower. Also I just got my bathroom flooded because it started leaking from the ceiling (upstairs neighbor flooded his bathroom, isn't it great?)
Renters beware, these apartments are a scam. When I moved in 4 months ago I received a dirty apartment, with a garbage disposal that didn't work (granted they fixed it the same day), the shower head was leaking water everywhere, the garage door wasn't working either, the washer connection was leaking as well, the toilet was disgusting and running all day; all of these were my first day at the apartment. Later in December I ended up without heat for 12 days; the garage door was broken again "they fixed it", and it got broken 7 days later (it took 2 days to get it fixed that time). If you like privacy you can forget about it, you will hear every single noise coming from your neighbors apartments because the paper thin walls. It took two days to take care of a broken branch and the manager actually had to come to see it because he didn't believe it was a risk to have a hanging branch right outside my apartment. You have to give 60 days notice if you intent to vacate the apartment (no matter what), and if you break the contract they charge you 3 months penalty (this is how they make money I guess). The shower will go from scalding hot to freezing cold within seconds; It doesn't matter at what time of the day you shower. Also I just got my bathroom flooded because it started leaking from the ceiling (upstairs neighbor flooded his bathroom, isn't it great?)
What an experience.. At first I loved living in Gunbarrel and the apartment at Meadow Creek, but as time went on issues started to become more and more prevalent. The first week we were there someone on the property was having a mental health crisis and damaged several units windows, it easily took 2 months for all of those windows to be fixed around the community. Expect near constant construction noises and maintenance visits due to their antiquated property. Additionally, 24 hour notice of entry was rarely provided unless you tell them its legally required... in which case they'll make you feel bad for declining them immediate entry. In the last two months of our stay, they decided to begin the process to renovate every newly vacated unit on my floor, which made it next to impossible to focus on work (work from home) as they would be yelling, drilling, banging, blaring music, and otherwise creating major noise pollution in my unit. Additionally, they recently assigned parking spots to all residents, meaning that its up to you to call a towing company and have the car in your spot removed lest you face the same fate for parking in the next available spot. "Premium Parking Spots" are available with a higher parking pass payment... LOL At the end of our stay we were told that we either HAVE to hire a professional cleaning crew with our own money, or $170 would come out of the deposit for their preferred cleaning company. We were not allowed to clean the place on our own accord to receive our full deposit so we left the place messy, but patched all the nail holes and other cosmetic issues typical to moving out. This is why I was surprised when my entire security deposit was kept in its entirety and then 2 months later I was told that I actually owed another $28 in outstanding balance.... Must have been those sneaky fees like the Luxor mail system, paid parking passes (lol), and costs of utility for the workout room that nobody uses except for when they need to use the bathroom and the water is shut off... which should be expected every two weeks. We loved Boulder, but the apartment treats its residents like they are in a budget community when they pay close to $2,000 every month for a glorified studio apartment and amenities that feel like they're on their last leg.
The Aimco company is the worse to deal with. I don't know what's worse to call them "Hitler's followers" or "Trump's"? They have such a poor communication skills. They have been bouncing my emails and phone calls as if I was a tennis ball. They have no sympathy for anybody. In fact, I find them very rude, insensitive, and unfair. I broke my lease after living there for 10 days only. I understood I had to pay 2 months of rent plus the equivalent of 1 month as a termination fee. I had paid the two months, and their bestiality of charging me for utilities that I haven't use or consumed (because remember I didn't live there for the last two months they wanted me to pay, I returned the key and did an apartment inspection). I argued with them about those utilities charges, and they were heartless and didn't care. So, fine, I paid. Then my last bill which is the termination fee equivalent for a month rent. And this time, they had told me this last payment wasn't going to include any other fees, that it was going to be a solid $970 (which was the monthly rent). Well, they decided to throw in there an additional of $160 just in ridiculous feeds that do not even make any sense. I emailed about 10 people from that company due that nobody cares to respond. They are hiding because I have a screen shot that shows the prove that there shouldn't be any additional none sense fees. So they are not responding. I placed a complain with the BBB, and they have tried contacting them, but they won't care to call me to follow up or hear me out. They are evil people. I hope this company one day looses all their business because they are nothing but inhumane, evil creatures.
I would like the management to be little more responsive. They do not respond to emails and do not pick up calls. It is really difficult for me to come and talk to them in person. I recently raised a request to remove a car from being billed every month for parking. I was told that it would require one month's notice to serve such requests. I had to agree to their conditions and paid $20 for the month of August and expected next month's rent to be $20 less. My email about this problem was not looked upon. I hope the management would take sufficient action to consider my request.
Oh damn, I cannot select 0 stars. For only an arm and a leg every month, you can have your laundry NOT dried, lose every bush that provided privacy, have the gates removed, and occasionally find a dead rat in the pool they make look so good online. Incompetent, overpriced, real small, and outdated. Laundry takes 7 hours/load, so plan your days off accordingly.
Terrible complex to live in that is only matched by the terrible and ever changing/unreachable management. I have lived here for four years and have seen no quality of life change whatsoever, but am constantly paying a higher rate of rent; having to attempt to deal with their ever changing policies. -Upon moving in the apartment carpet was covered in vomit in the living room and the master bedroom, but was told that they would send someone to clean them before we received our furniture. -The unit we did move into was nothing like the unit we were shown. Also we were told the complex has heating and air all year round. This is completely false. You have some form of air in the summer after two weeks of letting the boilers cool and they randomize when the heat turns on, but you have another two weeks of no active AC or heat while the boilers heat themselves. -We have registered multiple cars with the complex, but have had one towed;(They did reimburse us for the fees) another two cars that had stickers placed upon that windshields that can't seem to be removed unless taken to a professional without damaging the glass. -A housing gate system that does not work properly and is such an inconvenience to other residents that everyone constantly breaks the motors so the gates remain open. -Placement of hardwood floors into many units as well as a full remodeling of the units unless already living there. At this point you can complain as many people have and be moved into another unit while they renovate your particular unit, but the effort the reach management or figure out who the current manager is being near impossible. (Still actually living in a unit that is carpeted and has many broken appliances. Waiting to hear back from manager for a year and a half.) - The complex claims to have an work office and tanning bed(Which they had some semblance of upon first moving in) but have neither at the moment, but still advertise such. -The list goes on and on and contains even more agregious complaints, but I feel as though I have written a decent amount so far. To sum it all up. The apartment would be rated a zero if possible. Good luck reaching any form of management after moving in and having to deal with the young temporary office workers that have no clue on how to run a complex.
DO NOT LIVE HERE. The main problem is that management has been unwilling to help in any way when extenuating circumstances led us to want to vacate the property. My roommate and I were threatened by our other roommate to the point that we didn't feel safe continuing to live there. What we would not have done even before this point, what I don't want you to do, and what few of our neighbors that I've talked to would ever do, is sign a lease with these people again. Their manager is so incompetent that it can't be accidental. Never returning calls, following up, or doing what he says. We never got our $250 sign up bonus due strictly to his inability and unwillingness to help. I'm still waiting on him to correct rent charges for this month. You can hardly contact him as office hours are reduced and end up changing every couple weeks, and he lets the phone ring more often than he picks it up. Maintenance is often days later than expected/promised with fixing things in the apartment, and my garbage disposal is still leaking after multiple maintenance visits. The best thing about the place is the hot tub, and it's been shut down for maintenance for about a month, maybe 2. I do not, at all, blame this on the maintenance guys. I blame it on a management team fully lacking in compassion that is not interested in building a community or entering into a fair monetary transaction beneficial to both sides. Here's what they emailed us about the hot tub opening: We are re-opening the hot tub tomorrow, 11/7/2020. The new code to access the pool/hot tub area will be (deleted). Residents may access the hot tub between the hours of 10am-9pm. Anyone found in this area outside of these hours will be considered trespassing and the local authorities will be contacted. And here's some of another recent email: 1. Trash should be securely bagged and placed inside one of the dumpsters. No loose trash bags, we are beginning to investigate all trash at dumpsters to assess violations and fines per the names and addresses listed on mail, packages and trash. A fine of $75 will be assessed to any resident in violation of theabove stated rules. Repeated violations will result in the potential termination of a violating resident's lease agreement while still being responsible for all applicable termination fees. If you witness a resident disposing of trash improperly, please note the date, time and apartment number involved, and forward the information to the [email protected]. That's not really a pleasant way to address your community. If I still had the emails they sent us when covid was in full swing and they were worried about people being late on rent, they would show a similar sentiment. They care solely about money and wringing as much of it as they can out of vulnerable people and moving on to the next victim. Which is a shame, because any entry level management textbook will show you that you'll make more money by treating people right. It is a good price, even with the extra fees that they don't tell you about ($50 a year for access to a package room because you can't get packages at your door, then the $50 isn't for a year from signing up, it's just until February, and you have to pay another $50 for another year just to get packages for the next 3 months you'll be there until your lease is up. $6.16 monthly service charge for the courtesy of sending your utility bill to you) and with the ridiculous fees they weasel into their terrible contract ($100 move out fee?, 60 days of notice and 90 days worth of rent payment required to break a lease, worthless but required renter's insurance). But the price isn't worth it. I highly recommend paying a little bit more to save yourself the stress and cost of dealing with these people, work with an agency that, if they don't necessarily care, at least understands that it's a good business decision to address the complaints of their residents, and to get some walls where you can't hear your neighbors constantly. DO NOT LIVE HERE.
When I first toured this place, I thought it was a good deal. The three bedroom apartments offered good space with lots of closets and a decent price in Boulder. I have learned the hard way, however, that you get what you pay for. There have been a list of issues that caused us to move out. 1. The apartments are always moist/humid and offer a particular scent. While touring, we thought the scent was due to an air freshener that was in the unit. After removing this air freshener, we realized that it was there to cover the strange odor that was all over the apartments. We tried everything, including candles, other air fresheners, cleaning and opening the windows, but the scent never went away. After moving out, I can still smell it lingering on some of our stuff. 2. The hallways smell too. If you rent an apartment that enters through a shared hallway, you will also everything that goes on it the other apartments that enter through this hallway. This includes cooking, marijuana smoking and anything else that people do in their apartments. I got very tired of walking through a cloud of marijuana smoke just to get to my apartment every day. 3. The heat and a/c run on a boiler system. What this means is that it is either set to heat or cool, and you can't use the other. So for instance, in the summer, it is set to cool . This means that you can't use your heat until they switch it over to heat which usually takes a few days. This is really inconvenient in the spring and fall. It is also inconvenient because they mow the lawns at like 7am. So, in the spring when we had our windows open prior to the boiler being set to cool, the yard work would wake me up every Monday morning. 4. Maintenance doesn't really fix anything, they just cover it up. We had a door that didn't work too well when we moved in. We put in a maintenance request. The response was, "we adjusted it as much as we could and find that if you lift up on it, it's much easier to open." They didn't actually fix it, they just did the best they could and we were supposed to be okay with that. Similarly, the first time I took a shower, the bottom of the tub peeled and stuck to the bottom of my foot. To fix it, they would need everybody (including out cat) out of the apartment for 12 hours because the process causes toxic chemicals. It should have been properly repaired prior to us moving in. 5. The apartment was dirty. I spent a few hours cleaning out small hairs, some of them blonde and others black around all the sinks. I cleaned crayons out of the rails where the doors slide. I also cleaned built up dirt out of the corners in the bathroom of the apartment we rented. 6. They over water the grass. This causes puddles everywhere and attracts a ton of mosquitoes. Also, on more than one occasion, I arrived at the door to the outside only to find that the sprinklers were spraying the path. The only way out was walking through it and getting wet. 7. They have unreasonable charges. There was a $400 non-refundable pet deposit (this is higher than any other place we lived). In all the different apartments I lived in, I have never not gotten the refundable portion of our pet deposit back. We clean up and care for our pet. Also, they have $125 administrative fee that is not refundable, and an application fee that is not refundable. There will be an extra $10 tacked on to the monthly rent they charge for a parking pass. Keep in mind that it's open parking, so i am not certain why a pass is even necessary. 8. They look for ways to keep your security deposit and charge you on move out. We left the apartment in better condition and cleaner than when we moved in, and they can still find things they want to charge us for. I have been renting since 2001, in Ohio, Colorado, and Oklahoma and lived in 7 different apartments. In only 2 cases have I ever lost portions of my security deposit, and those were both cases where I ran out of time to complete the required cleaning. In all of those cases, I was only charged for what I did not have time for, and was told that the cleaning I did do was more than adequate. I did fully complete all the required cleaning, and yet they are still trying to charge us. My advice to people who may want to move here... It is a reasonable cost for Boulder, but get an apartment that does not enter through a shared hallway. Also, take photos of everything on your walk through and be prepared to fight for your security deposit. Expect lots of things to break down and not work right, and for them to not really be fixed. Save money because they will look for a way to keep your money when you move out. I would recommend looking for somewhere else...
I moved in two years ago, sight unseen, from another state. I needed something I could afford that was within my mandatory response time for work. The pictures looked great and the office staff was helpful. I was sure that this would be a great place to live! Well... I should have known better. I am planning to leave as soon as my lease is up (it is 2 months notice and a months worth of rent to break the lease). I really wish the "pros" of living her outweighed the "cons" but for me they don't. For my 2 bed 2 bath, the rent is too high. Yes, I know that Boulder County rent is stupid high, but there are other places around where you get your money's worth. Pros: - Easy access to Longmont and Boulder - Quiet, safe area - Close to the King Soopers (grocery store) - Close to running/bike trails and Twin Lakes (with offleash dog area) - Close to an RTD bus stop - Rooms are a good size Cons: - The walk-through closet is pretty small. The master bath has no bathtub! The kitchen has a poorly designed layout which makes more than one person cooking in there a bit of a hassle. - They don't give you any ideas of how the utilities will be billed. As far as I can tell, everyone in the building is charged equally. Sounds great, right? Not when you go on vacation for a few weeks and still have to pay the same as last month. Or, are you conscientious with your electricity/water use? Other than being green, it doesn't matter since it won't impact your utilities fees. - The AC was turned off this fall right before weeks of 80+ temps. They wanted to turn on the heating system. - Thin walls. I can hear my adjoining neighbor's TV, stereo etc. I can hear upstairs neighbor(s) tromp around, roll their office chair across the floor and I swear they go bowling upstairs... either that or they like dropping heavy object late at night. Over my bedroom. - Old buildings and it shows. The apartments desperately need a remodel if they are going to compete with other places nearby. The finishes are old and cheap. Most of my outlets are upside down. The paint job inside and out is terrible. My bedroom door was painted on all edges along with the door jam. The door was then closed while wet! Now my door makes a loud noise when opening/shutting it. There is a chunk of tile on the bottom edge of my shower that is completely off and has been since I moved in. The complex offered to "upgrade" the floors and said we can pay for the luxury! - The pool was green and chained off at least 3 times this summer and it took WEEKS to open it again. People also bring glass and dogs into the pool area. - Don't bother getting excited with the "non smoking" designation. There are so many smokers (regular and marijuana) that it just doesn't matter at this point. - On the above topic, don't bother complaining to management. I called numerous times to tell them about smokers (complete with building and room info) and 1) I never got a call back/acknowledgement of the information 2) they obviously didn't do anything to the smokers as they are STILL THERE and STILL SMOKING. The only thing management does is send "reminder" emails and print out generic notices to put on everyone's doors. - If you live on the 2nd floor, visually its like walking into a hotel. That wouldn't be so bad if the fumes from cooking/smoking didn't leach into the hallway and choke all who walk through. - Do you like appliances that work? So do I! The washer/dryer is mediocre at best. The dishwasher, on the other hand, is downright terrible. I have to rinse/pre-wash dishes in order for them to be clean. There is disgusting stench when I run the dishwasher and it has taken many bleach cycles for the smell to lessen. When I run the dishwasher my double sinks both fill up with water and whatever morsels of food are still in the garbage disposal. - Are you excited about the "gated community" label on the website? Don't be. The gates have only been closed a few times (i.e. less than a week total) in the 2 years I have lived here. Its a joke. - Know what else is a joke? Their ability to plow and clean snow from the walkways. I live on the 1st floor and often have to shovel my own walkway - hours after the snow has stopped falling. Driving in you can usually find a few inches of ice at the complex entrance... lots of fun if you want to fishtail as you enter! - Dog poop. Everywhere. Even in my yard! The green space around the complex looks nice, but the irresponsible owners that live here make it impossible to enjoy walking/sitting etc on the lawn. If you need a cheap place to live while looking for something better.. wait, nevermind. I can't recommend living here.
Moving to Meadow Creek was my biggest mistake of 2016. The staff were only friendly until I signed the lease and they quickly became annoyed by any requests or comments from residents. The manager even tried to make up a story to get me to rent AFTER I was already signing paperwork, so he lied just for the sake of lying. The staff promised a fitness center with a machine that would come within the "next few days" but a month later still hasn't showed up. The units only have windows on one side so some units can only get an hour of sunlight per day, if at all. The heating is also done on a system that requires the entire property to switch from AC to heat. If you are cold in your dimly lit apartment with no crossbreeze, you'll have to wait until the entire property is willing to let you heat your own living space. Upon trying to first get internet, I found with the help of an xfinity employee that my cable had been cut inside the wall and then just shoved back in without explanation. Every maintenance request was quickly followed by a phone call explaining how they couldn't help me and I should just deal with my problems. The ceilings are also made of asbestos and look like they could cave in at any moment. Meanwhile they spend as much money as necessary to water the lawns 4 times a day, because green grass is more important than internet or a warm apartment. The walls are thin and you can hear other residents, although the development is not very social aside from the children running around. If you arrive after dark on any day of the week, expect to park at the farthest spots from your apartment. I arrived in Colorado and was looking for a place to stay so I didn't have to camp. I made a grave mistake picking Meadow Creek and hope I can help anyone else avoid that mistake. Do NOT rent from these people, they are only interested in money and will do nothing to help you. They will, however, call and email several times if you give any negative feedback so they can be sure to "address it" to keep their value up. They take extra money from their residents for stupid reasons like "administrative fee" like the administration deserves any money at all for this excuse for an apartment complex. This place has been awful, don't make the same mistake I did.
My review is in addition to Shaunacee W. Review. We live in the same apartment although she is never home/ traveling and working. Within the last month I have put in 7 requested work orders just for, "no hot water." I have also called with several, "no heat issues," this past winter. The maintenance team may respond fast but they sure don't fix a thing!!! (If it's possible)An evan worse problem is the people in the office. Here is an example. -We sure want to leave and not renew our lease. A note was posted on our door saying we need to give them a 60 day written notice along with a form for us to fill out called "Notice to Vacate." The note was put on our door 5/4/16 At 4:00pm. Our 60 days is up on 7/4/16. Although the paper is dated 4/29/16....???? Why wouldn't you give us this notice with no time to respond? Literally they posted this on our door on exactly 60 days at their closing time so we have no time to respond. The next morning I walked in the office and asked why?? And all I got was the blame game. It's always someone else's fault. So they said an email would be sent to Shaunacee and my other room mate including the, Notice to Vacate Form.... Lol. Because when I walked back in the office at the end of the day they still haven't sent the email.. And I asked why.. The response was that someone was supposed to call Wakeelah and they never did.. It's always the blame game with these people. You will never get a straight answer. You will never get a return phone call unless you want to rent. And they said we might have to pay an extra few days since its within the 60 days! What a joke! This is a topical problem that you can expect to happen all the time.
Feel very unsafe living in this community. For months I complained about an unstable neighbor and management refused to do anything. A few days ago the police kicked in her front door (and rightly so). Over the past couple of months the police have been around the complex in large force, morning and night. You'll randomly look out a window and see six or so sheriff SUVs. A neighbor down the hall literally had feces smeared across their door after moving in. Like other recent reviews have mentioned, the walls and floors are paper thin. It's a non smoking community but people regularly smoke in their units or parking lot. The "amenities" are usually broken or closed (but to be fair, this is partially due to Covid, though not entirely).
Meadow Creek Apartments is the worst place to live in the Boulder area. As others have covered the paper thin walls, lack of heat and air conditioning until it's too hot or cold to bare, and shared over priced utilities, I will focus on a couple issues we had, and how they relate to the apartment complex as a whole. 1: Poor Property Management. From the moment of moving in the apartment had been riddled with issues with the plumbing. Within every 3 week period we would put in a service request regarding our kitchen sink plumbing. After the repeated flooding of our sink, all personal property as well as surfaces such as drawers and countertops were water damaged and ruined, while the main office refused to repair or replace them. The main office always remained ignorant of our problems and refused to send anyone other than a basic handyman to attempt to fix our issues (and mark them fixed despite the problem remaining, just to mark the issue as "resolved"). Eventually it was discovered that a pipe had burst underground below our bathtub. Dirt, cigarette butts from our upstairs neighbors, and hot sewage shot out of our sink like a geyser. However, we were told the solution to this problem was to simply "stop using your kitchen sink." An easy enough task. We became accustomed to washing dishes in the shower, as that was the best solution Meadow Creek's management could come up with. Flash forward to two weeks later. The time is now 2:00pm on a Friday: I get a call telling me the issue would be fixed, the solution is to replace the broken pipe. Thank the powers of Google for helping them solve that issue. After that call I received no point of contact in regards to what was happening. At 6pm I was informed we would not be able to return home and that we needed a hotel for the night. We were never consulted on this project and whether we approved of it. That act alone borders on illegal. Throughout that weekend we went through hell trying to understand what was going on. We would spend every morning trying to determine if we would be ok to check out of the room or if we would need another night. Calling the office was useless because no one was aware of the project. A project that was slated to take one day ended up taking a full week. When I asked to be reimbursed for the hotel stay, nobody in the office had any idea what I was talking about, and gave me the run-around, never giving me a straight answer and usually lying to my face about when I would be reimbursed. Furthermore, I would later find out that the hired worker was not approved an approved contractor, and there is no record of the work being done or who did it. It was simply someone the maintenance head found that could dig a hole. No one was aware this man had access to our belongings, and our keys. After we left Meadow Creek, any calls to the front office were ignored, and only picked up when I called using a different phone. The community manager would not take my calls, and would only speak with me through the leasing agent. I was only reimbursed two months later after speaking personally with the AIMCO district manager. Tip for prospective residents: Ikea sells wall mounted bars that you can hang dish racks on as well as shower caddies. 2: Lack of Community Respect From the moment we moved in we dealt with the most horrible neighbors we have ever lived near. We kept in repeated contact with the front office in regards to their problems and were brushed off every time. They would simply email the unit to ask them to behave, and it would only serve to instigate them. After repeated attempts to contact our neighbors, the front office requested that we call the police to file a noise complaint whenever the got out of control, as that is the only way they could take further action. One Wednesday night at around 2am, after blasting music and stomping around for six hours straight at a volume loud enough to shake our light fixtures and prevent any sleep, I had the audacity to knock on the ceiling with a broom handle, the universal sign of "please be quiet." Immediately, their front door slammed, and minutes later, we had the lady living upstairs pounding on our front door and bedroom windows, screaing at us to come out and fight her instead of calling the police, because she didn't want another ticket. That fight did not occur that evening, nor did any action from the office when asked to deal with the incident. The front office told us there's nothing they could do about tenants on their property, and asked us to take matters into our own hands. Even with the threat of violence. Their "community contract" thing they present for you to sign when you sign the lease is apparently non-binding, or doesn't apply to the whole community. Another tip for prospective residents: Because Meadow Creek is in Boulder County, you need to call the Boulder County police department, not the City of Boulder police.
BEWARE: Most unaccommodating move-out policies I have ever encountered in my 12 years of renting. While written notice to terminate a lease early is understandable, this company requires 60 days notice to move out at all. If you choose to not renew your lease they will automatically re-enroll you in a short-term (and much more expensive) lease without your permission if you do not provide the 60 days notice. We wanted to terminate our lease that ends in mid July. With 60 days notice today that puts the lease ending in mid June. Even though the difference is hardly a month the company still is charging 3 months rent as an early-termination fee (on top of the rent we would pay for May and the pro-rated portion of June) though in reality it is just ending 1 month early and would actually give them more time to have any repairs done while adhering to the social distancing guidelines currently in place. They are unapologetic about their policy and refuse to acknowledge the added financial burden put on us all during COVID-19 global crisis.
HORRIBLE noise control. I spent the first two months in an all out sound war with my neighbor over the tissue thin walls and outdated ventilation system that propagates any noise made by any tenant whatsoever. Of course, the next tenant who moved in on the other side has the same problem with me. Can't listen to my music getting ready in the morning in any room, played at any volume by threat of eviction. GREAT! Advice to the owners, choose some noise ordinance hours and leave it alone. Noise after 10 pm is different from other noise. $1500/mo should buy you some peace of mind!
I'm sorry if my star rating is misleading to some people, but Yelp won't let me give zero stars. I loved my first nine months here. The maintenance people were great and we have the most amazing next door neighbor. Then all of a sudden things flipped and service was terrible. I figured people were adjusting to a pay cut so I cut them some slack and renewed my over priced apartment. The apartment complex does a few major things that had I known about I would not have renewed. 1. They charge you late fees on utilities much more than the amount due without telling you what you will be charged. I pay the rent portion on the 30th of each month then the utilities a few days later. However, sometimes if I know I won't be able to pay later, I throw in a few HUNDRED dollars in hopes to cover the utilities. Sometimes I will get to my front door after being out of town to find a statement on my door saying I estimated a few dollars (so far it has been anywhere as low as 8 and 50.08 at the highest) too short. On top of this amount, they would like me to pay $170 late fee and "delivery fee" on top of it. How can my late fee be more than the charge itself????? And this wouldn't be a problem anyway if I knew how much I was paying for utilities. 2. The utilities things also gets me going because you pay for what you don't use. I was out of town for a month and came back to the highest utility bill yet. No lights on, no heat on, nothing. BE WARNED 3. I had a decorative fall display on my table on my porch along with a broom and an entrance mat. I was told that it is against the policy to have those here. My dog also tore my blinds mid work-week and I was told I only had two days (two extremely busy days in which I didn't even have time for me to shower) to replace them. 4. I have been waiting over a week for a service request to be filled. 5. DO NOT OVER PAY EVER. Once they accidentally over charged me and I spoke with a woman about correcting that. She said she did and that it would be applied to the next month's utilities. As usual, I paid my entire bill on the 30th, only to find out that the charges WERE NOT APPLIED to my bill. That meant I had both a late fee and some missing money. 6. I have mice. As do other neighbors. 7. I have received notices telling me to "stop smoking" (I don't smoke) because my upstairs neighbors drop their cigarette butts onto my porch like it's an ashtray. Even though I have explained this many times, the administration continues to ask me to quit a habit I never started. 8. There is no AC in the "winter" months and no heat in the "summer" months even if it's an abnormally hot/cold day. 9. The cost to get out of one's lease is so outrageous that as badly as I want to leave I'm unable to because it would cost me a fortune. Especially considering I recently lost my job and can't afford their high demands Do your self a favor. DON'T move here. It's like writing your own ransom note. If it gets better I will be happy to let everyone know, but as of right now I wouldn't suggest this place to even my worst enemy because even this is too cruel of a punishment.
I've been living here for nearly a year and have had constant problems with a neighbor playing music and instruments at 3am. I've complained to the neighbor and management but nothing has changed. I guess that's what you can expect if you move here. Disrespectful neighbors and lazy management.
If I could give negative stars I would. Absolutely the worst living situation I have ever had. careless rude staff that will ignore you every chance they can as a way to keep their jobs easy. Any shed of hope was lost when the community manager quit and the new one Dianne came in. Shes incredibly rude, heartless, and has no zero ability to properly do her job. She would purposefully avoid your calls and pawn you off to lesser employees who didn't know how to help you. After holding out $800 hostage for 5 months, we had to go above her head to a district manager to finally get it in motion. Flat out: she should be fired. Beyond the horrible management, the apartments were survivable. They are okay, but nothing special. The floors are prone to getting gross and sticky due to the bad finish. The counters are cheap and prone to warping. If you do move in, expect your appliances to break and your pipes to burst. Your neighbors will most likely put cigarette butts and trash down their food disposal in the sink and thus clog your piping as well. While some of our neighbors were good a majority were rude, loud, and disrespectful people. They had no sense of time and no respect for a sleep schedule. Walls are thin so expect quite a few nights with parties into the early AM. If you live in the pool courtyard you can expect the occasional pool party that gets out of hand as well. This place isn't cheap either. It would be one thing if I was saving big bucks to live in a crummy apartment. But to be paying that much and have such a horrible experience is a scam. Seriously, spend the same amount and live in Boulder proper. You can find just as many amenities for the same cost in town.
This place has ridiculous policies. Don't let your friends come visit here unless you want their vehicles to be towed. Tons of parking but you aren't allowed to have guests without a parking permit. God forbid you have a friend watch your dog while you go out of town for a funeral and then their car gets towed and they can't pick you up from the airport. This place needs to me more accommodating for NORMAL living people.
The maintenance people stole things from my apartment. When I explained the issue to management I was told they were very sorry, but they could not help me. The building pipes and plumbing broke often. My apartment was flooded 4 times in the two years I lived there. The heat was shut off by the complex due to issues with the boiler. The hot tub was broken at least once a week. They charged me even though my dog is a service dog. I did not know they could not do that, and when I found out and asked for reimbursement I was told to leave a message and someone would get back to me. They came in to repair my floor because they thought I was letting water leak from my apartment. They slopped quickcrete (spelling? it is a fast set concrete) and placed the laminate back on the floor. The product oozed out around the edges. It turned out it was another leak in the apartment. Bugs of all kinds (ants, cockroaches, and other bugs that I did not know). I constantly had to have the place sprayed (we keep all cereals and loose food in plastic to make sure that we are not the cause of bugs). The water is warm (never cold for drinking) and very cloudy. I had to buy water filters. My upstairs neighbor played drums from 11pm-1am and after asking him to please not play so late as I have a young son trying to sleep. He was cordial, but did not change. So I asked customer service to assist. They told the guy that I had called and he chewed me out. Overall it was a very distressing experience. They never offered any form of reimbursement for troubles that their faulty equipment caused. (The times that the apartment flooded I spent hours cleaning dishes, replacing food products, cleaning clothes, and purses.) It is cheaper than other places per square foot, and that makes it a "good" price. It simply was more expensive in other ways than that price made it worth. Thanks for reading my thoughts, and best of luck in your search for an apartment or house.
Meadowcreek failed to turn over my unit in working condition. In a short period after taking over the unit: 1) the dishwasher flooded the kitchen because a drain hose was improperly installed; 2) the shower head leaked, spraying water on the bathroom ceiling and onto the floor; 3) the toilet had a large leak under the valve too obvious to miss, and the aging hardware in the tank required constant attention, often between individual flushes; and 4) the water supply to the washer was improperly installed so that only scalding hot water was available, regardless of the setting. Later, I also discovered a leaking pipe in a hall closet that posed a mold risk. I've never seen such mediocre execution. The first stretch was spent submitting service requests, which were required on a regular basis for the first few months. One day someone barged into the unit without knocking and startled me when I was in the bathroom. I worried that it was a break-in, and ran into the living room wrapped in a towel. It was a contractor that management dispatched to install a new refrigerator/dishwasher. I've never seen a landlord anywhere in the world enter a unit/dispatch repairperson without giving the tenant at least a 24-48-hour notice, precisely because any decent landlord (read: decent person) would like to extend the courtesy of not barging in on someone using the bathroom, undressed, etc. Once the appliance installation was underway, the contractors had to be reminded multiple times to wear a mask. Boulder was under a mask mandate at the time (still is as of this writing), and I interpreted their insouciance as not just garden-variety irresponsibility, but also a representation of how little respect Meadowcreek/AIMCO has for their tenants. I've called the front office multiple times and filled out multiple quality surveys pertaining to Meadowcreek's poor performance regarding the apartment handover, sloppy maintenance performance, and impolite/irresponsible violations of the mask mandate inside my unit. I received one week-late email from the community manager, Luis, in response to an email about the unit handover debacle (which was pointless by the time he replied), but no other response of any kind or any effort to show good faith that they were at least trying to fulfill their responsibilities in a diligent manner. Pure contempt for tenants. After more episodes of maintenance personnel refusing to wear masks while fixing the endless water leaks in my unit, I reported Meadowcreek to the Boulder County Health Department. Another obnoxious thing that Meadowcreek does is allowing towing companies to prowl the premises at night. I've seen my neighbors get towing warnings on their car for expired tags--the nerve of it! Meadowcreek doesn't bother to handover apartments in an adequate state of repair, and they certainly don't seem to care if one of their maintenance personnel/contractors give you Covid-19, but they want to enforce vehicle registration compliance for the State of Colorado? Bad company, bad values. Until AIMCO can run this place competently and show respect for their customers, I'd highly advise newcomers to the Boulder area to steer clear.
The worst management ever...has own rules for garbage apartments i totally recommend not to live here the staff here is so rude..(I still have 3 months of lease )
this place will come up with a surprise fee or any other way to charge you more money. will do the fastest cheapest option on any repairs and do not care about the comfort or well being of the tenets. Would not recommend an done will insult this complex any chance i get.
I know this place may seem like a dream, and the disgruntled reviews can be taken with a grain of salt. Is this hell on earth? No. Have I been repeatedly overcharged, not refunded any money, have I had maintenance personnel staking out my apartment to verify tenant counts, have I had my car towed from my own apartment for an out of date exhaust check? Yes. You can do better, and I promise whatever you gain isn't worth what you might lose here.
Don't trust Aimco, they're a bunch of crooks and slum lords.
This is an old apartment complex -- the walls are paper thin. Well, can't blame the management for this, since they aren't the builder. But rather than spend the money on improving amenities that have real values to the residents, they hire landscapers to make extremely loud noises for hours to annoy us. What's the point if the lawn is largely dead (because the sprinklers don't work)? Leaving for Starbucks, which is a lot quieter than my own apartment, lol.
The Aimco company is the worse to deal with. I don't know what's worse to call them "Hitler's followers" or "Trump's"? They have such a poor communication skills. They have been bouncing my emails and phone calls as if I was a tennis ball. They have no sympathy for anybody. In fact, I find them very rude, insensitive, and unfair. I broke my lease after living there for 10 days due to loosing my job. So I left CO to move back home in CA. I understood I had to pay 2 months of rent plus the equivalent of 1 month as a termination fee. I had paid the two months, and their bestiality of charging me for utilities that I haven't use or consumed (because remember I didn't live there for the last two months they wanted me to pay, I returned the key and did an apartment inspection). I argued with them about those utilities charges, and they were heartless and didn't care. So, fine, I paid. Then my last bill which is the termination fee equivalent for a month rent. And this time, they had told me this last payment wasn't going to include any other fees, that it was going to be a solid $970 (which was the monthly rent). Well, they decided to throw in there an additional of $160 just in ridiculous feeds that do not even make any sense. I emailed about 10 people from that company due that nobody cares to respond. They are hiding because I have a screen shot that shows the prove that there shouldn't be any additional none sense fees. So they are not responding. I placed a complain with the BBB, and they have tried contacting them, but they won't care to call me to follow up or hear me out. They are evil people. I hope this company one day looses all their business because they are nothing but inhumane, evil creatures.
I recently moved in and at first things seemed okay. Let's start with the good. We live in an upstairs apartment and have a great view of the mountains. We got very lucky with that. The smart locks on the doors are kinda neat. The faux wood flooring looks nice but that's about the extent of what's nice about this place. Now onto the negative. They will nickle and dime you for every little thing. The apartments are too expensive for what they are already, but then they tack on an online fee for your convenience of paying online... Yet there is no other way to pay. You have to pay $50 a year just to receive packages in their smart lockers. If you don't pay this fee they hold your packages with no way to receive them. There is no option to just have packages delivered to your door. When I first moved in I got no information about anything. I had to reach out to them to receive any sort of welcome email or sign on to pay rent even though I was added onto the lease for over a month already. The amenities are fine. The dog park seems nice. The gym works well enough but it is very small and more than 2 people working out at a time can feel crowded. Whoever painted our apartment did a horrible job. It looks like they just did one coat that was way too thick and paint spots are everywhere. It's on the floor, on the mirrors in the bathrooms, and on the light fixtures. The thermostat looks like it's from 1970 and works about as well as you'd expect. The temperature gauge is always wrong and you constantly have to babysit the temperature if you don't want things to get too hot or too cold. We also had an issue with our air conditioning and when the maintenance guys came over days later and fixed it they also said all of our vents were installed backwards and air was just blowing onto the ceiling. Overall, this apartment complex get's the job done but I just do not like how the place is run and how nickle and dimed you feel living here. It just doesn't feel like anything is on your side here... It seems more like things are here for "your convenience" even if you don't want it, just so they have excuses to charge you more.
Wouldn't recommend living here! Every time I try to get help over the phone for any issues, the person I talk with has no idea how to help me. Going into the office doesn't help either. When I first moved in, my gas portion of the utilities was extremely high, when I asked why I was informed that the entire building is "community heat" so if my neighbor wants 80 degrees in their apartment and I don't run my heat, I'm still forced to pay for it. The walls are thin, I can hear my neighbors spit in the morning and their alarms going off, and their "emergency service requests" are a lie. I couldn't get my water to shut off, called the emergency line, no one answered, called 3 different numbers at least 10 times and finally spoke with someone who told me he was sending a tech up from outside Denver to fix my water at 10pm.
We got a quote for a 3 bedroom apartment. When we first met with a leasing agent, they said that utilities were included as a flat rate in the monthly rent. When we moved forward to sign the lease, the lease did not include utilities in the amount quoted for rent. It was going to be an additional $200 per month on top of what they said. I had the quote in writing saying utilities were included and they still refused to reflect the agreement in the lease. Horrible customer service. Do not trust them.
Meadow Creek in Gunbarrel Co is a terriable apartment home choice the walls are paper thin....all conversations can be heard from the neighbors along with intimate activities of those neighbors. Bathrooms are tiny, shower i master bathroom is size of phonebooth (yes Im a senior and remember phonebooths). Office staff is never in office...manager Lewis is disconnected from resident needs, Lucy is incapable of performing her job unless it has been described by the manager to keep office closed and devert all calls to automated answering service..... Move out was nightmare with 2 month notice, charged cleaning fee for leaving a clean apartment and final utility costs were higher than any of the previous months. Dont move here!
I am highly disappointed in the responses from this apartment maintenance personnel to the problems I have been having in my apartment, I have complained 3 different times regarding the same issue of the dripping water from the ceiling problems. Because of a condensation in the closet. The solution: I was told to turn off my AC to resolve this issue during the middle of summer. The not so impressive solution. I have had a bucket in my closet since August 15th what is they left in my closet and forgot. The maintenance person told me he would return on Monday (August 18th) but he has not returned. The bucket is still there. Water was still dripping from the ceiling until couple day ago. Not only am I concerned of the damage to my wardrobe.... I am also concerned of the humidity, mold and smell... it is causing in my closet. I was very offended by the maintenance man's comment: "you are not the only one in this apartment with this problem." I am a responsible tenant. I pay my rent on time every month. I should not have to hesitate to ask for maintenance and repair. When a tenant needs to ask for maintenance the response should be: 1. Find out what the fundamental problem is. 2. Fix the problem. A real fix. Not a palliative. 3. Come back to check that the problem has been solved. I am very upset and unhappy with this situation.
Avoid ground units, especially those next to stairs. If you're moving from out of state I recommend getting a short term lease even if it costs more. You won't want to spend more than a month at this place, especially if you're a working professional. Due to Covid I've been working from home for a while and dogs bark nonstop in other units, walls are paper thin. I was right next to the stairs and people would ride bikes down the stairs making it sound like an earthquake in my unit. Awful! Maybe other units are better, but being on the ground floor and next to the stairs was unbearable.
Lived here for a year. Not the worst place to live but they raise the rent to a point that's not really worth it considering how old this place is. They have so many hidden fees that you end up paying a lot in addition to rent. also be aware of the move out process. They will charge you $100 cleaning fee no matter what.
Awful place to live. I've never reviewed anything in my life but I want to make sure people know the truth about this place. To begin, the AC gets shut off early in the fall and is turned on late in the summer. It's also the worst AC I've ever seen. Usually it doesn't blow out even lukewarm air. I'd rather not use it all, but I know I will have to pay for it on the bill because the complex doesn't track individual usage, so even if you don't use any AC you will have to pay for the rest of the complex's usage. Then there's the plumbing. If one of the apartments in the building gets clogged, water backs up and clogs the rest of the building. The tap water tastes and smells weird. The washing machine is loud and the dryer takes at least 90 minutes. The walls are thin. The cabinets are a step below plywood. And finally the service is awful. The maintenance crew is fantastic, the front desk and management are the problem. No matter how many emails I send there is never a response to my question or problem. Only a "sorry you feel that way" type automated response. And now they will probably comment below this post and ask me to contact them. Well I have been trying, that's why I've come here to make this post.
DO NOT LIVE HERE!!!! I've unfortunately lived here for the last two years. I was going to move away, but the pandemic stranded me here. I have been renting apartments for the last 12 years and I am not exaggerating when I say this is the worst apartment complex I have ever lived in. The apartments themselves subpar at best. My apartment flooded on three separate occasions because a pipe burst in one of the apartments next to me. Oh and better find your own shower head because the water pressure is non-existent. Be prepared to get weekly notices that they're shutting the water off in the building for repairs. I was also told I would have the master bedroom connected to the bathroom. Neither of the rooms in my apartment connect to the bathroom. When I told them this, they were surprised and confused as to why I didn't have a connected bathroom?? They lied about the layout of my apartment from the jump. Also, the walls/floors are paper thin. Enjoy hearing every single conversation and activity your neighbors are doing. And let's not forget the FLYING ANT INFESTATION I had in my bathroom for over a month before someone came to take care of it. Even though I had been asking the entire time for literally anyone to come help get rid of the ants. I'm not kidding when I say I woke up one morning and there were 25 of them in my bathroom sink. The people running this place are USELESS. If you want to get your packages on time or delivered correctly, good luck. Almost every single time I've gotten a package sent to their "secure and easy access package room" I've had to call the maintenance team. to get it for me. Don't even try to get in touch with anyone at the front office. Your calls and emails will not be returned in a timely manner, if they're ever returned at all. Even when the office is open (on the rare occasion it is) no one will be there to help you. Save yourself the trouble and find a different place to live. It's way too overpriced for the poor quality of these buildings.
I'm sorry if my star rating is misleading to some people, but Google won't let me give zero stars. I loved my first nine months here. The maintenance people were great and we have the most amazing next door neighbor. Then all of a sudden things flipped and service was terrible. I figured people were adjusting to a pay cut so I cut them some slack and renewed my over priced apartment. The apartment complex does a few major things that had I known about I would not have renewed. 1. They charge you late fees on utilities much more than the amount due without telling you what you will be charged. I pay the rent portion on the 30th of each month then the utilities a few days later. However, sometimes if I know I won't be able to pay later, I throw in a few HUNDRED dollars in hopes to cover the utilities. Sometimes I will get to my front door after being out of town to find a statement on my door saying I estimated a few dollars (so far it has been anywhere as low as 8 and 50.08 at the highest) too short. On top of this amount, they would like me to pay $170 late fee and "delivery fee" on top of it. How can my late fee be more than the charge itself????? And this wouldn't be a problem anyway if I knew how much I was paying for utilities. 2. The utilities things also gets me going because you pay for what you don't use. I was out of town for a month and came back to the highest utility bill yet. No lights on, no heat on, nothing. BE WARNED 3. I had a decorative fall display on my table on my porch along with a broom and an entrance mat. I was told that it is against the policy to have those here. My dog also tore my blinds mid work-week and I was told I only had two days (two extremely busy days in which I didn't even have time for me to shower) to replace them. 4. I have been waiting over a week for a service request to be filled. 5. DO NOT OVER PAY EVER. Once they accidentally over charged me and I spoke with a woman about correcting that. She said she did and that it would be applied to the next month's utilities. As usual, I paid my entire bill on the 30th, only to find out that the charges WERE NOT APPLIED to my bill. That meant I had both a late fee and some missing money. 6. I have mice. As do other neighbors. 7. I have received notices telling me to "stop smoking" (I don't smoke) because my upstairs neighbors drop their cigarette butts onto my porch like it's an ashtray. Even though I have explained this many times, the administration continues to ask me to quit a habit I never started. 8. There is no AC in the "winter" months and no heat in the "summer" months even if it's an abnormally hot/cold day. 9. The cost to get out of one's lease is so outrageous that as badly as I want to leave I'm unable to because it would cost me a fortune. Especially considering I recently lost my job and can't afford their high demands Do your self a favor. DON'T move here. It's like writing your own ransom note. If it gets better I will be happy to let everyone know, but as of right now I wouldn't suggest this place to even my worst enemy because even this is too cruel of a punishment.