Brianne Marie

Charge over $300 a month for tenants to park, but front office staff can park in future residents parking while living on the property? This place is vile. The "maintenance" guys are rude and are capable of repairing nothing, the property manager Brittanyee (however you spell her name) is disgusting and will lie out of her ass to your face and cop a little 'tude when she feels superior to you. I'm finally moving the hell out of this cesspool and had a walk-through appointment at 3PM; at 4:15 PM they arrive at my unit, no apology OR explanation for being late. They have 0 regard for your time, all the staff cares about is getting their discount on rent, sitting on their phones in the golf carts, and abusing the parking situation. UPDATE: Uh sorry George, these people DO NOT have passes and they take up the GUEST PARKING WITH NO PASSES. I have photos, the license plate numbers, I trust you still will do nothing to make the situation better.