Zach Long

Our mail room was broken into and our mail was stolen 3 or 4 times including mail containing an 800 dollar check and credit cards that they fraudulently opened. Our cars were broken into and things were stolen. And nothing was done about any of this. So we decided we were fed up with this and moved out 1 month early very little was done to find a tenant so we wouldn't have to pay the full last month of rent so we had to pay everything. The least aimco could have done since they didn't do anything else to provide us with security at our home would have been to let us out of our lease early because of all the problems we had. I had to call maintenance 4 times to reinstall our bedroom door and laundry doors because they took shortcuts and didn't install them correctly which cause both doors to fall of the hinges and once the laundry room door came off the hinges and hit me. On inspection they told us we were responsible for paying for the paint even though no damages were done to the apartment and that is very legally clear. It has been over a month since we moved out and I have not received my security deposit which is legally guaranteed within 21 days. We have called over and over and left messages and no one has called us back regarding this problem. Now weeks later after days and days of contacting we received a call that our security deposit will not be returned because there was a past due balance. Even though we paid our rent through the entirety of our lease they still charged us an early termination fee to try to scam us out of more money. Bravo Monterey grove you have to be the sleaziest apartment complex I have ever dealt with.