Alex Chizhik

We pay $3,000+ in rent - which is NOT cheap. Yet this building has MASSIVE AC, water and HVAC outages every year. I have been living here since 2012 and we have had day-log AC outages over and over. Last summer, the AC was out 15-20 times in the summer. This year there have "only" bee 5 outages but here is how long they lasted: 36 hours, 10 hrs, 11 hrs, 9 hrs, and today there is another one - we are at 3.5hrs and counting. We are talking 110 heat index and no AC. Management sugar coats their responses (even on Yelp) saying - we're glad we were able to resolve the problem, yet the problem is NOT fixed. Further, rent increases were 8% this year and management will not discount rent or even compensate you for a $60 fan to help cool the apartment down. Especially if you have kids, are elderly, or work from home. STAY OUT!