Hans Loven

Update 07/25/16 - A/C is out. Again. Update 07/06/16 - well, the A/C (one system for the whole building) is broken again, and it's 93 degrees... also since the last update, one garage door was broken and left to stand open for 2 weeks--not great for security. Do not believe the 'response from owner' -- neither calling them, nor visiting the leasing office in person, does any good. Nothing is made right, no concessions given... Their only offering today--a suggestion to open our windows--ha! Update 05/30/16 - well... the A/C is bandaged for now--but today an elevator has broken down again. Awesome... just hanging out in the lobby with our baby in the stroller, and melting frozen goods... Update 05/28/16 - first hot day of the summer--A/C is broken down by 3pm, again! Rent was raised this year... obviously just lining their pockets, while the critical systems in building fall further into disrepair. Can't wait to get out of here! Used to be a good place to live, but Capitol Properties is so cheap that the place is falling apart. In any given week, you can expect for the water, A/C, elevators, or some combination thereof to be out of commission for an extended period. Major concerns like these only have bandages applied, while the little money they do spend goes only toward trying to trick new people into moving in... e.g., touching up paint and light fixtures. Other problems--for instance, the icy breeze that blows in the leaky windows, strong enough to rattle the blinds, all winter long--go completely unaddressed. Oh--and count on them having the audacity to expect rent rises that dramatically outpace inflation, despite the deteriorating conditions.