Viv K.

We moved here early 2020, so we spent lots of time at home and in the community. At first it was pretty great, quiet community, good up-keep around the complex, but covid happened and I guess the cost-cutting started to show. A lot of very young, party-loving people moved in, standard of maintenance had gone down. We had a smaller apartment when we first moved in, and transferred to a bigger unit when the rent came down due to covid. That's when our nightmare started. Management: They do NOT care at all after they got you signing the contract. Emailed Patrick at least 3 times to follow up the transfer. Nothing, no replies whatsoever. So we went into the office and was ensured that everything was ready to go for us. We paid the hefty $500 plus other fees to transfer to another unit, only found out on the day that they had completely forgotten about it. Nothing was prepared for us, no new lease, no keys, no nothing. Wasted a morning to get everything sorted when they had a whole month to get things ready. Complaints do not work. They don't care. We lived above a family of 4. We could hear the mother and children screaming all the time. Their door slamming caused our floor and walls to shake, my dog was constantly scared and couldn't relax in his own home. Children running and stomping in the apartment 24/7. Screaming and stomping up and down the stairs outside. We tried to ignore the noise, but it's way too much, felt like earthquake strike us everyday. We complained to management 3 times in one year, no improvement obviously or else we wouldn't have to complain more than once. When the neighbours found out we complained, we were harassed by even more noise, aggressive notes and unfriendly confrontation. We also later found out the management encouraged them to write us notes... nasty, aggressive notes! It's not a smoke-free community. You'll get emails from the office every now and then to tell people not to smoke. But that's all they do. You can see cigarette buds all over the complex. Community maintenance & security: Maintenance is average. Not worth the rent and bills. Dog poop everywhere, trash overflowing everyday, teenagers breaking into the pool at night, random kids staying at the fireplace late at night drinking & playing loud music, non-residents dumping their trash and resulting extra costs for the residents because management calls 1-800-junk to pick up all the garbage. Paint, ladders and tools are sometimes left in the community, who cares about a safe community amirite? Teens are constantly breaking into the pool area and partying there. Cars are constantly getting broken into, even if you paid for a covered garage. Storage units also get broken into all the time. No cameras in the community, no security measures, not gated, homeless people seen sleeping within the community, coyotes also wander around the area. Dog park: It used to smell really bad. Some dog owners and I collectively asked them to clean it on a regular basis and they finally did. Some dog owners do not pick up their dogs' poo, even in the dog park. This older guy has two very reactive and aggressive dogs, he refuses to take their them out of the park. Residents from Evergreen (complex next to PBV) come and use the dog park as well. Giardia is a never ending problem in the community. Stay away from the dog park. Some people leave their dog out on the balcony all night, the dog would cry and bark all night. A guy also takes his very vocal dogs out 6.30am everyday. Good luck if you get a unit near the park. Mail room/ deliveries: You will get charged using the locker service, get charge even more if you don't pick up your packages right away. Mail room is always overflowing, your neighbors will steal your packages. Food/ groceries deliveries get lost all the time. Bills here are ridiculous. Two of us were paying $400+ for bills every month, NOT including PG&E or internet. The charge for trash is always different, some of the months we were paying over $100 for trash! Everything comes with a fee. Want to pay with credit card? FEE! Want to transfer to another unit? FEE! Want to use the mail locker? FEE! Want to park your car? FEE! You have a pet? FEE! You want to use the clubhouse that you already are paying the maintenance for? FEE! Be prepared for windy, cold, damp weather. You will have moss all over your balcony. You will find mold on your windows and blinds.