Cee G.

I moved in over two years ago and I still reside at PBV, I was super happy until an inconsiderate neighbor moved into the unit above me. This neighbor moved in around early November and the day he moved in, the noise has been 24/7. He walks loud he stomps and constantly moves furniture all hours of the day. My unit and his unit are 540 square feet so I have no idea why he constantly moves his furniture, he also has a young child who wakes up super early and runs and jumps onto the hardwood flood and wakes me up. I confronted this neighbor several times and I have complained to the persons in the leasing office and yet my complaints fall on silent ears. I'm not the type of person to complain but when you can't sleep and are constantly awakened by stomping, things being thrown onto the floor, a child running, then your patience runs thin. Last night there were people partying in the pool after 2am. There is supposed to be a night security where were they? They were definitely not checking the area because they would have seen the people having a party. If you are looking to rent at PBV, the advice I can give you, is take the top unit, they are expensive but at least your peace won't be disturbed. I have a person below me and I do not walk loud or disturb my below neighbors I am beyond considerate. Wish I had the same consideration by dude upstairs.