Audrey L.

Downgrading to 2 stars as I'm constantly stepping over dog poop that owners nor the complex facility cleans up. Neighbors are inconsiderate and leave their dogs cooped up inside all day so they're constantly barking and running around at night when you're trying to sleep. I feel horrible for the dogs and don't think they should be allowed to be kept like that. People often call their pets their fur babies, but if you left your kids inside all day and only took them out for a 10 minute potty break 1-2 times a day, I'm pretty sure social services would be called. It's one thing to have a small dog but to have multiple dogs in a small apartment and let them bark all day and night is a bit much. This place is way over priced for what you get. We've had the bathroom filter changed soon after move in but it hasn't helped. The vent blows dust everywhere and its automatically always on. If you decide to live here I suggest in getting an upstairs unit so you can be as loud and inconsiderate of those below you because management will not do anything about it. Also invest in ear plugs.