Nicole A.

Update: After 2+ years we have decided to move out. Initially just for financial reasons. The office contacted us shortly after we gave notice and offered us a deal if we stayed (basically by not increasing our rent) which was awesome and we did consider it...BUT it wasn't enough to sway us especially considering our unfortunate list of growing annoyances these last few months. ANTS!: I think we encountered ants maybe 2 times in the 2+ years we have lived here. Always just a random ant scout or two. We'd always thoroughly clean the kitchen down afterwards to make sure we weren't attracting them in any way and they were never an issue for us. BUT then about a month ago we noticed the smoke alarm in our master bedroom would occasionally go off at random times. After about a week or two of the odd behavior my husband decided to try changing the battery.....and OMG ANTS ANTS ANTS ANTS ANTS! Swarming! SO gross! I was standing on a chair smashing ants that strayed too far because I didn't want them dropping in our bed! We left the smoke alarm dangling that night and the disturbance was enough for the ants to leave it seemed, and by the time PBV sent out pest control A FEW DAYS seemed vacant. They put some stuff up in the smoke alarm and put some traps out in my kitchen (which i still haven't seen an ant in my kitchen btw but better safe than sorry I guess). However, it has now been over a week since they initially came out and this smoke alarm has been chirping non stop now plus the ants keep setting the alarm off! In one night they set it off 3 times! We are losing are ever loving minds! We can't hardly sleep and one of our cats is so stressed out she has taken to living under our couch! We sent another request in 2 nights ago and they still haven't contacted us! šŸ™ To be fair I'm not sure how long this is supposed to take but it's definitely making us look forward to moving out when before it was purely a financial decision! Makes me wonder if any of our neighbors are having ant issues? I mean...there's none in our kitchen and we certainly don't leave crumbs on our ceiling! This is insanity! I'm pretty sure this is a safety hazard! I want to rant on about our new-ish, noisy, bowling with cement shoes, upstairs neighbor, his rude garage parking habits, or the suspiciously yellow stream of liquid pouring down from his balcony on to my balcony plants this morning...but I'm trying to rate PBV fairly and I realize my tolerance levels may be at an all time low right know from my lack of sleep and the Chinese water torture of incessant bleeping blaring beeping!!!! So I'm only knocking one star off....for now! /End Rant Otherwise have enjoyed PBV! See previous reviews for less sleep deprived snark.