Dil R.

This is the 3rd review for this place. This is for the manager and the maintenance team. We had 3 issues in our apartment which we needed maintenance support. 1.the garage door that opened on its own since we moved here in 2014. We have made several complaints but nobody fixed it. The funny things is the manager Christina keep sending residents emails requesting to give 100% on closing garage doors as if she isn't aware that some doors have issues opening an closing automatically without anyone attempting. 2. Exhaust vent in the bathroom is not properly working. We filed a ticket for this on the PBV website a WEEK ago. But upto now NO ONE responded. 3. Then the towel rack fell apart for the second time (Which the maintenance team fixed last month) making a hole on the wall. We filed a ticket for this two days ago. But NO ONE responded. 4. When they rent parking spots, they are unaware of the sizes of the vehicles. They recently rented a compact size parking spot which is on the side of the garages that attached to the building, for a large truck. The truck was blocking our garage door and we have so much trouble taking our vehicle out of the garage. When we complained they only told the truck owner to park his truck forward as much as he can. Thankfully he's doing it but the problem is still there. And needless to mention the Tiny garages. There's only 2 inches left on each side between our car and the garage walls so imagine backing up with a truck blocking at the rear. You can't fit a truck on a compact size spot! 5. This morning we see another email from manager requesting the residents to play police. Asking us to keep an eye on unauthorized vehicles on rented spots and asking us to take pictures of those cars. Seriously isn't that some that should be taken care from your end? I'm sure the rent is high enough to justify some security on your end. This is the worst manager residents could ever have. The previous manager Rochelle was the only manager who handled everything so professionally! This Manger is totally unaware of the issues of the residence and does not respond. I have emailed the manage regarding the garage door a month ago. I never received any acknowledgement or a response from her yet. The maintenance team used to be responsive but with our latest experience they are not responding to any of the tickets filed that needs support. STEER CLEAR FROM THIS APARTMENT! YOU'LL ONLY LIVE HERE IN MISERY PAYING SKY HIGH RENT THAT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE.