Muhammad A.

If there is less than a star, I will give this apartment complex. I lived there for two years and below are the issues I had: 1) Parking is just a hassle they give you one garage and you have to pay for the second parking $100 which is a rip off after researching other apartment complexes might ask for $65. So the solution was like others every tenant with a second car will use the guest parking space and it reached the level where its reserving them. So a person will bring a car and left their garage empty just to reserve a gust parking for their second car. Managers are not solving the issue and they are just sitting in their offices doing nothing. Note, this issue only started this year. With the previous management they were very helpful and understanding they were even allowing you to park in empty reserved spots until the spot is rented to new tenants. 2) the building is built with no noise isolation (cheap building). If someone on a floor over you is walking, you hear it and it is so annoying o a level that you can't sleep. Worst if you are at a top floor and the person underneath knock on your door and tell you they cannot sleep because you are walking IN YOUR APARTMENT. 3) They ask for 60 days notice to leave unlike any other place were the norm is 30 days notice. 4) once you leave they charge you $180 for cleaning even if you clean the apartment yourself. 5) they charge you to paint the walls although they are normal wear and tear. I mean a normal thing if a family lives in an apartment for two years the walls will not be as bright as newly painted ones. 6) after you leave you pay bills for trash and water and sewer for two month even if you don't live in the in the apartment. Like literally they know its empty. When you talk to them they will tell you it is the contract. 7) good luck to get your deposit back. 8) good luck to reach them by phone to ask about the deposit. I have been calling them for 5 days and leaving voicemail and no response.