Seulah C.

I'm a current resident and moved here in 6/1. 1. COLD. FREEZING COLD. Even though it is summer time, the temperature is always below 60 degree. Baby has been sick due to cold since we moved here. 2. What is worse, ENERGY-INEFFICIENT itself. ($300+/month for elec bill in summer time) Concerning electricity bill, we have turned on the heater only for the night time, BUT $287 for 25 days?!? (Refer to the my first electricity bill in PHOTO section) I have never heard of this much of bill only for the electricity. I recommend this place if you want to lose your health due to cold, while paying tons of money for the utility. P.S. They pretend to resolve the issue by putting note like "I'm sorry that there are some aspects of Pacific Bay Vistas that you don't enjoy. If I can be of help in any way, please let me know. Feel free to email me at [email protected] and our property leadership team will be in touch." BUT, THEY DON'T DO ANYTHING THAN THIS NOTE.