Andrew O.

******DO NOT LIVE HERE**********PACIFIC BAY VISTAS IS A RIP OFF************ This is a cheaply built (and poorly planned) corporate development in the epicenter of the worst weather in the bay area. All of the amenities they tout as their major selling points are a mirage. - The dog park is a tiny astro turf enclosure, that with the scores of dogs that now live here has become a piss and sh$t cesspool. - Apparently, PBV has opted for the "bargain hunter" trash collection service, as on any given day the bins are overfilled and trash is blowing in the incessant wind throughout the property. - I'm assuming the PBV property managers desinged the parking lot/policies because judging by their horrible customer service and generally lame demeanors they aren't expecting friends over at their homes any time soon. So why have guest parking? As for the rest of us, (what must be several hundred tenants at this point,) who do have the occasional friend that wants to stop by the paltry ammount of guest spaces is a joke. And PS. F*$#K off with your little faux parking tickets. -Oh but what about that indoor pool? Yeah the pool is nice enough, but some genius decided to put in a venting system thats powered by a jet engine. The deafening noise ruins what would be one of the only plusses to this place. And I guess if your training for the Ironman and are just doing power laps this shouldn't bother you. But forget hanging out by the pool with friends. Well, you could wear earplugs and just text each other. The list could go on and on. The only positive would be that once you are in your unit you are protected from the base elements. Which I guess meets the minimum definition of "shelter". But, as many of my fellow Yelper's have pointed out it ain't all that much better once you get inside. I would complain about the paper thin walls too, if it wasn't I who is guilty of keeping my neighboors up with my constant screams of frustration for having to live here for a whole entire year.