Jay R.

I'm not gonna go on about all the cons of living here as you can read the other bad reviews that are true. However, I will state what really disappointed me that I didn't read in the reviews below. There's always somebody blocking our designated uncovered parking (paid for additionally) on the weekends and we cannot call a tow and the office (not reachable in evenings) only leaves a note asking to contact office if they need to rent a parking space. Very disappointing to pay for parking and have someone block your space every weekend and not be able to do anything about it. The office said residents are not allowed to call towing and there are no signs either saying that unauthorized vehicles will be towed. Even if we could call a tow we'd still feel insecure to do so in fear of the possibility of person who got car towed getting mad and vandalizing our vehicle. Other than that, also been getting poor sleep due to hearing neighbors: having sex at night or early morning; stomping around (if I live on top floor and can hear them next door then I feel bad for the ones below them); shower and toilet flushing; etc. And to end it here, the apartment is nice but small and the amenities are cool, but of course they have to be, since we pay a very expensive rent here.