Chad W.

Stayed her for a year and am so happy to be out of there. Just recently moved out a month ago. Pro: - 24/7 Gym with good equipment, but had multiple issues of people stealing weights and equipment... took over a month to replace. - Great view from our apartment Cons: - Poor quality buildings. Wind howls through outlets, switches and door. Had a crack in our front door that you could put a quarter through, but they wouldn't fix. So any heat would just escape. - Poor quality floors. Really thin wood floors, you will know exact location of upstairs people. Get top floor. I had top, manager told me to walk really quietly... - People didn't pick up after their dog, shit everyhwere - Parking is a joke - People smoke... no matter how they try to sell it as smoke free - When we moved out we found mold on a bunch of stuff in our closet... the cracks in the doors made keeping moisture out impossible - Don't expect your deposit back - just found out they are keeping almost all of it when our place was left cleaner than when we moved in - I could go on for many many more things Find something else, this place is not worth the money.