A W.

New everything.. at a cost. Once you sign the lease, they forget about you. Don't email them because they won't reply. Just go in person where they can't hide from you. They supposedly have an AT&T representative but she never contacted me back. And since its a new building, I've had so many issues AT&T. From installation to cable randomly going out twice due to the way our unit was built. There is basically no guest parking.There were more before but they've changed so many to "reserved" spots. They charge a monthly fee for an additional car so why would they dare have any "guest" spots with the slight chance you park your car there. If all the spots are filled, there is no other place for guests to park! None! So forget that housewarming party you wanted to have. The apartment is freezing. I talked to a maintenance guy and he said the units were built bad and allow air throw the light switches. You can actually feel the air blowing through! Another faulty design! My personal heater is always on. Even on a rare warm sunny day, the damn apartment is cold! STOMP STOMP STOMP. I have an elephant living above me. Well, not really but sure sounds like it. I hear everything my upstairs neighbor does, and she's a skinny female. I'm going crazy! I hear her walking, moving chairs, opening her drawers.. Omfg Great grass area for the dog. But that's the only place you can take them apparently. Only location with dog bags and a trash can. There are no trash cans by the BBQ either. Power outages!!!! Get used to them. If you have dogs, then beware because when your power comes back, the smoke alarm goes off. I had a couple bad experiences when my dogs were alone with the smoke alarm going off ugh. You also have to worry about your food spoiling because the fridge goes out. Laundry is outside in the patio. What an odd, stupid design. Solicitors! I've received a handful of doorbells between 6pm to 7pm which in my opinion is suspicious time for neighboring schools to come ask for donations. You also get the regular coupons on your door knob. The unit itself looks nice and that's what you're paying for. Everything lake is annoying. (The entire time I was writing this I have been listening to the footsteps of my neighbor!!)