Barbie Q.

Why didn't I read these reviews before applying, paying $168 application fees(wasted) and $750 for putting the until on hold!! ...but I am so SO GLAD it didn't work out! We went on a tour about a month ago and we were really impressed by all the amenities they have and the looks of the apartment...we came back last weekend to finally apply...but (luckily) we were not approved due to a rental account of one of my family member (broke a lease in the's a long long story) At first we were given hope...after the screening our agent told us that there are just some confusions and it "might" be fix by turning in some I did all of it that he was telling me even though I was really busy at work. Later on that day...He emailed me saying to prepare the payments we would need the next day and to also sign some docs online. Regardless of the disappointment he has given us from telling us that on the unit we selected we are able to get the 2 months free but right after I turned in the application he told us that he had made a mistake and that it was a wrong unit! We are nice people we don't go over crazy with that as long as you are nice to us and helps us. So...we waited till next morning...and there I received an email saying that we were not approved and that they can not help us anymore further. Wtf! Seriously? Saying that having broken a lease in the past is an automatic "NO" wtf!? So everyone else is also a no? Why didn't you tell us that before? If one gets a NO everyone will get a NO also....and why didn't you tell us that right away when you get the result of the screening! not make us wait and making us turn in docs that is not even needed since you guys said having broken a lease in the past is an automatic NO!! And just emailing us sorry? That is so professional guys! It's crazy how this whole apartment complex looks all nice and clean...but the services they have and the treatments you get is insanely bad! Are they also human? Or robots? If you guys(Aimco) are reading this we would like to be refunded for the application fees we just wasted! Not because we got declined but for giving us wrong unit! Wrong advertisement! ...and also Sam (our agent) is more professional by contacting us first before emailing us than their supposed to be manager Wendy? Windy? Whom just emailed us first before actually contacting us personally. The only reason why she called is to see if I checked the email she sent! Oh what a great service!! Oh well I am just glad and happy now that I read all these reviews on yelp! It really helps!! If I can give a zero star I totally would...