Liz V.

This is a really pretty apartment complex, but I think there are some shady people working there. Before I even moved in, I had rented a storage unit on the property. It was broken into TWICE. The police officer who investigated said that there was no sign of a break in - the thief had had a key. Yesterday, my sister and I moved almost everything out and left the apartment for the night. When we came today, what few things of value left had been stolen (a drill, a steam vacuum, my Sonic Care toothbrush??). Denials all around, but talking with neighbors, I now hear that other people have either had their suspicions or left the complex because of stuff going missing. Although the manager was sympathetic, there wasn't much she could do and she wasn't suspicious of her staff. I, however, am convinced that someone who has keys has been breaking into apartments there. So be warned and be wary if you live here. It's a nice apartment, but it comes at a price.